Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Odati

  1. I think the difference in what we're talking about here is that you're speaking of inventory in space requirements, where I am speaking more in terms of weights. I'm not a coder, so I have no clue how hard each idea may be to implement, so I cannot speak to that side of things. For me personally, I dislike the idea of space management when you restrict the total number of different items I can carry. In example, if you can still stack heavy items (even in smaller numbers) that's like saying I cannot carry 3 different Stone Blocks, but I can carry 3 of one kind and 3 of another (total six)... seems wrong to me personally. That's what draws me more to a weighting system as it doesnt restrict the number of different items specifically, just to total weights of those items as a whole. Inventory "space" restriction makes sense if you're speaking in terms of how many large items you can carry in your arms/hands. But, to me that would require you to then not allow stacking of items. If I can carry 2 large items only, then I shouldnt be able to hold stacks of those items in each arm. I do agree that math makes many angry, especially if it requires hovering over every item just calculate how much it weighs, so I see your argument there. That being said I wonder if its possible for each square in the inventory to show the total units (weight) that square contains. In this case each items units in a stack would have to be separate and then totaled, but at that point you could easily see what the totals of each square are, and since each square would still only contain one item (or container, like the ceramic pots) you should be able to easily glance at them and review. Containers in this instance would show the total they carry plus the containers weight. My idea (or basis for one as it is) may not even be implementable, I have no clue, but I like the idea of a system that doesnt restrict the number of "different" items I can carry, especially in a game in which there are so many different items.
  2. New comer to the forums, but played TFC in a few incarnations now. I really like this idea, but I worry about revamping the inventory gui, as I think it WILL cause some (maybe many) people to rebel in an uproar. That said, instead of revamping the entire gui to fit, why not add an actual weighting system? This is a very, very basic idea here, but maybeadd a system of units. Each item would have a unit value based on weight (not size) and the player would then be allowed to carry a total number of units. This would still restrict you from carrying too much of a particularly heavy item, but not require massive changes to the gui's. The other reason I like this idea is, I would think it would make the total number of units allowed per player to be configurable, that way the server admin, or player (for SSP) can decide the amount they prefer be allowed as a max. The nice thing about addingcontainers (back packs, belt pouches, sacks, etc.)is that theywould increase the valuefor total number of units, without requiring extra gui's. Though, ifyou prefer that eachcontainer be managed seperate from the players inventory, you could easily do this and still just apply a total units to each container type (and then you could control the size of items per container as well). This would also mean that if wagons and carts are added, moving items from your characters inventory over to a carts inventory should be easy considering carts and wagons would have separate total unit values. The system in place regarding size of items should stillgovern stack size, as well. This is a very vague idea I came up with at work and certainly not fleshed out fully, but curious as to what others think about it.