Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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      There has been a breach of our database. Please make sure you change your password (use a password manager, like Lastpass).
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      I'm trying my best to find out more and keep everyone up to date. Discord ( is the best option for up to date news and questions. I'm sorry for this, but the damage has been done. All I can do is try to make sure it doesn't happen again.
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About Apples

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    Freshly Spawned
  1. Biome Ids for Terrafirmacraft Biomes

    My mistake. When I changed the config for the biomes that TFC overwrites and saw the correct change on the map, I assumed I had found the correct id's.
  2. Biome Ids for Terrafirmacraft Biomes

    I used NEI to do a data dump of all the used biomes. 0 Ocean 1 Plains 2 Lake 3 High Hills 4 Forest 5 Taiga 6 Swamp 7 River 8 Hell 9 Sky 10 FrozenOcean 11 FrozenRiver 12 Ice Plains 13 Ice Mountains 14 MushroomIsland 15 MushroomIslandShore 16 Beach 17 Gravel Beach 18 ForestHills 19 TaigaHills 20 High Hills Edge 21 Jungle 22 JungleHills 23 JungleEdge 24 Deep Ocean 25 Stone Beach 26 Cold Beach 27 Birch Forest 28 Birch Forest Hills 29 Roofed Forest 30 Rolling Hills 31 Mountains 32 Mountains Edge 33 Mega Taiga Hills 34 Extreme Hills+ 35 High Plains 36 Deep Ocean 37 Mesa 38 Mesa Plateau F 39 Mesa Plateau 129 Sunflower Plains 130 Desert M 131 Extreme Hills M 132 Flower Forest 133 Taiga M 134 Swampland M 140 Ice Plains Spikes 149 Jungle M 151 JungleEdge M 155 Birch Forest M 156 Birch Forest Hills M 157 Roofed Forest M 158 Cold Taiga M 160 Mega Spruce Taiga 161 Mega Spruce Taiga 162 Extreme Hills+ M 163 Savanna M 164 Savanna Plateau M 165 Mesa (Bryce) 166 Mesa Plateau F M 167 Mesa Plateau M Sorry, forums blew up my formatting. I'm working on a config for Antique Atlas.
  3. How not to play Terrafirmacraft

    The vanilla nametag item does both of those things for hostile mobs. Helmets also prevent the undead from burning during the day.
  4. I've been playing with a tiny group recently, and have run into a couple of occasions that really made me reevaluate how I play the game. The first: We captured a zombie who could equip items, and used vanilla nametags to name him Terrence. We locked Terrence in one of the bedrooms for a short while, until I decided to see what happened if I gave him a bronze mace. He manage to kill one of my friends, who was carrying our only iron sword. With his new shiny weapon, he killed me too, and took my full set of bronze armor. Now that the household was thoroughly unarmed, and even the sun couldn't kill Terrence, we lured him into our stone quarry, and caved it in on top of him, trapping him inside. I'm sure by now that we can probably kill him, but we prefer to let him live out his unlife in his tomb. The second: Not learning our lesson, we captured another zombie and named him Loopy. He is equipped with a copper helmet and a copper javelin, and locked in our wooden prison cell in the cellar. The real facepalm moment here, is when I assumed that powder kegs are as strong as TNT, and set one near a second floor wall to blow a hole for a new window. It should have been a massive red-flag that it was so time consuming to make 4 stacks of gunpowder, but I was excited. The remains of our rather large wooden house include one wall of the house, one wall of the toolshed outside, and the scarecrow we made out of straw and a pumpkin. Even the forge 30-40 blocks up on the cliff above received minor damage. To make matters worse, Loopysurvived the blast, and started slaughtering us as we tried to pick up the remains of our chests. He is now trapped in a tomb similar to Terrences. So, what sort of facepalm moments have you had in TFC lately?