Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Tsuarok

  1. Technically, bonzai tree are just normal trees that grow in a small place and that are cut to stay small. To be honest I have no idea of how it should render if it's introduced. As small trees made of 1/8 block square pieces ?

    I think this type of thing would be done by returning the flower pot to TFC and just using sapplings.


  2. So, I was retexturing the fruit tree leaves today and noticed that the first one I tried, plum, wasn't changing it's texture.  After futzing with it for a bit, I moved on.  When I loaded up the red apple leaves texture, the plum leaves took it.  They still have plums on them though, not apples.  Just odd. 



    Welcome to the Forums!


    We're working on adding compatibility with other mods very slowly. For instance there is now a TFCOres.cfg file where you can add in other mod's ores so that they are placed in the world using TFC's ore generator. As for mods that add other dimensions, I'm not completely surprised since there was a period of time where even the Nether would cause crashes in TFC.


    As for the bug regarding the armor, it would be extremely helpful if you could share the crash reports that are generated and placed in your crash-reports folder where you have installed Minecraft (or the profile directory). You can either upload them to and give post the link, or put the crash report in spoiler tags

    [spoiler]Insert crash report here[/spoiler]

    Wait, is the nether stable now?


    Last time I checked the end caused an immediate crash, though it's been a while.  


    ...which really has little to do with anything anyone is talking about... 


  4. Terrain gen issues are unlikely to be fixable; from my understanding TFC completely rewrites the vanilla terrain gen that other mods depend on to work.


    The armor bug should be fixable though.  They'd need either allow undefined temperatures or add some type of whitelist to the config file.  If it's dealt with at all, they'll likely do the former.


    That said, I'm not too sure that compatibility is high on their list of things to work on.


  5. Thanks so much.  I've been putting a lot of work into this, and the positive feedback really helps make it worth it.


    I personally like the higher resolution packs, but, due to my crappy computer, the highest I'm able to load this one is at 64x.  I've been testing the 256x textures one at a time in an empty test pack, but I keep 64x current so I can see the gestalt effect of everything together; it will definitely be available on release.


  6. Thanks mate!


    In other news, b78.10 is now incompatible with Optifine. Seems some major world rendering changes in the latest version of TFC, causes TFC to crash with Optifine.

    That sucks...  Guess I won't be updating yet.  I need optifine for FPS and connected textures.


    Edit: oh, just need to roll back to Optifine HD C6.


  7. I'd vote for palm, mangrove, and ficus. And 20 total trees.  Making leaves is probably the hardest part of making a texture pack (at least for me).


  8. There is- look closer. It's one of the crafting recipes. What I don't think it mentions is that you need to equip it in an imaginary equipping slot next to where the chest armour goes (in the avatar area). Once the quiver is equipped it acts as it should and you'll see the arrow/javelin counter in the bottom left corner of the screen.

    ah, whoops, I thought that section was all armors.  +1


  9. I'm okay with that as long as it's optional, but I personally think that the current rocks look much much better than those weird little bricks everywhere.


    Also, I don't think it's more realistic the old way.  I can look at a rock on the ground, I don't have to pick it up to see that it's native copper.
