Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Sp0nge

  1. Dont look to much on the IP of the server (we are doing this just to provide more servers towards the community to play on ) Find info on what serverbuild we are on here : The server will try to run the latest version of TFC at all time and due to its still in beta, and alot of stuff aint implemented yet, mapresets might happend often as new versions are added. Mobs will be enabled untill ppl want them off, after all, its survival isnt it? Plugins to generate more security will eventually be added when there exists a CB ported SMP version. We provide little support in regards of errors etc, but what we can provide is deleting of playerfiles on the server IF they for some reasons get bugget out when trying to craft certain items etc. Just post what playerfile needs to be resetted if nothing else woks, and we will do it asap we are not sleeping or working in RL . Ofc, this server dont run with any plugins etc since its not Bukkitsupported. Its pure beta, just for testing and similar! IP:
  2. Depending on what time pr2 is released, we hope to update the server to whatever new version that comes out within 24h. If a new release is out, jsut poke me on irc if im there, as i might not follow the releases 24/7 and do other minecraftrelated stuff
  3. If that becomes an issue, ill reset the world if needed.
  4. A new world will be generated as new sourcefiles are converted to SMP, so we get more ores and stuff. As for PvP, well, there arent really much that can be done yet as far as i know (i dont mean in regards of turning PvP off but in regards of what kinda stuff there actually is to do. Ill be completely honest, I dont know much about this mod, how it works etc. I just love the general idea of it, and thats why we have made a server of it, just becose its an awesome mod!