Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by SystemFail

  1. brilliant ideas of a madman

    Say, you know what pisses me off about all of this? Well its simple really, you dumb ass devs decided to overhaul an overhaul. Honestly, what kind of shit planning is this? What insanity lead you to wake up one morning and go 'oh hey, lets fuck the users'? Hmm? I just don't understand this. It would have been okay had TFC2 stuck. I mean that was going to be a separate mod. Entirely justifiable to even some of the morons who browse this site.Alright, let me explain a bit of where this is going and what the history is behind it. Way back when I first discovered this mod. I think it was actually about build 36 something. Way back then, I was big into tech mods, I had all the well known ones. Redpower, IC^2, buildcraft, I had em all installed, playing fairly nicely with each other, typically being a bad ass with some very OP stuff. I discovered TFC around this time and did a bit of reading to understand what it was about. I wanted to try it out really badly. I mean, its a mod that changes everything and puts you at a disadvantage. This appealed to me, I'd been so far and so long into being overpowered that I wanted a change. I put it off for a good long while, procrastinating and more.All of that came to an end tho eventually. I finally, somewhere in the 40 or 50 builds I revealed my interest. I was waiting for an update to the mod to the vanilla version I was familiar with at the time. I spawned ideas, talked a bunch, spammed a few topics, all the goods came out then. I was going to play this mod, and I had decided that nothing would stop it.Fast forward. I'd been enjoying the mod for a good long while. Months. I'd abandoned these forums and just decided to hang out in the IRC. First major game change came that put me at odds. What the fuck is this shit? Suddenly saplings growing on thier own? Sounds cool, great even. Until you see it. Its not bad in single player for the most part so a bunch of you anti-pvp pansies wouldn't have noticed it, but in SMP if you don't clean it up every fucking hour. Otherwise you'd login and you're greeted to a sequoia tearing the bloomeries in half. What the fuck were bioxx and dunk doing when that change was made? I'll tell you:Ejaculating on the fucking keyboard. All that spillage must have done some crazy voodoo with the keys and typed all that terrible shit up. Not only did those trees eat your shit, there was no way short of putting glass at sky limit stopped it. And that presented its own group of dumb ass code. Crops. Who the fuck decided that greenhouses don't fucking work? Seriously, that is some major stupid shit right fucking there. Maybe bioxx and co were jacking off back then too. I honestly wouldn't be surprised with that. And there is the matter of the animals. How long does it take to fix a typo? Thats right, it was a fucking typo that made animals totally fucking shit. Many versions passed with animals being totally useless beyond your first meal. Breeding them lead to you watching a squad of 6 piglets suffocate without a damn reason. Killing them took simply standing a meter away and hitting them because for some fucked up reason they didn't move the slightest bit. Wake up you stupid bunch, clearly this mod is a failure.How this mod has survived is beyond me. Not only were those damned trees and shitty mobs being spat about, we had the wool and leather changes. The barrel is the single stupidest thing ever. Clearly no one understands that something like that is pointless. Leather has never been a good armor and never will be useful for much of anything. You may argue bellows, but really it does no good. Bellows only make getting metal faster. Which is stupid. Fucking stupid. Sure, now you can use the barrels to make booze, which btw is actually kinda fun, I wont deny, and you can use it to blow shit up, but that is the limit of use. Leather is early game and because of piss poor planning, dipshits made it impossible to get. Wool, now thats another thing. the change was to make getting a bed and skipping the first night impossible. Ha, until 77, the change that destroyed the mod, it was still doable first night AND made to be much easier. That is a failure of planning right there. I know this changed in 77 and that is my next pointSkill, yes skill was needed to make something this shitty. Everything changed, what once was a bearable experience, if anything just for the time sink, is now a multiday chore. I don't know about you but I work for a living. I come home every day exhausted and generally fall into the nearest chair. If I'm lucky, that chair is the one with my computer. I've just finished a hard day of work, why do I need to play a game about more fucking work? Really I don't. On top of the long list of changes that only make the game difficult, piss poor planning is seeping though all the edges here. 10 hotfixes at the time I am writing this. 10. What the fuck, how can you screw up so badly that you need to make that many version changes? Don't get me wrong, when you fix one bug another is sure to show up in its place. That's just how things work. But come on, most of these bugs 'fixed' were found within 10 minutes of standard gameplay. What self respecting developer would miss something like that? The kind that doesn't even play their own game. Did you know bioxx doesn't play his own game?Yeah, that's some fucked up shit right there. But not nearly as fucked up as the wiki. How does it take so damn long to write up about a simple ass change 'axes no longer produce planks'? Its a pain in the ass when a change comes out and you know nothing about it. The wiki editors are some major dumbfucks to be this slow. Hell, one of them is is a moderator, you'd think she would be on top of things. But no, that bitch is just as lazy and ill prepared as the rest of them. Because of everything, we're in the dark as to why black ass skeletons are faster then spiders, why little midget shits don't burn, and why the fuck it needs so much iron just to advance an age. Its become clear now that:A: I can plan better then the devs, B: The wiki community are a bunch of lazy tards, and C: This mod has become absolute trash.Apples to oranges, fuck you.
  2. brilliant ideas of a madman

    I will not run. Nor will I just sit here and piss a fit over a lost cause. I came here with a single goal, to make my voice heard and maybe, just maybe wake a few of you up to the real story. am I to fail? Yes. I didn't expect myself to get anywhere with this. I knew well enough that bitching to you all was a waste of time. You are far too into this to understand what it means. What it means to be disappointed by something I helped build, if anything though proxy alone. This community is rotten. Ecc and areoc were right. I do want my voice heard. I do feel disappointed in where this has gone. While I can't mod or sprite anything, I do want this all to return to how it was. How it should be. Not some painful 'lets make it hard' deathrun. No, i want better, I want life to be a rewarding struggle, were death is met harshly but death is not on my back 24/7.