Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Terex

  1. Yeah... Dunk is 19, I'm 22 and just going back to school, and Bioxx is 25.


    Ah, so you mean like college  :) Of course, regardless of your occupation, it comes before TFC development. I'm quite simply impressed at all that (young) people find the time to work on incredible mods in their spare time. For some time, I did a few skins for a media player (sadly 'dead' now) and already considered that was the most i could do.


  2. I've played around with this modpack. Feels quite nice and a change from other modpacks that lets you use tech to take away some of the grind. Still i can't help the feeling that "Life in the Woods" is more about aestetics and building with the option of some survival thrown in. Also a modpack is not an overhaul like TFC though, so a comparison is not really warranted. But if you like building structures more than survival, the modpack is a welcome change from TFC (where resources are way scarcer).


  3. I personally don't care WHEN a major update is released. HOWEVER, when it is, it really should be in tune with the current stable build of MC (we are at 1.7.5 now). The MCP (Mod Coder Pack) 9.03 RC1 for Minecraft 1.7.2 and Forge is released, so there is no excuse to stay with 1.6.x.


  4. "whenever you feel like it"


    Why? Because Minecraft is also constantly updated and at the moment frequent MC updates have broken most mod compatibility (worse than before) for an extended period. With this in mind, I do not expect that you could adhere to a schedule of regular major TFC updates.


    However, when you do not plan to proceed to the next MC version (e.g. 1.6.x to 1.7.x), you may consider 'smaller' major updates than what i believe you are planning at the moment with Dunk. It's a balancing act and i'm confident that if you release more, you will feel the rewards and be motivated to work on TFC more. And yes, we get to play more :P


  5. Ah, nice. I'm looking forward to B78.


    I wonder if anything will change regarding ore body concentrations, as in how widely spaced apart will ore bodies be? Could they be in a random distribution or will there be clusters of ore bodies?


  6. I fully agree with your ideas. Ore generation is central to TFC and should be the first thing to be optimised. However, the ore generation code (borrowed, may I add) has been ignored for too long and I really hope this will be addressed in the next beta version of TFC. 


  7. Welp, I'm not going to make a 5-10k trip for only some wool, or god help me lead a breeding pair back to my homestead, so hacking away it is.  I'll be more wary in my next world.


    Make a trip regardless. Consider it as an expedition. You will find a lot more goodies along the way than just wool from sheep.


  8.  I found gneiss and granite under level 75 ( is that middle layer ? ) .


    Where did you mine? On what level in gneiss and granite? I've seen it in granite on level 60 in one of my worlds. By luck, as Dunk says.


  9. Pretty certain strongcraft, and the steam age mod were made for TFC......Why not head over to the addon section and have a look, whats there is...


  -Built for TFC...


    That's true... TFC works best with dedicated add ons. If Healshot is able to successfully host a server with the configured mods (especially custom npcs) I congratulate him. But I'm still somewhat skeptical.


  10. Custom NPC mod can have merchants that sell the vanilla items.


    How can you trade with said custom npcs if you dont have the vanilla items to trade with in the first place or the ability to make the items? (e.g. vanilla bread does not exist in TFC -> How do custom npcs spawn in the TFC world?


    The only way to use custom npcs is in creative mode which kind of defeats the purpose of what TFC is trying to achieve. This mod pack is better implemented without TFC in my opinion.



    What I think is that the majority of mods will not be compatible with TFC. You better test them out first before asking permissions, etc or you waste your time.

    words...I have tested the Pack and all the mods work pretty well....words



    I know what he said, but think about it yourself. 


    How are you going to get vanilla leather?

    How can TFC animals be compatible to be ridden?

    What vanilla wood is there to build Bibliocraft items?

    What NPCs would spawn? TFC has no NPC villages.

    Infernal mobs would not work properly because of the new hitpoint system. Hostile mobs have way more hitpoints than vanilla. How can they then be customised based on vanilla versions? And surely this mod would make then hugely deadly that you wont stand a chance with TFC weapons.

    Steam age/strongcraft could not possible work properly without vanilla blocks.


    I could go on...
