Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Deviator

  1. Do you mean diagonals horizontally or veritically? My pit is a pyramid so it has vertical diagonals and it works fine. Also, now that I think about it... my firepit is not right on the edge, it is one in from the edge on the bottom layer so it is directly below the edge of the second layer (which is ground layer so I think of it as the edge), but covered on all sides and above by logs. I also noticed that only the block directly above the firepit will show smoke instead of the whole pit.


  2. I put mine on the ende of a 9x9, not in the center, and it works. I would assume the firepit will go 12 in each direction plus itself so if your pit is only 13 across, the firepit can be on the edge so long as there is a log directly above it. If you go more than 13 across, you will have to move the firepit so there are no more than 12 on either side. In the case of a 25x25, you would need to center it to cover the full area.


  3. OK, just did another one this time putting logs in the firepit. I got 1.5 stacks less than when I didn't use logs in the firepit. I don't think fueling the firepit matters. I think it is just a random amount of return.

    Also tested my theory about the sand block falling when the logs turn to charcoal.... didn't work. I just stood there as the fire went out and had to place a torch to get it to fall.


  4. The charcoal seems to spit out where the firepit was so how about something like this....

    On the flat ground floor of your charcoal pit, dig 1 block out so that it is below the rest. Put logs covering the hole and the rest of the space for your charcoal pit and place your firepit in the same level as your log piles but on the block next to where your hole is. Now cover the pit with dirt except for the spot on top over where you dug the hole, in this spot you place sand. Stand on the sand block so when the charcoal pops out, you fall down right next to your firepit and suck up all the charcoal while AFK.

    Posted Image

    I know, I know... you all envy my sweet photoshop skillz! haha


  5. I got pretty good results out of it. I had 164 log piles full and got 18.5 stacks of charcoal. I used to do the full firepit back on the old charcoal pit shape and would get about 3 to 3.5 stacks of charcoal. Both seem right around 45-50% return. I have to do another large pit tonight, I will try to remember to fill the firepit and see if things have changed.


  6. ...I managed to hit a very scattered limonite deposit at y88. By scattered I mean the limonite occurs on clumps of 2/3/4 nuggets but over a 20 block length - I don't know it's full spread as I had no inventory space by this point so wasn't going to waste any more than I had to.

    All my ore looks like this in 47. I had a copper vein that was spread out like this instead of one big lump like all the pics I have seen. I filled up almost 14 chests with copper by the time I could no longer see any on the surface. I took a check with my propick and it still says very large copper vein :(. I gave up and went across the hall to the very large gold vein and it seems to be spread out the same way. I equate it to trying to pull out only the black jelly beans from the jar without disturbing the others. It is quite a pain extracting it all.


  7. I had the issue but it cleared up when I closed and reopened the same world. I also had an issue with placing cobble where sometimes I had to be 3 blocks away to be able to set it down if I was underground.


  8. Okay thanks! :) This clears a ton of stuff up!

    2 good resources for info to clear up other stuff for ya. The Wiki can get outdated pretty fast but you should always read the Change-Log as it is updated more frequently. Read the full thing your first time because some stuff is explained in there that isn't on the Wiki. Even though there may have been more changes since then, the basics will be explained.


  9. Useful Link:

    • Stone anvils are now incredibly simple. With a hammer in your hand right click on the top of a block of raw stone anywhere. It will be turned into a temporary stone anvil. Once you close the gui, the anvil will revert to raw stone. I’ll work on making the anvil continue to look like raw stone later. For now it turns into an anvil model.

  10. Perhaps this could be balanced by preventing spawning of the friendly mobs. Instead of spawning like normal mobs, a set number could spawn in chunks, a bit like ore does now. This would mean you would need to breed them to have sustainable access. It would also eventually counter the ability to just move out in search of more animals, as once you had moved cleared the chuncks around your house, you would have to travel further and further for food.

    Did persistent animals change? From what I remember, animals were changed in MC 1.8 so that they no longer respawn when killed. You had a set number on world creation and had to breed them or keep moving further out to find more. I don't recall seeing animals respawn in TFC but I really have not been paying a lot of attention to it, I just assumed it was still the old system.


  11. The ability to put small ores in the forge ie being removed. The durability on the unshaped ore is how full the mold is. You need a full mold in order to make an ingot. To combine the patial molds, put an empty mold in the bottom slot of the firepit then put your partial molds in the top slot until they drain down to the empty mold. Repeat until the bottom mold is full.


  12. I don't think it is too overboard. Maybe back it off just a bit but with how long it takes for animals to grow now, you may need that much meat to survive until the next butchering.


  13. They are 6 high. I put down a piece of dirt, grew the tree on top of the dirt then removed the dirt and placed cobble under it. I wanted it to look constructed, not grown. Those are the old style (pre 39 I think) Douglas Fir. I had to regrow them plenty of times to get them all 6 high. Then I /facepalmed when I realized the side trees only needed to be 2 high and I spent all that time growning them to 6 just to have to trim them.


  14. mind if me and my friends would join this server as we also hate the pvp stuff and just enjoy the zombie surivial and looting

    I really don't want to open it up like that. It is just me vs the zombies... as God intended :) There are videos on how to setup your own though.

    Servers with PVP disabled are against the server owner rules (you'll be blacklisted) and take away from one of the main parts of the game.

    PVP may be one of the main parts of the game as the designer currently sees it, but this game is still in development and things like this are subject to change. If enough people skirt the system to get the features they want, maybe the designer will realize changing it may make for more sales when it is released. This is what game designers use the alpha and beta phases for... finding out what the pulic really wants as well as bug testing and such.


  15. All plans(patterns) are the same for each tool type. Copper Axe will take the same last 3 actions as a Red Steel Axe. The difference is the placement of the end point. That varies by metal and tool. I would think Bioxx would want you to become a better smith by learning the best recipes and not change it randomly on you. I have not had any change so far once I found them.


  16. I haven't played TFC since I started DayZ... at some point I am going to have to go back to square zombies lol

    I did start my own server though because I don't like the PVP aspect of it, I just like the survival and avoiding zombies part.
