Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Deez

  1. While the server is down for Scheduled Maintenance, I took the opportunity to update the original post in this thread. Enjoy bitches!
  2. What would you find in the dungeons?

    This is sort of off topic and pretty trivial but something I'd like to see added to Mineshafts would be rooms with Forges, Bloomeries, Campfires, Scribing and Metallurgy Tables. Then it would look as if someone used the Mineshafts properly in TFC. Oh and they could have chests with Metallurgy materials.
  3. Persistent block damage.

    Yes this is definitely something that should be added.
  4. Multiplayer Ideas

    As far as I know Bioxx already has plans to implement a way to create currency and trade with the vanilla Villagers, so I'm sure the addition of MP support would be the next step after that. I read that on the old wiki though, so things might have changed since that was written. Another thing I read on that wiki said that Gems are supposed to be used for Enchanting, so using them as currency might not be a good idea unless the person setting up the economy understands the system in and out.
  5. Environmental Dangers

    After showing this to Bioxx, I've struck out the parts that aren't possible to add or have already been added.
  6. Gemstones

    The old wiki says that they're going to be used for Enchanting, as cornybread already mentioned. I'd like more uses for them of course like Jewelery, glittery fancy swords and other similar things.
  7. Sandstorms

    Sounds epic to me! I think snow biomes could have a similar effect with Blizzards as well.
  8. A lot of people are getting that problem. Hopefully it will be fixed soon!
  9. Take screenshots of your houses and send them to me please!
  10. The server has been updated to PRE2, which means there is now a new world as well. Anyone who has applied before this post has been added to the whitelist as well.
  11. Added! Added! The server will be Pre2 as soon as I'm finished updating.
  12. Accepted! Accepted! Accepted! Accepted! Thank you all for applying!
  13. Added! Added! Added! Added!
  14. A new precursor age

    I don't think we want it to be a requirement, just another part of the mod as well. I want to see SMP communities with people having different roles like; Farmer, Woodcutter, Blacksmith, Hunter, etc. Miner and Blacksmith are the only roles focused on in the mod at the moment, so adding more content for the other roles just seems like natural progression anyhow. I bet you're right with the issues being addressed in the Agriculture update though.
  15. Dual Weilding

    That makes sense. Also, shields. Shields bro, shields.
  16. Agriculture and Livestock

    Yeah definitely. I guess Villagers could be remade into Humans as well, and some more neutral Human mobs like "Wildmen" could be added to the wilderness.
  17. Tanning Racks

    Yeah thats what I was thinking really, maybe a little minigame GUI thingy to run the knife along the leather as if you were stripping the fat and flesh from it. I don't think we need to treat our leather with any chemicals really. I'm sure the first peoples didn't.