Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Fizicks

  1. I'm also not a big fan of the poles. I knew from the beginning that I would never walk over 5k blocks to get anywhere. I haven't really noticed the lack of variety in biomes now but i guess you're right. All i've seen are rivers, mountains and forests.

    On a side note, does the calendar always start the game at the same time? It might be neat to see some variety with this or maybe an option to choose when to start your year when creating the game.


  2. This thread is far too long to read it all but i did glaze over it. Hopefully I'm not repeating anything but here are my ideas:

    I think land should be the key motivator here. Civilizations form over the need to be near a river, cave, mine, certain agriculture zone, etc. Players should be able to identify this zone and flock to it, thus forming a community or at least a closely located group of people.

    This land can be improved by doing several things. Maybe transporting in special dirt for the farm to work perfectly in that agriculture zone. Maybe bring in better trees that grow faster. Certain stone that looks better. Or we could go more advanced: Maybe the river needs to be a certain depth to spawn fish. Deer like certain trees so we could populate our forest with natural huting animals :)

    Once a civilization has started it becomes more and more appealing for other to settle here because a LOT of hard work has been done to make this place the best in several areas. That said, this should not be easy. An entire field of dirt laid down for farms, a river drudged out, trees grown to a good enough size to breed the right animals, etc.. This would take a community to build.

    As for PVP, imagine the wars, griefing, etc. When you conquer a town you could scorch the earth, burn down the forest, kill all the wild animals, TNT the lake/river beds, etc... The only thing i don't like is that these actions could be done when no one is around. I think every town should be afforded a type of protection to combat this 1 problem. Say if no one in the town is online, the town is closed off and inaccessable. As for precious stones. I would like to see griefing possible but not stealing (nothing should drop). If you are just a fly-by-night griefer. the game mechanics already make it hard enough to grief. You can't even get tools to break through a wall without a lot of time put in to find the ore and craft etc.

    As for the home stone, I like the idea. I would like the home stone to be the function of the mayor (and no single person). Maybe the home stone would allow you to vote for a town member to hold the office of mayor for a week period or something like that. And if that is dooable, expand this into sheriff, judge, or other key members of town. They would have special abilities, such as closing the town gates, jailing a citizen or imposing a fine (which could then be taken to court, etc)

    This brings me to my next point, what form of government would the home stone have? Maybe we could pick and choose or even vote at the home stone. Say we went to overthrow or go into anarchy.. Here's some examples:

    Republic: Has a Mayor, Sheriff, Judge, etc

    Monarchy: Royal Family, Hold seat for a certain length of time and designate their heirs.

    Oligarchy: Power passes to the one with the most money :) They can designate their officials.


  3. I've heard it said that the mod is not intended to go industrial. I think steam engine would be the absolutle highest but I doubt that will get added. Once you have any type of energy, it opens up a whole new technology tree. The nether is expected to resemble something completly different, possibly a greek theme underworld.


  4. Does the current ore discovery rate with the sluice and gold pan work as intended? If so, I've built 32 sluices directly over a huge ore chunk and discovered next to nothing. The only thing it will find is zink and the discovery rate is horrible. There are only 3 methods to find ore before getting a pick axe and only picking up rocks will get you anywhere. I actually don't mind the exploration with this method but it puts the other 2 ore finding methds to shame.

    As a suggestion, I think the sluice and gold pan should still drop the normal size ore chunks.

    Also, it must be broken that the types of ores don't all drop from the sluice and gold pan. (Only Zink) I tried the gold pan for about 10 minutes straight and got nothing. This is a nice idea, but completly worthless for finding ore. Might I suggest the gold pan be used exclusively for gem finding? For the sluices to be worth the large construction project they would need to find a normal size ore chunk with every full cycle (50 dirt) Could we possibly increase the amount of dirt the sluice holds? Or maybe make the sluice run faster?

    How about reworking the use of the sluice, maybe you throw ore chunks in it instead and it drops a more refind ore? A process necessary before smelting the ore? This would require a rebalance of the ingot size but I think that's dooable.


  5. So I tried to download and install the mod today. Here are the steps that i've taken: Maybe someone can tell me If I am missing something.

    Download fresh MC folder.

    Test run MC to load all the folders

    Delete Meta INF

    Install Forge

    Install Player API

    Test run MC to load those 2 mods.

    Install the TFC into the mods folder.

    Launch game...

    Nothing at all happens. It just loads like it's a vanilla MC. No crashes or anything.


  6. I've never made it past 10,000 blocks and that took me 30 minutes IRL. There is absolutly no way I will ever make it to 50,000 blocks nor would I ever be interested in doing so. With that being said. What am I going to be missing? Will i never see a tundra biome? What exactly are the biome sebarations? Jungles and desserts at 0k, forests and plains at 10-30k and tundra at 40-50k?


  7. When you pick up rocks from the ground, you have a chance to also find ore. As far as I know, this works on the same principle as the the gold pan and sluice (that ore must be located near by). So. Walk around a river biome and look for rocks with ore in them to find a good place to start panning. If that fails, just start panning so you can find a good place to build a sluice farm. The gold pan is mobile so it basically replaces the pro pick, albeit, a nerfed one.


  8. Ahh, you're quite right. I'll correct that, thanks.

    Ohh FFS! 48b is already out (along with some corrections to 48 in the change log) I just added a bunch more.

    Finding ore under rocks and using the gold pan (since it's mobile) are good ways to find a home for your sluice farm now that we don't have access to a pro pick in the stone age. :)


  9. Hardmode makes monsters hurt and is a great incentive to grab armor asap.

    In those 2 days and several minecraft nights, I never had to deal with one monster... A bed works great...

    Also a lot of those ideas have been suggested. Please do research before people think you're lazy.

    Alright Mr Forum Nazi, calm down and re-evaluate this thread a little closer. This thread is not about suggestions, it is about the tier advancement of the game, the flow and design. Better read what your posting on before peole think you're stupid... :)

  10. Figured I'd do a search before posting a new topic and this one pretty much fits my "complaint' exactly.

    I just finished playing about 2 days of the build 45 release and i had the same feeling as the OP. Once you get into ore smelting, it feels like a grind.

    I would suggest some type of a step-up as well. For instance, the axe ---> saw is a well done leap in advancement. I think it's timed just right and offers a faster way to get wood. I would like to see this expanded on with as many things as possible. In addition to that, I would like to see several more steps of advancement. Maybe a sawmill (possibly semi-automatic?) with one of the higher tier metals? I'm only using the axe->saw->sawmill example because it's the easiest one i can think of. For the pick axe, a jackhammer just wouldn't fit the bill would it? but.. how about a serious itteration of blast minning? Some way to farm the ingredients for TNT? The anvil seems like it needs a tech up as well. Maybe you 'learn' to use the anvil better and it takes less hits untill at expert level, you can hit once and your done? lol

    I'm really struggling to explain my point without feeling like I'm bashing the mod (because I'm not). I was attracted to this mod because Vanilla was just too easy and too predictable. But i think the current ittiration went a little too far in the opposite direction. Is it too hard and too mundane to be fun anymore? Obvious Exageration: Where is the fun in chopping down an entire rain forest, lugging it 300 blocks in what will most likely result in over 50 trips just so you can build a small house? How many trees does it take to fill up a charcoal pit? (too many?)

    Instead, how about a log flume or at the very least access to a LOT of rails because transportation seems like it will be key with the smaller stack and chest sizes. Maybe pack mules? Horse and buggy?


  11. No you don't. Casserite now spawns everywhere, not just in one biome.

    Flint is not flint, it is stone.... What version are you playing exactly?

    Ohh, haha.. it's been awhile I guess. I think it's #39.

    i've changed the flint to stone now. Anything else?


  12. Updated for Build 50 - September 10, 2012

    If you have questions, you will have more success if you post in the Discussion Forum.

    If this guide is out of date between updates you can check out the change log.

    This list is only meant to be a quick reference to as much information as possible without writing a 20 page guide. (Others do that a lot better than me) Hopefully, with all the links to the wiki and other guides, this should give a lot of people a good starting place.

    For beginners who might not understand the prospectors pick or where and how to find ore, I would suggest using one of the seed worlds posted here: Seed Forum

    The VERY basics!

    I felt compelled to add this section since I see the question come up so many times. Here's a quick list!

    -- The Y axis (sea level) has been drastically moved up.

    -- There's 23 different stone types, each with 4 different variations.

    -- There are 16 different tree types all with their own unique look and color.

    -- There are 18 different new crops to plant.

    -- There are 2 (so far) new animals to kill.

    -- You can't make ANY wooden tools

    -- You can't punch trees. You CAN punch tree leaves (for sticks)

    -- You can't make a metal bucket... You CAN make a wooden one.

    -- You can't carry water *source* blocks.

    -- Most blocks don't float now (cobble, dirt, etc). Good luck with your roof.

    -- Tilled Dirt and Crops function from sun, water, nutrients, etc..

    -- We have a calendar! (default N)

    -- We have Seasons! that affect weather, crops, and fruit trees.

    -- Biomes are replaced with a layer system. The layer system depends on temp, climate, etc..

    Hunter/Gatherer and Exploration Stage:

    -- Finding the right place to settle your home is important. Study up on the different Stone types and Tree types to see their properties. Other things to take note of for future use: fruit trees, Oceans(squid), Rivers, Caves/Visible ore, and any abundance of animals. Hint: Settle near a large water source.

    -- Gather: (fruit trees, berry bushes, seeds, reeds, stone from the ground[they look like buttons] and sticks from tree leaves)

    -- You can also find ore from picking up rocks. Ore will only drop if an ore block is located nearby. This should give you a good indication of where to settle as this will be important for a sluice farm or gold panning. (see next section)

    -- There are now 18 types of seeds that can be collected from tall grass with the new agriculture system. It's easy to fill up your inventory with seeds if you don't have a chest nearby.

    -- 1 stick + 1 stone on top in the crafting grid will give you a javelin that can be wielded or thrown.

    -- Hunt animals: Many new animals are being added, bear, deer, etc. and each animal can be various sizes, representing growth. Animals take a while to grow (90 days) and should be growing even when a previously loaded chunk is not currently loaded.

    -- Gather sticks from tree leaves to make a firestarter and a firepit. This will allow you to make torches by adding sticks to a firepit on the right.

    -- Note that some vanilla items are still available but their receips might be a little different.

    Stone Age:

    -- Start flint knapping your basic tools. (axe, hoe, shovel, and a knife) A stone pick axe is no longer available. Using a knife on tree leaves will give more sticks.

    -- Cut down trees with an axe and place a 'log' in the crafting table with your axe to get 8 wooden planks. 4 wooden planks get you the standard wooden block. Logs can also be placed on the ground in a pile. Right click a log pile to open a new GUI and add/remove logs.

    -- Make a gold pan or construct a sluice to begin finding small ore nuggets. The sluice will only drop ore if a vein is found within 100 blocks around and 60 blocks deep. The goldpan is limited to 50 blocks out and 35 blocks deep. Since the prospectors pick is not available in the stone age I would recommend using the gold pan in various places a few times to 'test' if it's productive before building a sluice farm. (Edit. After playing build 49 all the way through to highest metal i've decided that both the gold pan and sluice are completly impossible for ANY type of ore farming. My best suggestion is to depend entirely on stone pick up while marking the 'hot spots' to come back later to confirm if it might be a good mine location)

    -- Collect clay for clay molds and bake them in a fire for ceramic molds. Use these to collect molten metal when you start melting ore.

    -- Starter ores are: Bismuthinite (Bismuth), Cassiterite (Tin) and Sphalerite(Zinc) These can be smelted in a firepit and worked on an acceptable, exposed stone block with a hammer. The stone block replaces the anvil in the stone age. Read up on the anvil page to learn how to use this.

    -- You may also need a bellows on your firepit for a hotter fire.

    Early Metals Age:

    Things should start getting a lot more interesting now. Here's a good metals page that outlines each 'tier' of advancement.

    -- Make a scribing table to start getting all your new tools, most notably, the pickaxe, saw and chisel. (hopefully you have a reed farm going!) Here's a list of all the new plans.

    -- Now that you can make the prospectors pick you should start looking around for a place to build a long term mining operation. horizontal and vertical support beams may be needed when minning. Cave-ins can be devastating. (This post explains one of many ways to use the propick)

    -- Your next biggest project will be the charcoal pit. You'll need charcoal for the Blommery (third project) which will make smelting a lot easier and allow access to a higher tier of metal smelting.

    -- Advancing to tier 3 metals will require a metallurgy table. It's basically a crafting table used specifically to combine metals into alloys. (the 4 bars should all be liquid for it to work)

    -- You should now have the time and resources to get a forge. You can use it for faster cooking and finally to get glass!

    Coming Soon!

    Here's a few things that are expected or rumored to be added at some point in time.

    -- Animal butchering process

    -- More animals

    -- Different nether with a whole new feel to it.

    -- Revamped Enchantment system

    -- Expanded transportation system

    Here are some other more in-depth guides that are available on the wiki.

    Stone-Age Guide

    Spotters Guide

    Metallurgy Progression Guide


  13. Actual positioning takes a lot of thought and that would mean the worlds are no longer endless which I suppose they really aren't but it sure feels like it. Continents would take an insane amount of thought to actually reorganize we are close enough already. Dunk mentioned something about completely removing biomes and everything would just be based off temp, altitude, humidity, and so forth so that would solve things.

    You could just do a simple radius. 1000 blocks in all directions (circle) begins a new latitude and thus a warmer enviornment. You would then have to start at a pole though, which means you start in ice and would not reach the desert until about 5000 blocks away.. Or just reduce those numbers to whatever you like. from pole to pole would be 2000 blocks away with the equator being at 1000 blocks. Or even better, our world could be a square instead of a sphere :D


  14. I was in a desert yesterday while a storm came (vanilla). It obviously wasn't raining in the desert but you could see the sky go dark in the biome beside me. This made me think of having more advanced weather. Just thought it would be cool to change weather around a little bit.

    Here's some ideas

    >someway to read the sky visually (more, lower or darker clouds for about 2 IRL minutes prior to a storm)

    There's a famous saying (that I've heard at least) that goes: Red sky at morning, sailor take warning, Red sky at night, sailor's delight. This might be a little unrealistic or unreliable IRL but thought it would be an interesting cue to look out for.

    >take a berometric pressure reading with a very rudimentary tool. (liquid + gas in a glass vial)

    Also, how about some more types of weather.

    >Fog would be easy to implement and would only happen for short periods in the morning. Maybe more common in wet enviornments.

    >Tornadoes! Probably a huge stretch but worth noting.

    >Lightning _before_ a storm so the chance of fire causing damage is just a tiny bit more. Rain would come shortly after so it wouldn't case as much damage.

    >Lightning Storms, no rain

    >hail that causes minor damage to crops or other things not protected. The damage should not be significant enough to warrant covering all your crops, just damages a few plants.

    >earthquake (not really weather) would make cave-ins more likely

    And might as well add seasons to the list even though I'm pretty sure it's been suggested or talked about. I love living in snow, but it gets old fast. It would be pretty neat if it ony hapened 1/4 of the year. As well as seasons, there are 'cycles' such as Hurricane seasons where certain weather is more common. (i.e lightning storms, tornadoes, hurricanes, cyclones, water spouts)

    Also, not really a category but do you think rain/snow should affect fires and forges? Also, it would be cool if the moon at night caused different ambient light levels depending on the phase it's in. A full moon would be pretty bright out while a new moon would be super dark. Plus that would open the door for the red and blue moons (think terraria with different events that happen on a red moon)


  15. I am dunkleosteus, and I am currently in charge of mobs. We are looking into actually moving away from "biomes" and more into having flora and fauna based on the climate (temperature and moisture) of an area.

    This sounds interesting. I still think my basic idea would work, whether it be in a biome or in a climate. If certain animals are only spawned in a certain climate, then only those corresponding weapons/clothing/food would be available.


  16. I like the idea but it may be too complicated. I would agree with a simple temperature bar like Incompatible said. When you're in desert, temperature rises, when you're in snow, temperature lowers. Getting in water would cool you off in desert and freeze you in snow. I don't think temperature should have too much of an impact on your game though. You should be able to walk at least half way through a desert biome without worry. Or collect a few cactus without temperature rising. Only for prolonged exposure. if you expect to live in a desert, you should expect to make proper long term shelter that protects you from heat.

    You could go one step farther and make water evaporate in desert (snow already dissappears with fire and torches)

    This would also incorporate well with the suggestion I made on biome based clothing/weapons, etc. Heat resist gear made from desert items. Cold resist gear made from snow biome items and Poison resist gear made from jungle items.

    Whatever is added as a "hinderance" should have a moderatly easy solution. You don't want to spend 100% of every game trying to balance your hunger, health, temperature, thirst, sleep, energy, etc... It starts to go way overboard with any or all of these possible additions. Or maybe if your temperature bar is balanced, hunger would not go down as fast. That might balance it out a little.
