Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by akbalox

  1. yeah, wool got hard on B 79, just like in 78, sometimes your seed will just don't give 'em to you...

    but I feel every other stuff is made easyer, c'mon! support beans are just a play, they're cheap and easy to use!

    but it's stopping people from tunneling kilometers into earth in search for ore, witch is a good thing, who seach for ores like that?

    this is not vanilla minecraft, one should'nt be looking up for ores this way, it's the harder one here!

    the changes in world generation made easyer to find your first metal,If you're in a good bronze bearer rock, also easyer, there are bismuth and sphalerite surface ores, but the gravel layer seems to have nerfed on the nugget spawning, witch is contraditory, so

    look upon a place with copper ore exposed, near some iron bearing small ores, if you want it realy easyer mess with the ore size in the configs and make yourself 20unit small nuggets  (yeah, I'm assuming OP is talking about singleplayer)


  2. Well, simple stuff, I want to cut ingots into pieces,


    you work an ingot with a higher tier knife (needs to be higher, not so easy to cut ingots, but I feel it don't really needs to be hot)

    you just use the plan interface to select the desired size from 10un to 90un

    work in the anvil, the the two items pop out of the anvil (the 2 pieces of the ingot, as a lets say, [selected piece-20un + 80un-rest of the ingot] metal bits)


    the back side of this would be creating 9 more items for each metal, can be something like molds that are not full, but looks harder to code


    probably messing with game balance for making possible to do small amounts of steel, but maybe not much, as you need a higher tier knife to do so...

    as is, you can only do weak colored steel by 10,20 or more ingots at once, it's kinda hard, that would change, it's the bright side!


    so, as a side effect it would satisfy some people desire for coins in a way...


  3. Well, this idea would be interestinng alongside some kind of scrap metal, witch can be melt down again for their precious metal units,

    one would like to cut ingots in the anvil to easyer manage of alloys,

    cutting metal bits from ingots with the desired amount of units can be usefull to match our crucible recipe needs,

    it would allow a small amount of any steel to be cooked instead of that big amounts needed due to the minimun amount of an alloy you can trow into a crucible is 100 units

    if I'm not wrong you need to cook 10 ingots to get blue steel

    you'll need 20 to reach the best ratio with minimun black steel

    this idea would fit if the anvil spit out the extra metal in this form when making not full ingot tools


    yeah, i'm making a topic about metal bits right now;...


  4. like it!, tough it's similar to magas hotkey suggestion witch I support too, any of these solutions would easyer food managing! in fact we should be able to select the amount of food we're taking of the stack, like making 100Oz stacks for vinager recipes



    Maybe something similar to the casting interface, were you right click with a stack of food and a knife in your hotbar to open the interface, select the stack size, then proceed to cut the stacks manually at the desired size to fit your barrel recipes (:})

    this could also be used to stack food back to even more easyer stack management along with auto cutting decay on operation in this interface

    Posted Image


    one for the knife, the two other for cutting or adding food stacks

    happy barrel managing!


  5. yo!

    I really don't care about broken saves anytime you'll change worldgen, it's just a lot of fun to see new stuff in the worldgen, because the metal hunting is the most interesting aspect in terrafirma, it's not fun to get a new worldgen in an old save anyway, it's just worthless to get new worldgen features if you don't have any thier of metal to go up anymore, I'm from the singleplayer mob, but I feel I would have the same opinion if I was into server play...


  6. If you say it's not related to PC power, only thing left to be done is a fresh start install for minecraft and TFC, I'd bring up PC power 'cause I had the exact same issue, I fixed it by doing what I said in the other post, my PC is a intel core i3 with 4G of ram, and just a 64M onboard video card, and I do have some crashes after 2-3 hour of game too, witch I avoid by making some breaks during the gameplay (crashes occur more often if I'm travelling around generating new chunks, I crash constantly if using TP commands too), but after I've allocated 2560M max memo, I didn't got sequoia crashes anymore.(but my PC can't do any other stuff wile minecraft is running)


  7. uhauhauahuah

    you probably started in a gabbro surface layer, there's mostly nothing on that, Iron bearing rocks like chalk or conglomerate can be very sterile too...

    But if you look for surface basalt near some surface granite, you're the bronzeman!


  8. Yeeeah, to me, it looks like your computer is a donkey-force chariot, you can't play TFC with less than 2G allocated for max memory usage, also, minecraft is allways laggy if you're using 32bit Java version (If you're using crappy launcher, you'll need to have only  64bit java installed to run it properly)


    If you're using a decent launcher you need to use this args


    -Xms1G -Xmx2G


    (these are minimun and maximun memory allocation args, config it's max with care for your memories, I recommend a 75% memory usage wile you play TFC (PC usage included, computer will be using this amount of memory wile you generate new chunks), with Optifine standard to have some visual configs I like, basically sun & moon on short rendering  distance)


  9. I'm up for cannon /catapult mutiblock structures, certainly expensive as hell, ammo too, maybe 2x black steel per bulet for cannons, natural stone for catapults


    cannons are made of 3pc made of

    7, red steel double sheet, crafted leggings-like, heated and welded whith 7 more black steel for mounting sheets togeter (bottom piece)

    6, red steel double sheet, crafted like tool rack, welded with 4 black steel (tube piece 2x)

    two pieces for supports at the sides, made of iron


    to use it, you load gunpowder in it, press the powder with some baton, risk of exploding in your face if too much   (power controlable)

    load the bullet, load some stuff to make pressure

    insert the string for lighting it, light it KBOOM


  10. yeaaah, I was going to create a topic named B78 waiting room, but I think here's the place, forum's not dead

    I believe many people are waiting for a world lost in B78 and put TFC on halt, to avoid loosing more time on B77 worlds (my case, when I started to play TFC in B77, I did a new map, due to recent generation worlds, I read somewere, here or on IRC, that maybe worlds would be destroyed, so I did only my color steel on this world, no fancy construction, but now I see, could play more.)


  11. Generally the process to make coal coke is the same process as making charcoal: You burn it in the absence of oxygen. As a result, the impurities that can burn without oxygen do so and remove themselves, while the raw carbon remains behind as there is no oxygen for it to form CO2 with. Coal coke and charcoal are ultimately almost identical substances - a whole lot of 99% pure carbon.


    (This, incidentally, is the reason you use charcoal or coke in forges and blast furnaces instead of natural coal. What we call "steel" is an iron/carbon alloy, and natural coal is not pure enough carbon to make it work. And when working with metal in a forge, you don't want to get it all sooty, forge byproducts into your blade and smoke yourself to coughing. You want the smokeless flame and heat of a pure carbon/oxygen reaction.)


    So for all intents and purposes, coal coke in TFC would be a direct charcoal equivalent. It would be produced the same way, and be used for the same applications. For the most simplistic approach, if coal was placeable in the world like charcoal currently is, you could build it into stacks and cover it with a dirt mound, just like you stack wood to make charcoal. The coal would burn twice as long, and upon completion return about 75% of the inserted coal as coal coke. You dig it up with a shovel just like charcoal and use it just like charcoal.


    well, simple and easy, maintain the charcoal pit mechanics in-game, gives use to the humongous amount of coal generated undergrownd, I like it, and in fact, mineral coal was a extremely usefull resource taking charcoal obsolete to industrial uses were it become available (because of price related reasons)


    it' a question of balance at last reasoning, I do believe the amounts of coal underground are a little OP, but with this mechanic, all unprocessed coal should be useless, balances its work intensiveness just like charcoal, only difference is that you can have some chests of coal ready to burn at the side of your pit.


  12. Hey dud, have you played the 365day year versions? did you harvested crops on these versions? I didn't, and I play most of my free time, at the time I was deep on TFC at some of theese versions crops and animals were working related to the year lenght, and was nightmare!

    imagine to wait 120 days to get your wheat harvested? 6 months to get your little sheep (disconsidering the animal offspring related bugs at the time) remenber these days and reconsider you 360day year idea...


  13. Personally, I feel the coke oven some OP, but, in fact I don't know the real process to do coal coke, I was thinking in a hard process to do a better fuel, but in fact reading it now, this process is insanely though!

    maybe breaking the stuff with a hammer, then cooked in a coal kiln, i've found it in the wikipedia, but it don't really fit TFC's timeline (if it's based in european development)

    Beehive coke ovenA fire brick chamber shaped like a dome is used, commonly known as a beehive oven. It is typically between 4 meters wide and 2.5 meters high. The roof has a hole for charging the coal or other kindling from the top. The discharging hole is provided in the circumference of the lower part of the wall. In a coke oven battery, a number of ovens are built in a row with common walls between neighboring ovens. A battery consisted of a great many ovens, sometimes hundreds of ovens, in a row.[17]Coal is introduced from the top to produce an even layer of about 60 to 90 centimeters deep. Air is supplied initially to ignite the coal. Carbonization starts and produces volatile matter, which burns inside the partially closed side door. Carbonization proceeds from top to bottom and is completed in two to three days. Heat is supplied by the burning volatile matter so no by-products are recovered. The exhaust gases are allowed to escape to the atmosphere. The hot coke is quenched with water and discharged, manually through the side door. The walls and roof retain enough heat to initiate carbonization of the next charge.When coal was burned in a coke oven, the impurities of the coal not already driven off as gases accumulated to form slag, which was effectively a conglomeration of the removed impurities. Since it was not the desired coke product, slag was initially nothing more than an unwanted by-product and was discarded. Later, however, it was found to have many beneficial uses and has since been used as an ingredient in brick-making, mixed cement, granule-covered shingles, and even as a fertilizer.[18]


  14. They come for your chests, so is possible they don't appear during the stone age, wile you're keeping stuff in vessels,

    about the becoming stressful, I agree with you, maybe if they appear with certain predictability, like only in full moons or pitchblack nights,  or even only in pitchblack nights during the winter or all of this factors buid up the probability of your base being raided that night  (this would make only 2 or 3 raids/year) .

    as you say would be terribly annoyng to play if you're being raided at all the time


  15. I've said this somewere in the past, Thieves and Raiders are what I dream to see in TFC someday!


    It's a little creepy, but fact is that after humans passed the stone age, in general, most of the danger are other humans, once they're decided to steal your stuff and kill you, you're prety sure endangered!


    so, about the Idea, It's a big raiding group spawning near the player base, there's 2 different mobs.


    Raider: armed whith a bow or javelin, capable of breaking and placing soft blocks to build a path and reach to the chests, capable of storing 9 stacks of stolen items (1 row of inventory)


    Thieves:armed with swords, always wear at least 1 piece of armour, thieves track chests or the player (nearer one), can steal up to 4 stacks of items


    they get the stuff out of your chests, when they are full of stolen stuff they start to run of the player (dream of they runing away and building theyr own base and stuff...NO.NPC.RULE.APPLIED...) so, maybe they just keep hanging around like animals...


    **Really lookink forward for B78, waiting anxiously**;P


  16. OK!

    I do agree, monster on surface are nonsense!

    Bears should spawn near river biomes and surface caves


    (this last one is tricky we don't want them inside the ravines, and how can we tell one from another?

    Only idea I have is a generated structure, a bear lair,

    would be nice to see around these high mountain range.

    I imagine something like these thermal fountains Bioxx preview on his Twitter


