Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Ryuugumo

  1. Wooden/Clay Walls

    I think it should be three blocks not two. Wait never mind two blocks would mean that if you want a 7x7 with 5x5 area inside you'd have a more interesting roof. Though I do have to insist that worked stone keep at least three. I'd never be able to get a decent looking cathedral since the standard distance is five and may go as high as ten before hitting another support beam. So after thinking about it wood should be two or three and worked stone should be five. (you have to keep in mind people build with archs) Example of good architechure that might break because of this change unless certain measures are taken: Just so we're clear I'm not worried about the roof just about my supports since the center support spans ten blocks and has a total of six "unsupported" blocks in the middle of it's arch, unless you're counting the half-slabs and stairs as supports. In which case, it's only two blocks "unsupported" and would be fine even if you reduced it down to one block away. I guess that wouldn't seem unreasonable since stone is heavier, but please let slabs and stairs help support the "unsupported" or you remove architechure like this.
  2. TerraFirmaCraft install guide for 52e

    Sorry you had so much trouble. You should have checked youtube. There's like three video guides for installation.
  3. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    Bioxx has already said "No NPCs."Also if you're going to quote someone at least talk about what they said or there is absolutely no point in quoting them. If I could thumbs down you I would for mis-quoting in the truest from and wasting my time on top of that.
  4. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    Maybe we could have a seige block that removes block protection in a 20x20x20 area but it takes X in-game-month(s) for it to remove that protection. While the block is threatening the protection it'll send a "Your city is under seige" warning once a day at noon. Here's where it gets fun. You're going to want to hide your siege block so they cann't lift your siege before the timer is up; however, it must be close enough to the target block for it to work. [enter fun balancing PvP mechanic] Make the siege block expensive but reusable and you get rid of "fly-by-night" griefers and introduce siege workshops that produce these for larger sieges. Using this block would mean it would take one siege attack to get by a walled city and another siege attack to level that same city (provided that nobody removes to siege blocks.) Putting that in perspective, if you configure the siege block to work over three in-game-months, then it'll take six in-game-months and alot of siege blocks to level a walled city that isn't fighting back and is smaller than forty blocks in radius (if it's larger than that it'll take more siege attacks.)
  5. Gem Cutting

    Back in 2004 they published a method to reach warp speed via solar sails. After further testing they realized it was only warp 0.9 and not warp 1. Why terminal velocity? You and your brother friction/drag make us do further research. I bet we'll find the energy cost for that space fold drive unworth the costs. Amazingly enough all this science was around back in the 60s.
  6. Gem Cutting

    With as long as mankind has been here and with as many people have lived, I can say this non-original phrase with gusto "There is nothing new under the sun." Yes, I'm aware that somewhere in history someone else said exactly what I just did, but I don't care cause I didn't hear it.
  7. Gem Cutting

    Take your own advise dude. They don't say the same thing. One says if you punch zombies with a gem they catch on fire and the other says no gems don't have the ability to do that until they're put on something.
  8. Gem Cutting

    Unless gems have a natural magic essence embued in them and cann't focus their magic unless embedded in a focusing item I.E. a sword.
  9. Anime?

    This is why.
  10. Anime?

    Ranma 1/2 (drama and martial arts) Outlaw Star (action, space and SciFi, better than Cowboy Bebop) Cowboy Bebop (action and space) Rune Soldier (action, drama, comedy, just awesome) Excel Saga (never fails to cheer me up, WARNING don't watch two episodes back to back) Full Metal Panic (comedy, giant robots, do I really need to say more?) Neon Genesis (drama and giant robots, very trippy at the end) Love Hina (drama and girls, girls, girls!) Rurouni Kenshin (drama, feudal martial arts) Dragon Ball (classic, but also the only one in the series I would recommend cause Z and after just didn't do it for me)
  11. My first blacksmithed tool

    Try not bending the railroad spike as much and use the round side of your hammer to draw out the metal where you need it. But take my advise as a blacksmith, blacksmithing is the art of making tools, all you need is a hammer and tongs and the rest you should make. As far as coal, charcoal works just as good and is easier and cheaper to get (just please don't ever use briquets.) IMO charcoal briquets aren't worth the sawdust they're made of (they have low heat and just don't work for what we need.) Find lump charcoal, it burns as hot as native coal and burns cleaner. I don't know who the guy you're talking about is but I agree with him whole-heartedly. Nice illustration of tongs being made, though I find flat headed tongs to work better, after you've given the metal a rough shape that is.
  12. While developing this....Addon

    Coders words: Addon - Adds files instead of altering existing files - this ensures maxium compatibilty Mod - modifys files in addition to adding files - some compatibilty but not when using another mod that changes the same .class file MCP - mods the minecraft.jar so we can write addons or mods (when we write addons they're addons to MCP, when we write mods they're mods to minecraft.jar) With that being said, I have a Vanilla Minecraft Addon and I'm finding it very frustating that it won't work with TFC's grass, dirt, stone (haven't tried the metals or gems yet and wood works just fine). As a little sneak peak about what I'm complaining about, I have a "road work" item that replaces grass in a 5x5 area randomly with gravel and dirt. I've been thinking about making it all wood and scaling down it's effectiveness so that it could be made in TFC, but that still doesn't solve the problem that TFC grass, dirt, and gravel aren't registered with MCForge and the item won't work on them anyway. This makes me one sad panda. Because my addon works fine with other mods that don't change minecraft's default terrain.
  13. While developing this....Addon

    A modders files are a sacred object. You must never steal (use the code they work so hard on) in any way. Coping their code and changing it is stealing; however coding from open sources or from scratch isn't. Nobody here wants to steal from Bioxx or Dunk. They work hard on their code and it's freeking awesome.What we are saying though is, We have ideas for things we want to add (from scratch) and don't mind sharing our own work so the rest of the world can enjoy them to. The problem is everytime the word "addon" or "mod" is used Dunk comes and rips it to shreads. The word "addon" would be more proper because we are coding to "add onto" the files we already use; however, it's not the best word because it gives the feeling that we are using his code (which we aren't.) The word "mod" is only properly used when you are changing files (which is stealing intellectual work) and is NOT OK UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. Another problem is that many of the other mods we love aren't compatible with TFC. Also TFC has (from what I've been seeing) been added to a no support list for most of the other mods we enjoy. This leads us to what we've been trying to say (under such heavy resistance from Dunk), we have started to code our own addons (addons not mods [because they don't touch TFC files]) to add some of the things we want because the rest of the modding community has told us flat out that "If you even use the letters TFC in your post it will be deleted." Not really sure where I was going with that. I guess I'm just trying to defend the reason why we are trying to write addons for TFC (addons not mods [because they don't touch TFC files]).
  14. While developing this....Addon

    I think that's what we are all saying. Nobody here (to my knowledge) wants to take things from TFC we just want to have our mods be compatible with (in my oppinion) the best non-tech mod in the world.
  15. Official Death Penalty Discussion

    Awesome, we have lots of ideas now that Bioxx can pick and choose from. I like the idea of your difficulty changing how death works. Question though is ... is it possible? (game difficulty [peaceful, easy, normal, hard] is different than game mode[creative, survival, hardcore, adventure]) I understand that you don't die in creative but how will it effect the rest? (just survival or survival and adventure[leaving hardcore out of it since you die there and it's all over]) One thing is for sure, whatever Bioxx does it'll be interesting.
  16. Official Death Penalty Discussion

    Agreed with above statements. Death should have no reward, yet no penalty. On the topic of teleporting vs waking up, if you remove the safeguard-teleporting, then you invite the "death rut" circumstance where the death point is over-run; however, if you allow players to teleport to safety, then more considerations must be had (I.E. is my safe house stocked with food and well lit so I can recover from my recent death?) In short, death penalties are a very bad idea. The bonuses you recieve for dying should be removed except for a safeguard to prevent "death ruts." Options: 1. Revive with the same hunger as when you died, revive with full health (possible abuse here but nothing lasting), keep teleporting (safeguard.) 2. Revive with the same hunger as when you died, revive with half health, keep teleporting (safeguard.) 3. Revive with the same hunger as when you died, revive with minimal health (possible death rut if safehouse isn't well lit/made), keep teleporting (safeguard.) 4. Revive with the same hunger as when you died, revive with full health (safeguard), remove teleporting (not a possible death rut because the safeguard is from max health.) 5. Revive with the same hunger as when you died, revive with half health, remove teleporting (possible death rut if death point is overrun.) 6. Revive with the same hunger as when you died, revive with minimal health (death rut), remove teleporting (death rut.) Next we remove options with either two safeguards or confirmed death ruts and we have: 1. Revive with the same hunger as when you died, revive with half health, keep teleporting (safeguard.) 2. Revive with the same hunger as when you died, revive with minimal health (possible death rut if safehouse isn't well lit/made), keep teleporting (safeguard.) 3. Revive with the same hunger as when you died, revive with full health (safeguard), remove teleporting (not a possible death rut because the safeguard is from max health.) 4. Revive with the same hunger as when you died, revive with half health, remove teleporting (possible death rut if death point is overrun.) Personally I'm voting for "2. Revive with the same hunger as when you died, revive with minimal health (possible death rut if safehouse isn't well lit/made), keep teleporting (safeguard.)" It creates a need for a shelter early on and a source of food (guys it's not too hard to get enough food to last until a farm is built) as well as preventing death ruts by removing you from the area that caused your death. I don't think teleporting is in need of changing as you would still have to retrieve your items reguardless. Why would anybody abuse teleporting? If they are stuck and must reset their position, but I don't really think that's abuse. P.S. I don't think anybody should die from hunger. Instead, it should bring them down to half-a-heart.
  17. Official Death Penalty Discussion

    Really? How did you feel when you pulled the trigger? Did you kill him while he ate or did you wait till he finished? Did you wonder if he had a family to go home to? Did you realize he has the commitment to his reason for fighting that you do? Please refrain from using "kill real people" if you're talking about playing a game. Real soldiers carry real emotional scars from pulling that trigger. There's nothing simple about taking a life and it's not a badge for you to boost your ego with.
  18. While developing this....Addon

    That's nothing. Don't click your anvil with a log. Mine disappeared earlier when my wife was using my forge on our server.
  19. While developing this....Addon

    Yes he did; however, let me explain why. The TFC Devs don't want people confusing bug reports from our mods with bug reports from thiers. It creates a headache for bug-squashing. I'm working on a mod myself, it'll introduce a few new tools (that will work for Vanilla and any other mod.) Please, please, please, test and find the bugs first because when it starts to be a head-ache I'm sure they'll have a field day with anybody who went against their wishes and that should be avoided.
  20. Official Death Penalty Discussion

    After reading some of the other posts, I'm ammending my suggestion. Hunger shouldn't change when you die (you die with no food, you revive with no food) also when you revive it should be with half-a-heart. You shouldn't be able to die from hunger; however, it should act like poison and bring you down to half-a-heart. Hope your respawn point is safe and has food for you.
  21. Gem Cutting

    So that's where my eye went to. Give it back!
  22. Official Death Penalty Discussion

    Maybe they revive with the same hunger bar (I.E. it doesn't fill from anything other then food.)
  23. String

    Maybe the recipe for a "spinning bobber" could be two sticks on top of each other. (like these dots [:]) To make string just put in a fibrous plant in with the spinner and you get string and the spinner takes some damage. S.O.S. (Save Our Sheep is responsible for this message)
  24. String

    He's dead Jim. (requests thread lock)
  25. String

    My point is simple. If you don't add hemp because one of it's gender's has medicinal purposes that gets mis-used, then you're basically putting hemp up on a stage. If however you add hemp because of it's other uses, then you make more people aware of it's non-illegal uses. If you don't add hemp, people might never learn the more common uses of such a usefull plant. If you add hemp, people might think you're supporting the drugs they already either use or are surounded by. If you don't add hemp, you're playing to a younger crowd (that's more impressional.) If you add hemp, you're playing to an older crowd (that are dying out more everyday.) This is a no win situation. Bioxx has the last say and if he adds it then he's simply moving the mod where he thinks best. I don't think us taking this personally on either side (for or against) is going to change his mind. Let's get back on topic like adding looms or spinning bobbers to turn, whatever Bioxx decides, into things like string and giving string more purposes. P.S. Save the sheep!