Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Tsuarok

  1. I like it, but I understand those that don't. As such, instead of forcing it on everyone, I think it should be limited to mods. Like SteamAge, but maybe with wind/watermills as an early tech, working up to steam power. Personally, I'd much prefer the aesthetic of having a wind/watermill pumping water from a stream to irrigate than some magic bucket that provides unlimited water. But again, it's not for everyone.
  2. PaintedCraft[128x/64x TFC 0.79.xx]

    Nice, the screenshots look really good.
  3. I'd also like to add some biome specific textures, so that in the desert a stone might have a bit of sand in the cracks, on a beach it might be pitted (depending on type), etc. This would add some nice transitions, integrating the materials into the biome as well as making it more realistic, but would inflate the pack enormously. If I do it, I'll probably release it as an optional addition, like the normal maps. This would be around version 4 or 5.
  4. So, I'd forgotten just how many textures TFC has. Creating on average 100 textures for each block will take a VERY long time. So my new plan is to sort of release this pack in steps. This is more or less my roadmap. My first goal will be to just have a single texture for each block; ie, something people can use, and more importantly, give feedback on. Then I'll go about adding the connected textures to the blocks, in whatever order ya'll choose. Then I'll add animated leaves and grasses and torches and such. Then mod support. Then maybe normal mapping if anyone is interested in it. Let me know what your priorities are and what you're looking for in a realistic pack so that I can better serve the community. By the way, the textures above are in 128x, since my computer simply won't load any higher textures (not really sure why). When the time comes, I'd like some help with the 256x textures, just loading them up and taking screenshots of any problems you see. Thanks in advance. -Tsuarok
  5. Dirt/Sand/Clay/Farmland Template

    Ah, ok... I need the block ID info to reference the properties files for the connected textures. For some reason it won't take the names for the TFC blocks. But I can find them if you're busy -- it should be very easy with this list.
  6. Dirt/Sand/Clay/Farmland Template

    Awesome, ty so much! Just to be clear, these are metavalues, yes?
  7. Public Service Announcement -- MCEdit

    well that's a refief; if the change is universal, the external programs will have to support this. And anything that improves compatibility is great in my book
  8. Just to let people know, I've just tested out MCEdit, and it seems to work just fine with TFC's extensive custom blocks (though they all appear pink). I've managed to import a world, add granite boulders, and delete large chunks of landscape. It also reads chiseled blocks and allows you to make schematics of them (!!!!). I'm having trouble testing out ores blocks because I don't know their block IDs and I can't get them with silk touch... if anyone knows the ids please let me know, I'll test them out. So... get out there and start making adventure maps!! Edit: See post #4 for world painter info.
  9. Public Service Announcement -- MCEdit

    1. CTM seems to require matchBlocks=#### for some reason. I don't know why, but it just doesn't apply when I only reference it by name. 2. This makes sense; if I understand it properly (which is unlikely) it doesn't remove the block ID numbers, it just allows them to also be referenced by block ID names as well. I hope this is the case, since neither MCEdit nor World Painter recognize block ID names. If not, I hope there is some awesome benefit to doing all that work and completely eliminating map-making tool compatibility.
  10. Public Service Announcement -- MCEdit

    I'd like to have the numbers in the wiki for ores and all blocks really, it would lower the barrier to making texture packs, custom maps, use in MCEdit, etc. If people want to cheat, it's their loss... Those who want to really shouldn't have chosen TFC to begin with. Why choose to make your game harder and then cheat?
  11. Public Service Announcement -- MCEdit

    Wait, cheating them in can crash the game? What about "cheating" them in in custom maps and such?
  12. Public Service Announcement -- MCEdit

    cool, thanks man Maybe we could get all these IDs on the wiki? It seems like something that should be there...
  13. An Alternate Dimension

    I like the idea of another dimension as a way of extending the height of the world. Instead of thinking of it as dimensional travel, just think of it as a loading screen between instances. I know the focus of the mod is mining and metallurgy, but I really do spend most of my time on the surface, and having more space up there would be great. One caveat though: If you do this, don't retool the nether, just make your own dimension from scratch. That way you don't have to worry about retrofitting your dimension within the nether code, and you preserve the nether for compatibility's sake (I know, this is becoming my mantra).
  14. If I reformated the textures would you update your links with what I send you? I won't change any of your art.
  15. Rotten Flesh to something useful?

    pig and chicken food -- they'll eat anything Also, I think dogs are being rebalanced, so there will be a use for them.
  16. Can cake and funaces be crafted?

    There is a workaround... if you install custom NPCs you can define your own crafting table recipes.
  17. Cool. But I still think Jake was thinking about a lead frame for the stained glass.
  18. You could use MCEdit to turn all the bedrock into nether portal tiles... getting back might be a problem though...
  19. I think the lead was for a frame for the window pane, not to actually mix into the glass.
  20. 1. brewing seems okay, obviously within limits. I could see coffee being useful as well as molotov cocktails. 2. Automatons are either too advanced or too magical 3. & 4. Dimensional travel should be possible from the config file only, set to off by default. But, it the dimensions shouldn't, as they do now, corrupt your game files. They should be stable, so that if you're using a mod that requires nether travel with TFC, you can go there without fear of catastrophic failure. 5. Everything about beacons, from getting them to their function, is magical. But again, for the sake of compatibility, if you've enabled the nether, enable beacons. 6. This wasn't mentioned, but get rid of all these clearly magical mobs; replace them with lions and tigers and bears. Stick them all in the nether where they belong.
  21. Oh yeah, it's been forever since I've made dyes in TFC... I'd forgotten. Well then, the original idea is perfect!
  22. [Solved] Biome IDs

    okay, got it from some tests: 0: Ocean 1: TFC Plains 2: Desert 3: High Hills 4: Forest 5: Taiga 6: Swamp 7: River 8: Hell 16: Beach 20:High Hills Edge 21:Jungle 22:Jungle Hills 30:Rolling Hills 31:Mountains 32:Mountains Edge Most of these are just the regular ids for vanilla, but TFC plains has been renamed (though from plains, so idk the difference), and Mountains and Mountains Edge, which aren't present in Vanilla.
  23. [Solved] Biome IDs

    okay, to which biomes do they correspond?
  24. I just sort of got everything I'd wanted. TFC progression is pretty short. I've been filling my time with map making/editing.
  25. An Idea

    I actually love the idea of a research system in place, because players don't just figure things out as they go, they look stuff up. And even if they did try and figure it out themselves, they could miss something that tilts the balance of the game making it overly frustrating, just because they hadn't tried this one thing. Also, pretend they were able to discover everything on their own. On their next playthrough they'd already know everything. So if you balance for people knowing nothing and experimenting it will be boring for the veterans, but if you balance for full knowledge it will be frustrating for the new players. Also, having a system in a game where you have to stop playing and look something up to progress is immersion breaking. Having everything there in game draws you in and keeps you there. I suggested something similar in a different thread, though it was more limited and specific to smithing. It was also inspired by thaumcraft, their research table.