Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by JohnTzimisces

  1. How much pig iron does a blast furnace put out?

    I have the same experience. I'll throw 20 ore in along with the 20 flux and charcoal, and more often than not I get more than 5 ingots and then some.
  2. [Solved] I can't use Chisel

    Is there a hammer in your hotbar? The chisel can't do anything by right clicking unless you also have a hammer.
  3. More believable plank size

    The trouble with minecraft and logs and planks is that not every length of wood is created equally. I live in a heavily wooded area where most of the trees are no more than 60 years old. The biggest, oldest trees, the ones that might seem ideal for logging and turning into things like planks or poles, well, aren't, because they weren't cut down when logging was more common in my area due to various defects, most notably that their trunk does not rise perpendicular to the ground; for instance when they were young they may have had their top damaged or cut off and so the trunk forks, or the tree sorta winds and bends upward, or the wood is knotted, and so the number of planks which can be cut from the log are less than one that is both tall and straight. Sure, you have the same volume of wood in a "good" tree and a "defective" tree, but in the defective tree, if you attempt to saw it, you may be compromising the resulting planks in structural integrity (and aesthetic quality, unless you're talking about warty looking birdseye maple or whatever) because you aren't cutting along the grain as you might in a tree ideal for logging. So, the problem is less getting what seems like a smaller amount of plank strips from a single log even when initial processing like the removal of bark is taken into account, so much as real life restrictions on the quantity of wood gotten from a tree of a particular size. tl;dr, I think its more or less fair that that one log yields 8 planks despite the fact planks in game are less than 1/8 the size of a log block. An improvement, I might suggest, would be getting more planks from certain tree types, and less from others. A more extreme solution could be to implement the generation of various quality logs of each tree type to represent the usability (as far as planks go) of that log (but not having an effect on charcoal production as far as that tree type is concerned).
  4. 2 options of ores from rocks

    Yeah. I imagine I had my pro-pick out because I sometimes prospect at the surface in areas where I find clusters of nuggets (particularly copper) and I was basically at sea level. I'd have to check though to see what kind of rock it was, and it wasn't a huge quantity (enough for two crucibles) due to mixing with borax.
  5. 2 options of ores from rocks

    Took me way longer than an hour to find any bismuthinite nuggets lemme tell you, spawned on a big island where the only nuggets were sphalerite, native copper, and tetrahedrite. But, I did find it, in two random locations while I was off looking for livestock islands 1km+ from my home. Was very very careful to note their X and Z coords so I could come back and get it, since I knew bismuth is only useful for alloying with copper and zinc to make bismuth bronze As for cassiterite you can either try the tried and true method of just random looking underground in the proper rock types (which is to say, if the top rock isn't granite, then go down to the layers below the top after you get a pick and some ladders), or try and find an area where granite is the top rock layer and look for an exposed ravine to save you some time digging around (which is how I got lucky). But, it was the same as with the bismuth, it took me ages to find any cassiterite simply because it pops up on the surface far less commonly than copper ores (IE, native copper and tetrahedrite). Hell, the ONLY reason I found any graphite and borax (was actually a mixed vein) is that I accidentally right clicked the ground with my pro-pick. Rough going but satisfying. If I were you I wouldn't worry. You've got tons and tons of copper for the stone age, enough for 32 ingots when you get around to making a pit kiln to melt it down and cast it (absolutely my favorite feature of the early game, sure saved me the trouble of finding a stone anvil).
  6. [Solved] 0.77.17 - Crucible Mixing Percentages

    I've just encountered this in hotfix 17. After adding bismuth to correct the ratios, it happened again. I then added a tetrahedrite nugget (having originally started with 10, just wanted to clear some inventory space) and I've gotten metal percentages that total over 100%. First encounter with the bug: After adding a copper nugget to correct the screwed up percentages:
  7. 0.77.11 bug and translation mistake

    oo, that's good to hear. I suppose in the meantime, that means in order to avoid feeling all cheaty, I should melt down all my metal prior to actually placing molds/liquid unshaped metal molds in the output slot.
  8. 0.77.11 bug and translation mistake

    b77.13 Crucible Weirdness Suggested category:Minor? Description:I recently posted a thread about how alarmed I was using the blast furnace and crucible to get pig iron; I was expecting 22 ingots worth of steel but got over twice that amount. Well, it happened again. I threw exactly 44 bismuthinite into a crucible (aka, 2x16 and 1x12 bismuthinite) anticipating I'd get 11 bismuthinite and that the 4 ore - 1 ingot rule held true for this fancy new method of smelting. Well, I've gotten 15 and what looks like around a half ingots worth. Deleted config?: Yes, prior to updating my game from 77.12 to 77.13.
  9. 77.12 Strangeness with crucible, pig iron

    This might be nothing. Maybe I'm just a little confused about the math involved. Right. So, I get my first blast furnace going somehow since the last time I probably jumped the gun with an issue yesterday. Over the course of screwing around with it, I tossed at least two stacks of limonite and about 3 and a half stacks of magnetite in (along with as much flux and charcoal as the thing would take). Tuyere is wrought iron, if that matters. I can't be sure about exactly how much magnetite I threw in (no more than what I said, however), but it was definitely 32 limonite (all at once, which was foolish since it seemed to destroy the excess ore) If my math is right...[(2x16)+(3.5x16)]/4 is 22 ingots. After all was said and done, I somehow had enough product to make an anvil, 28 ingots, two pickaxes, a propick, a hammer, a sword, and like a quarter of an unshaped pig iron. So, basically ~48 steel. Is there some kind of give and take about how much steel the blast furnace produces, or does the 4 ore to one ingot thing not apply with steel? Do some ores (IE, magnetite as opposed to limonite) produce more pig iron? Or did I stumble on a dupe glitch? In the process of...processing all the pig iron I was making, I noticed shift right clicking a solidified unshaped pig iron in the crafting square to get the ingot, removed the heat value from that ingot. I don't know if that's intended, but when I chucked those room temperature pig iron ingots back in the crucible to remelt them, it seemed like it refilled more than it should. I don't know if that's where the weirdness is coming from, or if the crucible fill bar just isn't displaying correctly for me (disclaimer, I use optifine, although I don't think that would really effect that sort of thing?) I tried to reproduce the thing with the cold pig iron ingots by emptying my crucible and throwing pig iron back in (using a forge underneath the blast furnace's crucible for the heat), but it seemed to be working fine (IE, throw an ingot in, it melts, get one ingot back).
  10. 77.12 Strangeness with crucible, pig iron

    Correction above: shift clicking not shift right clicking. D'oh. Wondering aloud, perhaps the problem stemmed from throwing shift-clicked pig iron back into the partially filled crucible for melting? I feel really dirty for having all this steel :|
  11. Quoth the wiki: This no longer occurs. Upon working a 200% raw iron bloom on the anvil I receive one refined iron bloom listed at 200%, which when worked results in 1 wrought iron ingot.
  12. Yes. 1. Work the raw iron bloom on the anvil to get the refined bloom. 2. Work the refined bloom on the anvil again to split it if its over 100%. 3. Work the now split refined bloom on the anvil and boom, wrought iron ingot. I imagine, if the initial raw/refined bloom is 100%, then you'll just get an ingot after step two rather than having to do step three, but I think that'd be a waste of charcoal, and that rubs me the wrong way lol. I personally haven't touched fooling around with ingot molds and non-casting metals to get unshaped metal because I honestly have no idea how to do it now short of placing a crucible on a forge and using that to melt and pour stuff.
  13. I was clicking and dragging, IIRC. I can test again (at this point I'm just going to cheat back in all the iron I've lost from doing that, haw) to double check to see what both methods do. edit: Shift-clicking correctly places a single refined iron bloom 100% in the working slot. Guess I'll try and manually insert a second refined iron bloom 100% in to see if that's a problem too (I imagine that won't work since I'm guessing temperature is some kind of metadata value kind of like item damage) edit 2: yes, manually placing a second refined iron bloom 100% (at least of the same temperature as the one in the working slot, such as one produced by hammering a raw iron bloom 200%) in the anvil allows them to stack in the working slot like if you clicked and dragged the refined bloom.
  14. Retested the problem in light of you not having the problem. I think I see what's happened and I was incorrect in my initial interpretation. Upon working 200% refined iron bloom, the refined bloom *does* split, but it stacks in the inventory because the two new items have the same temperature. If, say, you don't notice that, and put the 2 things of 100% refined iron bloom in the working slot, and work it, you'll lose the two refined bloom and get one wrought iron ingot out of the deal.
  15. 0.77.11 bug and translation mistake

    Bug Report,build 77.11 Name: Leather Name/Durability Glitch Category: Annoying Description: Dyed and un-dyed leather armor appears as "item.helmetCloth" (replace helmet for other armor pieces, like chestplate). Leather armor also appears to take durability damage but seems to loop back to undamaged state when durability runs out. Deleted your config to reproduce the bug?: No.