Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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About Terex

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    Apprentice Blacksmith

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  • Location The Netherlands

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  1. TFC1 1.12+ port

    Congratulations! I really though for a while that TFC and the forums would be forgotten. I look forward to the first public beta version.
  2. TFC2 Prerelease

    1 year later...
  3. TFC1 1.12+ port

    Wow! What a wonderful effort Dries! I hope Bioxx gives you full permission to port TFC to a newer version of MC. Maybe you have a lot of free time now to do this or some other reason. I think it's only fair when the main developer(s) cannot commit to the project anymore due to life and such, they pass on the baton. Good luck!
  4. Do you check the forum everyday?

    My point was, to be honest, TFC 2 does not have to run on MC 1.13+ per se. I'd love the hear from Bioxx or any other dev that they are specifically waiting for new capabilities in the latest MC, ones that should be critical to the development of TFC 2.
  5. Do you check the forum everyday?

    But it's always like that. Waiting for the next thing to happen to make x faster or better. This should not be the main obstacle. When MC 1.8 was announced it was going to break many mods and modpacks. I think most devs have overcome those changes by now (but even still 1.6 and 1.7 modpacks remain popular to date). TFC or TFC 2 had the chance to besomething new, but nothing happened. Finally, some pre-alpha version of TFC 2 was released. But really I still don't see what it's supposed to be about. There is no roadmap, no objectives, no clear idea of what should make it fun. Now we are approaching 1.13. Then 1.14, etc, and this won't solve TFC 2's problems - or the lack of motivation to continue working on it.
  6. Do you check the forum everyday?

    I check every 2 weeks or so. Maybe I will leave soon. I'm not expecting anything more. Even if TFC 2 will see new development, I doubt it will be as good as the original TFC. I don't like many of its current features tbh. Adding 'magic' and portals and such is not original because minecraft inherently already has these things. TFC was fun because of advanced smithing, chiseling, and geology, as real as they could get. The food system wasn't really that amazing but OK. The world gen was also quite good compared to other worldgen at the time. The best aspect was generation of tall mountains, and not just ones that looklike only cliffs and havefloating islands. I will fondly remember all the good times playing TFCwith friends and in single player.
  7. TFC1 1.12+ port

    Wow! You can port TFC to MC 1.12? The devs always said how nearly impossible this is, especially the chiseling code. I will definitely play TFC again if you can pull this off.
  8. [0.2.4] TFC2 Prerelease

    I also agree with this. Spelunking should be part of any minecraft experience.
  9. Climbing

    Cool. Will there also be mountains to climb? Whilst there are some impressive cliffs, I've not seen mountains generate and the central region of each island is a plateau.
  10. [0.2.4] TFC2 Prerelease

    Sorry no screenshot, but going north where temperature is below zero degrees Celsius the land does not generatesnow and ice in river/lake hex chunks.
  11. [0.2.4] TFC2 Prerelease

    Thanks for fixing the download link Bioxx. So far I only explored in creative mode.I only generated 1 world so far, but the island is certainly "big enough". I am very impressed with procedural world generation so far. The landscapes don't look nearly as bad in hex chunks as I feared. The trees are amazing and the little rivers flowing from high up to the sea generate well. I had some fun in creative mode with a boat riding down the rapids The spires feature is very interesting. Breaking the base causes an entertaining cascade of rubble and gravel blocks. Will there be more "structures" like these? Can't wait to see all those animals modders made, spawning in the world. Keep up the great work! Please give us an idea what features are already in the game, and which you plan to add later!
  12. [0.2.4] TFC2 Prerelease

    Awww... the link to the game in the OP is broken now
  13. Release Date? Soon?

    I check in every month or so, but if I don't see any activity I will keep doing other things. As long as the forums are online, I'm hopeful tfc2 is being developed. It's a spare-time project so best to keep expectations realistic
  14. One layer of dirt?

    Heh, interesting. I observed this so long ago, i don't know when i first thought about it. Then i dismissed it since it did not affect my gameplay.
  15. Water update

    No fix as far as I am aware. But you can use this add on to improve your experience (tho of course the add on might also cause some strangeness, it is still worthwhile having).