Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by HidingInTheLight

  1. Cant make stone pick

  2. I'm out for a while

    Aye, HPs can be a pain to update things on. Check your options.txt file in .minecraft double check that advancedOpengl:false Is false. If it is already false, try rolling back to a system restore from before you updated. The driver you need is definitely going to be in the legacy section like someone above mentioned. As to the amd vs. geforce it's the same as coke vs pepsi and less filling vs. tastes great battles, it all comes down to personal experiences and preferences. I started off building systems with ati cards, bought one geforce card that I had nothing but problems with, went back to ati/amd cards and never looked back.
  3. Modding problems

    You are supposed to get rock, from the rocks. Flint was done away with (for the most part) idk, about the weird recipe you'd need to be a bit more specific then that.
  4. Modding problems

    Well hopefully you copy and pasted the content from inside forge, player api, tfc core and resources zip files. Other then that just make sure you are using the correct version each.
  5. "Crash" upon Start-up

    Lol. we posted at the exact same time. Looks like you may have started on yours a few minutes before me tho. =)
  6. Crash of world generation

    Are you using the correct version of forge?
  7. "Crash" upon Start-up

    Wrong version of forge.
  8. Crash of world generation

    Check this thread. I actually linked a screen shot, of how I have multiMC setup for loading TFC. Make sure you have things in the same order. You need the first 4 in the list, the last 3 are optional mods.
  9. Crash of world generation

    Forge isn't installed properly.
  10. So it IS possible.

  11. Server Problem

    Your client is the same version as the server?
  12. Multi mc will crash when i try to make a world or join a server

    You don't need modloader, just forge. Here is my load order.
  13. [Offline] Nessaja TFCraft Minecraft Server

    No. You were punished for your own action. You said so yourself, you knew you would be banned if you placed the lava again. So you built something for another player, and your friend decided since you were gone that he should destroy someone's property? If you built it for someone else, it's there's not yours. Sounds like your friend got what he deserved as well. What if you had built your friends shop? Should he have destroyed his own place, just because it was your creation? Even from your side of the story, looks like the correct decision was made.
  14. Compatibility list

    Ironchests mod works, copper and silver chests work with the TFC variants of the ingots, iron/gold/diamond chests worked after I enabled the vanilla recipes/conversions for them. The recipes don't show in NEI, but knowing them I was still able to craft them.
  15. Chest size fix.

    That can be said about any feature you don't enjoy. While I do agree that the chest size nerf detracted from my personal enjoyment. I can also understand what the developers are aiming at by reducing the size. To make my personal gameplay more enjoyable again, I installed the ironchests mod, and flipped on the vanilla conversion recipes. (Tho that wasn't really necessary as I have mostly been using the copper and silver chests, and those work without the config change) I do think the chests from that mod are too large, I'd like to see a TFC version of it. You'd be able to step up the size slowly using all the different metal types available in TFC, add a row to the chest with each step up the metal progression.
  16. assistance setting up an economy system?

    I like the gem idea for currency, it's something I had been thinking of as well. The only problem I see is setting up a set price for anything. The longer the server runs the more gems will be in circulation so you'll get deflation. So at the start people may only be willing to pay 20gp for a stack of charcoal, but after the amount of gems in circulation increases prices will increase. I'd let things run in a free market setup. If people are willing to pay me 50gp for charcoal, that's what i'd charge untill someone else started undercutting me or I could start charging more if I couldn't keep up with the demand.
  17. Emphasis on Caving

    Well, you said you had trouble finding your first ore. And since I have seen many typos referring to rock/ore types. I was offering advise on how to find your first ore. Thinking you meant granite instead of Garnierite So maybe you should type your problems more clearly, or not mash multiple thoughts together. Or say instead explain what you meant more clearly instead of copping an attitude about it.
  18. Tree Climbing Boots

    I's rather see a tool added that allows you to reach higher in the tree. Like a Pole Saw.
  19. Emphasis on Caving

    Please, no. I hate caving. Look for any of the igneous intrusive rocks on the surface. It doesn't need to be only granite anymore (If you are playing one of the last few releases). Once you find any of those 3 rock types, just run around on the surface tapping away with the propick. I generally go in search of hickory trees, tapping with the propick as I go. Tap hillsides, and cliff faces, and just the grass below your feet. The last ones are the easiest to pin point once you have found them. After finding the proper rock types, it generally doesn't take much to find tin and or bismuth
  20. Time to merge Client-core and Textures?

    I doubt Bioxx is doing it for the adfly pennies. There was a few of us a couple months back pushing him to get the adfly links, so we had a way to give a little back to him. If he was really looking for the adfly revenue, he never would have combined the TFC_core with the TFC_game files, and left us all downloading 3 links.