Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Fizicks

  1. Temperature

    I like the idea but it may be too complicated. I would agree with a simple temperature bar like Incompatible said. When you're in desert, temperature rises, when you're in snow, temperature lowers. Getting in water would cool you off in desert and freeze you in snow. I don't think temperature should have too much of an impact on your game though. You should be able to walk at least half way through a desert biome without worry. Or collect a few cactus without temperature rising. Only for prolonged exposure. if you expect to live in a desert, you should expect to make proper long term shelter that protects you from heat. You could go one step farther and make water evaporate in desert (snow already dissappears with fire and torches) This would also incorporate well with the suggestion I made on biome based clothing/weapons, etc. Heat resist gear made from desert items. Cold resist gear made from snow biome items and Poison resist gear made from jungle items. Whatever is added as a "hinderance" should have a moderatly easy solution. You don't want to spend 100% of every game trying to balance your hunger, health, temperature, thirst, sleep, energy, etc... It starts to go way overboard with any or all of these possible additions. Or maybe if your temperature bar is balanced, hunger would not go down as fast. That might balance it out a little.
  2. Emphasis on Caving

    Minecraft was great when I went looking for ore in a cave system. When that cave ran out I would just look for another cave. I think this was part of the nostalgic of the game. You found more monsters and obstacles, maybe you got lost and you actually had to find a good cave to get the ores. The only diamonds you could find were in caves that managed to dip down below the diamond level AND managed to be visible. Once I got better with the game, I found, read and watched new ways to get ores. Essentially, strip mining. Dig a hole straight down to bedrock and commence strip mining like crazy. Boy, was the game different then. I could literally start a world and have 20 diamonds and all the ore i could carry in less than 20-30 minutes. So the point of my long story and my suggestion is to make the game about "caving" and less about "mining". A few possibilities might be: Make ores only spawn around air pockets (caves) underground. (I prefer this suggestion the most) Make strip mining more difficult and less profitable. (Cave-ins help) Make the stone a lot harder and longer to break.
  3. Emphasis on Caving

    I completly agree. My only premise was the nostalgic feeling of Minecraft. Which i suppose is completly off subject from what this mod is doing.