Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Tsuarok

  1. Something to consider:  From my experience making maps, I noticed that with truly realistic terrrain, viewing distance becomes a problem.  There's very little benefit of having majestic mountains if you can only see them when you're standing on their peaks.  They loose their majesty from up there, especially since you cannot see the plains (or whatever) below.  


    Thus, when I was making maps, I found that making things at quarter scale or lower really improved the look and feel of the map.


  2. Euphoric, don't discourage him.  I really want to see what he comes up with.  Instead of talking about how wrong the ideas are, try offering constructive alternatives.


    That said, I do know that performance will be an issue.  I will happily wait.  My 64k World Machine map took almost a week to finish rendering, though admittedly, my computer sort of sucks.


  3. I'm glad you like it. :)


    Thanks for pointing out the dreaded pink & black :)  I'd actually noticed that before, but I can't find the responsible texture.  Snow texture itself is fine, as are the flowers, and as far as I can tell there are no flower + snow textures.  I'm not really sure what to do about it.  Any advice would definitely be appreciated.


    I've been working on the ores, but I've really hated the results so far, so I've tossed them.  Having them as an overlay, with no alpha support, makes them look like they're just pasted on top of the rock and not integrated in.  I could require MCPatcher, which does support alpha (partial transparency, for blending), but I don't really want to force that on people.  The other route, which is what I think I'm going to go with, is to simple have the entire texture opaque, so that you can't see the rock underneath at all.  If you've come across any bismuthinite, you'll see what I mean.  You'll also see that I need to add more textures, because as it is, the tiling is horribly obvious.


    I'll see if I can get at least one texture in for each ore.  It won't be pretty until I can add some CTM to it, but at least you'll be able to see it.


  4. grrr.  Seems that too many people are looking at my photos... which is a good thing, but I'm not sure where else I can host them. I'll try to fix this tomorrow, I need to go to bed.  Anyway, it's update Saturday, so I have:


    Bloomery & Bloomery animation

    I redid the blast furnace and its animation as well

    Added crucible

    Added moss


    The animations take quite a bit of time, so it's a little light this week.  The original blast furnace was the first animation I'd ever done of any type, and I didn't really like it that much.  I hope ya'll like the new one.


    I know moss isn't actually in the game, but I really love moss, so I just kinda felt inspired.  You can check it out in creative mode, so you can probably sell it on your servers (no idea bout it's stability though).


    I'd just like to say that I'm really happy with the way the crucible turned out, especially in 256x.  Lot's of detail.


    I've started uploading at 2am eastern time, so I expect everything to be up by 7am(ish).


    As always, please let me know what you think.


  5. you could change the light reqs. for spreading grass to full light, and have leaf litter spread at lower light levels. Having gone splunking many times, I can tell you the leaf litter accumulates underground as well.


  6. Well, I'm in no position to help, but I'm interested in the mod when you've finished.  I've worked a bit with World Machine to make TFC maps via World Painter imports, so I can attest first hand that realistic world generation really does amazing things aesthetically for the game.  That method of course is extremely tedious and can't do things like rivers very well.  Beautiful erosion though.


    I hope you get all the help you need.


    Looking forward to what you come up with.


  7. I dont know why, seems like i made something wrong, but my zipped textures dont work. May be the size of pack is too big or something...

    I was having the same issue, and Nagydeak helped me.  Apparently instead of packing up the folder, you need to go into the folder and select all the contents, then pack that up.  Worked perfectly for me.


  8. So, to test out some things, I'd modified a world using MCEdit, clearing away a large area of everything, and replacing it with a flat layer of a TFC dirt, with a bedrock base to keep it all from falling.  It worked perfectly, and I was left with a large, flat, homogeneous plain on which to build.


    I've been using it for maybe 2 months.  Over time, the dirt has diversified, morphing into patches of dirt of varying types.  


    I really have no complaint, as it's still just a flat patch of dirt, but I found it unusual. 


  9. Dry stone construction required a great deal of shaping of the stones for puzzle- like fits. For this to require advanced tools is pretty sensible. The Inca, for example, used bronze tools. But most prehistoric peoples lived in homes made of some combination of sticks, mud, straw, leaves, and leather.

    I like an advanced, non-coplapsing cobble, but it shouldn't be stone age tech, imo.


  10. Update:

    Added blackberry, strawberry, and bunchberry bushes

    Posted Image

    Added (or modified, I can't remember if it was already there) short grass 

    Posted Image

    Added reeds 

    Posted Image

    Added waterlilies 

    Posted Image

    Added better_water lilies (req. Better Grass and Leaves mod) 

    Posted Image

    Added more particles 

    Posted ImagePosted Image

    Added rain

    If they weren't there before, I've also added pondweed and seaweed.

    I also improved (I hope) the grass sides.  The roots now cover only half the block.


    Please let me know what you think, about the new stuff and the old. :)


  11. How about mortared cobblestone? That's basically what my front porch is. Same recipe as brick, just different look and no chisel needed.

    Good idea. It should be pretty easy to implement, simply replace the stone bricks with rocks and give it the cobble tile.  This is especially nice because you could keep the old recipe for early/material light buildings while having the option of 2nd floor cobble flooring. 


  12. I mostly like building hidden doors or massive gates with redstone, and I did miss that in TFC. But some system with chains and counter weights would be cooler, and fit the style better I think.

    In the meantime, I use the custom recipe option from Custom NPCs to add in pistons and such.


  13. If you guys are considering revising the support beam code, could you improve the UV mapping so that the direction of the grain matches the direction of the beam? Or at least make the different direction horizontal beams have unique block IDs so that I can use connected textures to make it work? It looks really bad the way it is when you bump up the resolution...


  14. By bonsai trees I do not mean just putting a sapling into a pot, but being able to manipulate that plant, which is the kind of thing which I think has a better place in an add-on, not mainstream Terrafirma craft.

    If you play on your own, and are just concerned about aesthetics, you can use MCEdit to change the texture of a chiseled block to that of leaves, and another to the log of your choice, and chisel away.