Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Graymayne

  1. Mods you use alongside TFC

    Smart Moving, Rei's Minimap, and Backpack mod were what my last server used.
  2. Post your (not so) humble abodes! Here's a link to my old home, which got shut down before we finished it. So temporarily homeless.
  3. Your chisel creations!!

    Loved your dive off of it Mead.
  4. Nerfed chest size

    Open Air storage may be nice, but its not for everyone, having a general chest storage system is "real" in fact, we have whole buildings dedicated to such. I am not against the current changes as a whole, but I would be against removing chests completely.
  5. Nerfed chest size

    I am not against the change, however, if I had a say on how to implement this kind of effect: First I would have reduced the players inventory to 1 9 slot row + the 9 slot hand choice. (That is based on the idea that this is the only option, not my personal methodology that would probably be more complicated.) Then I would have tackled the chests. First I would have made a single wooden chest 1 row and a double chest 3 rows. With the plan to include other "more capable storage options in the future. Such as Steel Cabinets which would be the equivalent to vanilla double chests, but take up more room in some manner. ------------------------------------------- My personal idea of the character's inventory would be to limit the character to the 9 slot "tool belt" row and no other inventory options. Then you include a slot for a "bag/backpack". Depending upon the bag/backpack design, you'd get varying carrying options and the ultimate would be the enchanted backpack which would give the player the vanilla inventory storage on their character and upon death everything in the backpack stays in the backpack. Everything on the tool belt drops normally. I do think implementing the chest change first, was the wrong methodology, first get players used to carrying less, then hit their mass storage.
  6. Post your TFcraft Pictures

    Updated Shot of my Main Tower
  7. Horses/Travel

    Crysyn of the Spotter's Guide uses Simply Horses as well, and bioxx jumps on his server in several of his videos, so I would not be surprised if he's already got something in mind. However, as the AI, modeling, and animation for dealing with animals is much more time consuming than dealing with the other basic non-mobile stuff he's currently working on, I think that if Bioxx does include animals that they will be towards the end. But considering things like cave-in's for mining, I don't know if I want him to do animals or insects. Oh NO, Mr. Bill, a swarm of locusts has just wiped out our uncovered wheat farm. Or, darn, I have gophers in my carrot patch, Should have put stone under the dirt and surrounded it with a fence.
  8. Not being able to fins any ores

    It is extremely easy to find ores currently. Just run around and look at any exposed stone areas, you should find something, I've found Cassiterite, Hematite, Native Copper and Native Gold most in less that 1000m of my home mountain without creating a mine. There was a point that it was a bit rough to find adequate starting ore, but that has been changed.
  9. Post your TFcraft Pictures

    Only been working on this for about four days since Minecraft somehow ate my last world, but here are a few pics: This is my main tower at the top of a large mountain range. Nightmare Valley - Below the tower Hallway Inside the Tower Kitchen - Work in Progress Bedroom - Work in Progress My Forge and Bloomeries