Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Deez

  1. But ya.. A Tanning Rack is actually the last step of leather making..

    You soak leather in a lovely soup of tanning agents (be it brains, piss, crap.. Lots of things works NONE are very good smelling) for a few days letting all the chunks of meat and fat break down.. Then you pull it out and stretch it out on a tanning rack and scrape it clean and let it dry for a few days....

    Long process in reality but if Leather had more uses in-game (and cows dropped it more often) then I could see putting in a tanning rack

    Consider gameplay over realism this time. Doing the entire process just seems tedious and boring.


  2. why then dont you have a small area (a town) that you could copy in eatch new world.this town would be small. that way the players can have a permanent base and not do the same things all over.

    i like the game but if i know that eatch cople of weaks ill loose everithing it looses the fan. this game is for very long term planing.

    thank you.

    That's simply not possible unless we manually built the town in each server. Fuck that nonsense bro.

    As far as losing worlds the game is still in beta currently until then expect frequest resets.

    Yeah I could care less about all of your hard earned work and the possibility of loosing players because of world resets. In fact I encourage you to leave right now if that's going to be a problem later on.

    Thug life, Deez.


  3. questions:

    when i 1st loged on the world i could not harvest enithing. everything at the spawn area kept instantly respawning. is this normal? when i left the default spawn area i could normaly take blocks.

    also. if i understoud correctly my 1 (weekend) constracted base will be deleted next update?...

    thank you.

    also... i am the second oldest member in this server :)

    That's just the spawn protection area like in any server and yeah everything gets deleted when we have to do an update that requires it. All depends on what comes out in the release, but I usually just update the world anyways.


  4. Dunk here, programmer in charge of mobs.

    Thats a big list you have there. The problem with minecraft is everything is kind of in your face. If I added all of those mobs, you'd see about 20 in every direction you looked. I am reworking the current mobs and adding a few of my own. I can tell you that the bear is complete and will appear in a future update and that deer are in the works.

    Awesome dude, looking forward to more feedback on some of my suggestions. :P


  5. I had an idea for berries. What if we have to weave a basket out of some other material like Hemp and then right click on a berry bush to fill the basket. After that we can eat the berries or process them further into other food or drink.


  6. After much review, I have deemed that these rules are within reason and thereby accept them wholeheartedly.

    I assure you that I will treat other's kindly, with empathy, and without harassment or grief. I'm mostly interested in this server due to it's hardcore nature, and have been looking for such a server to play multiplayer with my friend. I don't even plan on pvping, save for fending off enemies who attack my amazing castles.

    I'll hold you to that, for now you're accepted.
