Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Deviator

  1. Well looking at the two different screenies I can see that you guys are on different maps. Unless rei's minimap alters the coordinates somehow.

    Edit: I just checked and Dunkleosteus has it right, so you either gave us the wrong seed or rei's minimap is wrong.

    Not so sure the screenshots are wrong. One is inverted, zoomed in and devoid of trees, but they look the same to me.


  2. Really, how often do you climb in real life?

    It depends on what you are doing. If I was climbing a mountain, I would probably climb since it is in the name. Even in spelunking, you would need to climb and slide through small holes. If I was the last person in a deserted world I might find that I needed to climb in order to survive, but then we were talking about real life right? Not a game...


  3. SM is one of the mods that is not mandatory for ppl to have installed if they want to join. Though they may not be able to use all buildings and stuff like that. But thats their decision. I wasnt in favor of smart moving before i used it, but since i use it i really started to love it. Most for the climbing instead of always having to dump blocks at your feet.

    Exactly the same here.... thought it was a crazy idea until I tried it... then it all made sense, especially with TFC. This mod is going for believability and it is more believable to me that my character can do more than just bunny hop and walk/run.

    I would still watch the series either way, I just think SM fits in extremely well with the feel Bioxx is going for with TFC.


  4. That post is extremely old as far as this mod goes. It needs serious updating or deletion. Try the following from and see if it helps: These are the instructions Bioxx posts and it has always worked for me.

    • (Optional) When upgrading delete your configs to fix any change of id errors.
    • Install the latest Forge Universal into your jar file
    • Install PlayerAPI
    • Place TFCraft_Universal into your Minecraft mods folder after installing the prerequisites.
    • Be Awesome!

  5. It only took me 7 in game days to run the 10k to the equator. That is including setting up shop for the night times and collecting fruit trees and seeds along the way. It wasn't too bad. I just made boats for the 2 huge and 3 small oceans I had which made it go faster since I didn't have to climb mountains and stuff and could just go straight through. The one thing I hate is that the equator is nowhere near as nice as some of the mountain areas I passed on the way.

    I have seen plenty of plains and mountains, even a few jungle tree areas but no deserts at all. I have seen rainfall amounts from 8000 down to, I think it was, 125. Not sure the full range but I am assuming the desert areas will be 0 rainfall. Have not seen any snow either but I didn't head to the poles... yet. Once I get settled in, I am going to make a run for all of the tree types and see how far I can get to one pole or the other and check it out.

    I was hoping to have enough food soon to be able to do that but my crop harvest never came in. I am in a 1000 rainfall area so I assume I need to move it to a higher zone, I think there is a 4000 and an 8000 nearby but I don't want to drown them lol. Being that I work during the day, I missed all my fruit tree harvests except cherries so I will most likely have to rely on animals. That's the downside to playing on a server I guess.


  6. When ores get hot enough, they turn into liquid so you need something to catch it with. You need to find clay, put them into the crafting bench in the shape of a boat which makes clay molds, then put the clay mold in the fire pit and heat it up until it turns into a ceramic mold. Put the ceramic mold in the space under where you are smelting the ores to catch the liquid, then fill it up with 15-16 small pieces of ore.

    Good luck.


  7. Yeah that page needs to be updated more than anything else on the wiki.

    Technically, the firepit doesn't need to be "centered in the bottom layer". As long as it's in the bottom layer and not on the edge it will work. If it is on the edge, then it will burn out early, and the wood will remain unconverted.

    The only reason you would need to center it is if it is a full sized pit. It goes 12 in each direction plus the center block for 25 total. If you put it on the edge of a 25m pit, it would only pick up the first 13 rows. I have had pits on the edge that worked about half the time. Also, you need to have at least one log above the firepit, so 1 layer pits wouldn't work.


  8. According to the wiki, this is the biggest charcoal pit possible:

    Posted Image

    So if your idea works, let us know!

    Actually, according to the wiki... just above that picture...

    New algorithms are used in build 47c, this page will be updated at a later date, the information below is mostly correct except that the fire pit will disappear at the end of the 18 hour cycle. The charcoal produced is deposited on the floor of the pit, so make sure you collect it. You may now make charcoal pits of almost any shape up to 25m wide and 13m tall, with the firepit centered in the bottom layer.


  9. How long are you letting it run? 47f took about 30 seconds for the Mojang screen to go away for me, now on 48g it takes only about 10 seconds. Not sure what causes it but I have seen posts of other people having the same issue, some upwards of 10 minutes of hang time.


  10. I noticed some of you had buildcraft and redpower. How do you get around the recipes to craft them?

    The only thing I use buildcraft(currently) for is so I could install additional pipes mod which adds the Teleport Tether to keep chunks loaded. I put these up in my fruit and crop farm so my harvests continue to grow while I am away in a distant mine somewhere. I use NEI to get these.

    Also, I only use redpower so I could install wireless redstone for the wireless remote and receiver to switch train tracks without having to stop my train, get out, push a button, and start up again.... I am lazy :) I use NEI as well for these.

    I plan on farming the goods to make the tracks for trains and zeppelin mod, and use my own farmed redstone for powering the trains, but NEI to actually get the trains.

    In the future, I may make a sorting system with the rest of buildcraft and logistics pipes. I may have to NEI these as well, or maybe offer up some sort of exchange of TFC gems for diamonds or other goods. I never really cared much for the rest of redpower so probably won't use much else in that category though.


  11. I can also verify that any mod that uses Forge is not compatible, as Forge is not compatible with TFC for an unknown reason.

    How can this be true when Forge is required to even install TFC???

    Install Forge Client into your jar file

    Besides, I run quite a few mods that run on Forge and I have no issues other than a few block ID changes in the config files.

    Mods I use:

    Buildcraft with additional pipes and objects plus logistics pipes

    Trains and Zeppelins


    Wireless Redstone CBE


    REI's Minimap

    Smart moving

    Inventory Tweaks

    I think most, if not all, of these work with SMP


  12. From the anivils page there is a link to the stone anvil that tells you how to do this.


    A stone anvil is simulated by using a hammer on the top surface of a piece of raw Igneous Stone in its natural layer, opening the regular Anvil GUI. this is the only way to work metal before getting Copper.

    BUG: Currently when the Anvil GUI is open, the stone block will turn into a stone anvil. this will later be removed as the stone block IS the anvi

    Make sure you have the right type of stone, and that it was naturally there, not transported from another biome.


  13. I wonder if it would be possible for Bioxx to lock certain resources. Say for instance you start with only stone. You can collect ores but cannot make them until you have made x number of stone tools, grown so many crops etc. at which point you could start with the low tier metals. Next tier you could collect higher tiers of ore but could not use them until you made so many tools and crops and whatever other reqs are needed. These could all be stored in a config file somewhere.

    This would allow for higher technology items like trains and redstone contraptions but you could not start right off with it had you not followed the progression. I know there is a way to save progress like this, the Tale of Kingdoms mod did this and triggered events based on it, but as far as locking items until progress is made, I am not sure how that would work but I think it would help encourage trade and community involvement to help with progression.
