Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Deez

  1. I started a new thread for Tanning racks, as per request.

    Tanning Racks could be made from sticks and string. You can apply raw skin from an animal to it, work it with a Knife, and eventually after some time in the sun the skin will turn to Raw Leather. Finally using the Knife again to work the Raw Leather, it could be made into Leather Pieces and Strips for armor.

    That's not the only use for Leather though, Leather could be used to make Waterskins, Simple Balloons, etc. As a constuction material it could also be used for a roof and wall coverings. I'm sure that together we can think of a lot more uses for it!


  2. yeah, i just think its a weird item. if i knew more about it, i bet it could fit somewhere. but i also think that compost could also produce loam, a special soil made for growing plants. all it would take is add in some sand to make it loam, it is a real thing

    Bonemeal in real life is used mostly for food/medicine products like Gelatin. IIRC.


  3. I liked the idea someone suggested earlier for a knife. Knives could be used on saplings to cut away the little branches, producing one stick each. It may not be a huge addition but it will help out.


  4. Now I know a lot of this already exists in other mods, but as this is more of a "total conversion" mod then I believe it's alright to propose some of the following.

    Some cool things that we could have are some of the early uses of power generation that exist in the real world such as; water, wind, solar and geothermal. Water and wind mills could be created to process wheat into flour. Mirrors could be used to harness solar power and lava could be used as a powerful heat source to smelt with.

    Edit: In addition lava and water could be used in conjunction to produce Steam.


  5. i like this. it reminds me of item crafting in skyrim. along with this thinking, it would be cool to see tanning racks and the like

    Yeah I was thinking the same thing haha. :P As for the Tanning Rack, that's an excellent idea that could be used for turning raw skin from mobs into useable leather pieces. Every animal should be able to be skinned for that matter, not just Cows.


  6. A chatbox for the forum would be nice to post things like links to live streams or other interesting things. I don't feel like the IRC would appreciate that kind of spam, but it is a necessary evil nonetheless.


  7. Yeah This is the first suggestion I have to disagree with and not because I want to but because of the monster spawning mechanic. It is tied directly to light which on one half of things is a really neat way to make the dark places universaly dangerous... but it is also tied to player's actions and survive-ability so tightly that removing torches as a permanent source of light is a huge upset to game balance. If the spawning system could be redone and some other way to mark an area as safe (I dunno, those fences I mentioned forming a closed shape means nothing can spawn within that area??) then by all means have at it.. as a night person I actually prefer the soft glow of redstone torches, but its the game mechanics that keep me using the normal ones :)

    You raise some valid points that I wasn't thinking about just yet. I do have other drastic suggestions for mobs in the future though, like removing/replacing a lot of them. I feel this mod is trying to be more realistic but skeletons and zombies aren't very real to me. Personally I'd rather be fighting off things like bears and wolves.


  8. Well I think it would be just dandy if we had to worry about Oxygen when underground as well. Similar to real life, we should have underground areas filled with unbreathable air, gasses, nothing?, etc. I'm sure some of you intelligent people can figure out the specifics. I was thinking that we would just have the air bubbles thing show up if we enter one of these areas, and then eventually we start to "drown".


  9. i know what he meant but essentially cobble block with a slab on top is 1.5 high and kinda is the same.

    I believe Crysyn, as well as myself and probably many others, would prefer having something thinner to work with. A vertical half block if you will.


  10. This seems pretty awesome and I'd like wind and water power to work with as well. Perhaps a windmill can be made to grind wheat?
