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Everything posted by Jyro117
First of all, some people on the internet are jerks. Kittychanley, you have done a wonderful job with both running the forums and the wiki. The effort you put into this is very much appreciated by many. Sure, everyone has there bad moments, but I do not think you deserve to be attacked for it and you deserve to be respected. I think anyone who has played this mod appreciates the work you do with the wiki. It is the only way you can really play this mod without going insane over not being able to figure out how things work. Don't let the handful of a rotten apples ruin your batch! I hope you are doing okay and have a virtual hug!
This addon is not compatible with Terrabow 0.7.1, do not run side by side with it. (Terrabow is rewritten and included in this addon). ***Make sure to backup your world before installing this mod on an existing world.*** What is this addon? Strongcraft is an addon package split into features which add functionality or change functionality of TFC. The goal is a fairly large addon, but instead of tackling it directly I will be working on parts of it and slowly build up to the real mod. I have a number of ideas I would like to work. I will look at the suggestion forum for inspiration and may include some ideas I like. Depending on how much I stick to the original suggestion I will probably give credit to whoever wrote the suggestion. Downloads: Strongcraft- Version 0.1.4- MC 1.6.2, TFC B77, built on Forge 871 Please make sure to delete old Strongcraft configuration files when upgrading (ensures latest changes are applied). All features under0-Developmentalor1-Experimentalare disabled by default. If you wish to enable them, simply edit the strongcraft.cfg and set the value beside the feature to true. Change Log: Version 0.1.4 Fixed arrowheads from not being crafted on anvil (appears recipe was removed somewhere...)Updated arrow damage to be 150% the value of javelins instead of 100%.Tested with 0.77.21 and 0.77.22Version 0.1.3a Removed unused texturesChanged bone and stone arrows to use sticks instead. This allows you to craft arrows prior to metal tools.Version 0.1.3 Added some configuration parameters for Terrabow.Fixed display issue with anvil recipes (were shown in reverse order)Fixed issue when placing sticks on certain blocksAdded initial implementation of encumbranceVersion 0.1.2 Fixed wood stick piles to not break instantly, they still break quicklyAdded new textures for Finished Wooden ShaftsVersion 0.1.1 Initial release Old Versions: Strongcraft- Version 0.1.3a- MC 1.6.2, TFC B77, built on Forge 871 Strongcraft- Version 0.1.3- MC 1.6.2, TFC B77, built on Forge 871 Strongcraft- Version 0.1.2- MC 1.6.2, TFC B77, built on Forge 871 Strongcraft- Version 0.1.1 - MC 1.6.2, TFC B77, built on Forge 871 Strongcraft Config- For Version 0.1.1 - 0.1.2 Install: Place the strongcraft-[version].zip into the mod folder of your Minecraft install. Unzip the config zip, place the files into the config folder of your Minecraft install. (They will be generated if missing, but everything defaults to being turned off). Features & Config: This addon is split into multiple groups of functionality, in the strongcraft.cfg you can enable and disable features of this addon as you like. Some features require others in order to work and will be loaded even if you set them to disabled. Below is a list of features for the addon and descriptions for each one as well as which features they depend on. Each feature comes with its own configuration file, currently the only settings are to specify item or block ids if they conflict with other mods. Thanks to Moressfor providing new textures for Terrabow's Finished Wooden Shafts. Terrabow 3-Stable Depends on: Materials This feature adds additional bows and arrow types to the game. It also includes a skill factor which changes how the bow deals damage to enemies. Mechanics Vanilla Arrows can be converted into stone arrows, Vanilla Bows can be converted into primitive bows: Bone Arrowheads Stone Arrowheads are simply made with Knapping Metal Arrowheads require an Arrow Head Plan and a Metal Rod on the Anvil, they make an Arrowhead Pile which is then crafted into arrowheads Feathers can be used for arrows, but Arrow Fletching is a more conservative way to create arrows and can be using instead of feathers An arrow is crafted with: An Arrowhead, a Footed Shaft (or sticks for stone/bone), Glue Bottle, and a Feather or Arrow Fletching. Glue is made from boiling a Swim Bladder Bottle on a fire for a fairly long time. Swim Bladder Bottle is made from a Water Bottle and a Fish Bladder A Swim Bladder is from a Raw Fish and Knife To make a Footed Shaft, you need a Hand Plane and a Rough Footed Shaft. A Hand Plane is made with a Plane Blade and Stick A Plane Blade is crafted on an Anvil with an ingot and a Plane Blade Plan A Rough Footed Shaft is made with Glue Bottle, A Softwood Rough Shaft and a Hardwood Rough Shaft Rough Shafts are made by cutting planks with a saw Finished Shafts are used to make Composite Bows, which are made with a Hand Plane and Rough Shaft Longbow Bodies are used to make Longbows, which are made with Logs and a Saw. (Types of wood affect the durability of both Long and Composite bows) Primitive Bows are crafted just like Vanilla bows Longbows are crafted with a Hand Plane, Longbow Body, and String/Yarn Composite Bows are crafted with two types of finished wood (one type on top and bottom, other type in middle), Leather in the middle, String/Yarn and Glue Bottle Current Features § 3 Bows: Primitive, Longbow & Composite § Current bow dynamically displays estimated full-power damage to mobs. § Bow damage lowers slightly with loss of durability. § Bow damage scales slightly based on character level, has diminishing returns. § Damage with arrows is roughly 50-70% of damage of a sword for same type of material. § Arrows rarely break. (Likely change in future) § 15 Arrows: 13 TFC Metals, Stone & Bone § Arrows indicate the amount of damage they add to a bow. § 2 Anvil Plans: Plane Blade and Arrowhead § New Metal Tool: Hand Plane § Longbows and composite bows have variable durability based on the "quality" of the woods that produced them. § Higher level bows also have increased base damage and arrow speed. Planned Features § Tweak bows to also have more random factor in range (mostly for lower tiers) § Change level-based damage to 'skill-based' accuracy § The idea is the more you shoot arrows which actually deal damage to mobs, the higher your skill with bows will become. § If you don't maintain the skill, over time your accuracy may slowly decrease. The idea is not to make you grind mobs, but to give you a reason to practice with a bow. This could lead to the idea of making arrow target blocks. § Will likely use sub-linear scaling for accuracy (the more you train the better, but after a while the benefit becomes negligible). § Re-add configuration parameters § Consider replacing Footed Shaft with Sticks for arrows, but they would make poorer quality arrows. Ore Search 2-Unstable Depends on: Materials This feature adds a very large number of new items. The objective is to create a feature which will assist players with the general problem of finding ores. The goal for this feature is to not make ore finding trivial, but instead to provide some level of hints to players about where ores could be. Moreover, this feature is intended to only be used to determine if ore is near you, but not to provide information about where exactly it is. However, it has the possibility to fail, and when successful, only basic hints are provided when the material is found. Mechanics A staff is a onetime use. Only one staff can be activated at a time per world, meaning if someone is performing a search nobody else can be searching at the same time (performance reasons). There are two staff types for each gem type they are crafted with a metal rod or stick, a glass block, and a gem like the following: Each staff indicates what ore/mineral it will search for in the tooltip: Agate Native Copper & Lignite Amethyst Tetrahedrite & Bituminous Coal Beryl Native Silver & Kaolinite Diamond Garnierite & Graphite Emerald Native Platinum & Kimberlite Garnet Cassiterite & Sylvite Jade Bismuthinite & Olivine Jasper Limonite & Cryolite Opal Magnetite & Borax Ruby Hematite & Cinnabar Sapphire Sphalerite & Saltpeter Topaz Native Gold & Sulfur Tourmaline Malachite & Gypsum Gem quality and the metal tier used for the staff affects 4 properties of each: · How far away does the staff search (higher quality gems and better metals increase the range) · How deeply the staff searches (higher quality gems and better metals increase the search depth) · How accurate the results of the search are (higher quality games result in more detailed searches) · How detailed the results are presented to the player (higher quality metals provide more information in the results) There is a cap on the results, meaning using highest tiers of metal and gems together can be fairly when searching, but they do provide the largest and most accurate results. Current Features · Combine gems with rods or sticks to create an ore searching staff. · The quality of gem and the quality of the rod determine the accuracy and range of the staff. · Only one staff may be used at a time, as the 'magic' is being drained from the universe when used and cannot be over used. · On a successful use, the staff shatters into dust and is lost forever (a really long time). · The crafting configuration determines if the staff is searching for metals or minerals. (Refer to mechanics section). Planned Features · Rebalance and fixes if needed. Healing Fire 3-Stable This feature adds additional bows and arrow types to the game. It also includes a skill factor which changes how the bow deals damage to enemies. Current Features · Firepits now heal nearby entities for a percentage of total health over time. · Healing has limited range. · Healing is based on range and fire temperature. · Standing on fire will make you catch on fire. Planned Features · Rebalance healing based on feedback · Change fires to require sticks to be burned before you can use logs (i.e. change how temp works) · Sticks burn hotter than the equivalent logs, but burn significantly shorter Material 2-Unstable This feature adds a number of additional items which are used in various recipes for other features. Any items which are used by more than one feature will be added to this feature. Crafting a metal rod requires a double ingot and a metal rod plan on an anvil Current Features · Adds sticks of different types and crafting them into all the original items. · Allows crafting of metal rods and plan for crafting metal rod. Planned Features · None at this time. Storage 2-Unstable Depends on: Materials The goal for this feature is to remove chests (in their current form) entirely from the game. Instead items/resources must be placed. Chests will still exist but have extremely limited storage space and requirements. Mechanics Sticks can be placed on the ground by shift right-click with them. Right-click picks them up, or breaking the block will drop them all. The stick piles look like this: Current Features · Sticks piles, can place up to 256 sticks in a pile of sticks. Planned Features · Plank piles, can place up to 64 planks in a pile of planks. · Evaluate ways to place more than 1 stick at a time. · Revisit chests for limited storage Encumbrance 1-Experimental This feature focuses on making you think more about items and carrying them. This feature of the addon does make it harder than normal, but it is more to add depth than be annoying (or I at least hope so). Mechanics You can carry a number of items before you will have any affect on your characters movement. As you exceed your characters limit your movement will slow as well as your jump height will decrease. This means if you are exceeding the limit of how much your character can carry you might not be able to jump up blocks. Your inventory is limited by a certain volume. When carrying too many items, anything which doesn't fit into the inventory will be dropped. The weight you can carry before you will the effects of its weight increases as you level. Additionally, as you level the amount you are slowed by additional weight also decreases. The slowest you can move is 25% of your normal speed. The size you can carry is fixed and does not change as you level (since your inventory only holds so much). Current Features Inventory limited on size.Movement limited when carrying too much weight.Your character's ability to carry more weight increases as you level.You can view your current Speed, Mass and Volume in the debug screen.Planned Features Allow some configuration of parameters to enable customized values.Included armor into weight calculations.Visually show weight/size and how it affects your character. (Either with bars/text/or something interesting?)Limit the kinds of tools you can carry.includes all tools/weapons/bows/arrow stacks/fishing rod/shears/etc having a sheath in your inventory removes 1 sword from tool limit (not stackable) having a scabbard in your inventory removes 1 knife from the tool limit (not stackable) having a quiver in your inventory removes 1 arrow stack from the tool limit (not stackable) having a belt in your inventory removes 1 of any: axe, shovel, pick, propick, mace. items not part of tool limit: hammer, chisel, spindle. items without a limit remover: hoe, saw, scythe, bow, javelin. Maybe add equipable backpacks to allow growth in the volume of items you can carry. Some info about Stability on features: 0-Developmental Unusable, unlikely to work. Focus on creating basic functionality; this is mostly to show work in progress. Bug fixes are ignored. 1-Experimental Compatibility not assured, may break between releases. May be removed unexpectedly and potentially corrupt worlds. Focus on adding, changing and removing functionality. Bug fixing is low priority. 2-Unstable May break between releases, has not been fully tested to ensure no corruptions. Focus on adding and changing features, and in rare cases removing functionality. Bug fixing is high priority. 3-Stable Unlikely to break between releases, has been tested to rarely cause corruptions. Focus on adding functionality, only changing functionality when required. Bug fixing is high priority. 4-Releasable Stable, well tested, and unlikely break between releases. Focus is on bug fixing changes only. If functionality needs to be changed will revert to stable status. 5-Mature Stable, well tested and compatibility between releases is ensured (to the best of my ability). Has gone full release without any major bug reports. What is next? I'm thinking of waiting until next TFC update before tackling anything more (except bug fixes of course). Features I wish to add in the 'near' future are simply as follows, details are intentionally light: Fertilzers (Based on some of the unused ores/minerals with bonemeal)Additional Equipment (Mostly armor slots, likely a shield mod, more types of armor (cloth/studded leather, scale, lamellar, mail, etc) maybe add jewelry with 'magically' attributes)More threats to survival (Could be new mobs, world events, food decay, etc.)Make more items placeable in the world (limit chest functionality)Consider adding tar/pitch pools, lighting it on fire with arrows, fire starter or flint and steel... let your mind run wild.Salt water/salt preserving food be an actual thing.Wootz Steel tier above Red/BlueNone of the above is a promise by any means, but simply concepts I feel fit in with the theme of the mod and my addon.
The challenge of the mod mostly comes from the amount of things you need to learn. Most of the things you do in vanilla do not apply to TFC, like punching wood, mining with stone tools, enchanting, etc. Health regen is slower, so taking damage is a bit harder and it is typically best to just avoid damage in general. Night time at the beginning is mostly sitting around crafting things and avoiding monsters, monsters are stronger than you in this mod. However, once you get a pickaxe night time just turns into a dig session. If you have the luck to find and shear some sheep then you can make a bed and not worry about night. Once you have learnt how the systems work and established yourself (bronze age and beyond) there isn't much of a difference between TFC and Vanilla. The difference is really more daily routines, the game has a larger sense of progression, and everything takes more time to do.
Ah, well that makes sense! Derp, I even forgot to mention it!
Version #: 78.17 SSP/SMP (Single/MultiPlayer): Single Suggested Name: Missing Snow Texture Suggested Category: Minor Description: When it snows on tall grass, the snow displays inside the tall grass but has a missing texture. (See screenshot) Have you deleted your config files and are still able to reproduce this bug?: Yes Do you have any mods other than Forge and TFC installed?: Yes If yes, which mods? Damage Indicators, Zan's Minimap, Journey Map
I am glad to hear you enjoyed the changes. Unfortunately I currently have a few issues which is why I am unlikely to update in the near future: First and mostly, I simply don't have the time at the moment to continue working on this addon. Second, b78 does cause a number of changes to how my addon interacts with TFC, that it would be a bit of effort to update. Third, I currently unsure of which direction the developers are going, example: a move to 1.7+ will mean I have to rewrite most parts (I already don't have time). Forth, a number of things I would like to do still have limitations from the Minecraft 1.6.x code and the TFC code (without writing a huge amount of code that would get thrown away with updates). If someone approaches me with an interest to update the project, then I have no issues providing them with b77 source code.
Well to be fair buttons vs gui was a design choice I made early on. I ended up sticking to the button method as opposed to doing a gui, no pun intended. I didn't like the gui for logs originally but I have also come to realize the inconvenience of my approach. Unfortunately it is a decently large amount of work to redo the logic and hence you still see the system as it is today. Originally stick piles were only supposed to hold 128, but I doubled that as it didn't feel large enough. Additionally, I'm sure you can imagine any decent collection of sticks would take up a lot of space if it was that low. With 256 sticks the average radius of the stick would be 6.25cm, which I have to admit now that you pointed it out is fairly huge value for a stick. I did consider things like sticks being curved/uneven and such so their thickness wouldn't actually be 6.25cm but maybe something closer to 3-4cm with the deformations. There isn't any reason I couldn't increase the value higher but doing so would mean a gui would make more sense. If I do increase the size of the pile it will come to a point where clicking on the piles would have to be more complicated to reduce the difficulties of manipulating piles with a large number of items. Short-term wise I have very little time to do any work on this add-on so I wouldn't expect any changes in the near future. Additionally, I'm waiting for the main mod to update as I know a ton of things are changing and most of this add-on will need to be rewritten to make the code compatible with the updates. For example, there will be more than 16 types of wood which means all my logic with wood is going to get significantly more complicated. (Has to do with Minecraft storing types with only 16 values).
Those instructions has to do with older versions, the files will automatically generate using the latest version. From the looks of it (and considering your mod list) I would suspect there is a conflict with an ID from another mod. I would suggest trying with terrafirmacraft and terrafirmacraft addons only, and then slow introducing mods to figure out which one is having a conflict.
From my play experience, bows and arrows are rarer compared to vanilla. When it comes to pre-metal bows, spears are really the best option for the time.
Bows and arrows still drop from skeletons, which can be converted into the ones used by this addon. That is your best option if you need a bow prior to a crafting table.
Doesn't sound overly complicated, I will keep track of it for when I start adding new content again.
Feel free to use this in mod packs, as long as you ensure it works correctly with the other mods and provide attribution. Pedestals... hmm could you elaborate more on what exactly you mean? I.e. do you mean have a single tool floating on top of it?
I'm not completely certain what you mean. If you mean 3-4 types of ore per search, I had thought about it, but I wasn't sure how to 'inform' the person who is searching what type they found. If I provide no information on the ore it found, then you would go digging only to find copper when really you wanted iron. That would be a bit frustrating, so instead if I told you which ore it found then there were more questions... Do I stop when I hit the first ore? Do I do a full scan at all times and add a huge performance hit to the game? Which ores should I group, if I make a bad choice then people will value some gems more than others (which I'm sure exists currently)? Etc. It was easier to keep it simple and less resource intense to make a staff search for one type of ore. I personally hate the random nature of finding gems, so it can be fairly frustrating... but if you play with a large arrays of sluices for a few hours you will find tons of gems of all sorts of them. I don't want to 'reveal' too much on how the staff works as I prefer to leave a little bit of discovery, but I will mention a minor note about when searching lower and middle layers. The staff will search the area based on you being the center point, because of this your vertical location will affect where it searches. If you are on the surface it will search mostly the upper layer, but if you go halfway down to bedrock it will mostly search the middle layer. I had originally designed it this way but then removed the direction component. My reasoning for removing it was adding a direction adds a huge amount of information, much like how the propick doesn't tell you which direction the ore is. I realize by being a single use it makes it fairly costly to find ore since if you want to use the 'propick' method you will probably need to use two (or more) staffs to narrow in on the ore. If you think about it, you can combine multiple staffs made with either high quality gems/rods and low quality gems/rods to help you find ore. The high quality staff can tell you if the ore is even in an area near you, then you can narrow in on the ore using low quality staffs. I found that the strength of the wind can give you enough information to infer direction. If you had wind blow 'strongly' then the ore is fairly close to your current location. By going underground and finding the rock type the ore exists in, then all you really need to do is start digging out the area in a grid like way with a propick and it would be shocking if it took more than half an hour to find the ore. If i give the staff multiple uses it takes away from the value of a propick. If I make the staff also tell you direction, it makes finding ore incredibly easy, since you would use the staff once and can very rapidly narrow down on the ore's location. It will tell you the ore is somewhere in a cone shape volume in a certain direction at a relative distance from you. The overall goal of the ore staff is to inform you of the existence of ore in an area around you, thus preventing you from wasting time digging in an area where the ore doesn't even exist. However, finding ore is still mostly left to the player's knowledge of the game and effective use of a propick.
The ore search staff is a one time use. This is intended and will not change, otherwise it makes finding ore too easy and defeats the point of the game (finding ore). The purpose of the ore staff is to help give you a hint if ore might be near you. It is to make it so you aren't mining aimlessly hoping to find ore. If i made it so you can reuse the staff over and over, finding ore would be incredibly easy and the main challenge provided by terrafirmacraft would be removed.
Alright updated to fix the issue for arrows... seems at some point I deleted the recipe to actually craft them.. doh! I updated arrow damage to be more inline with sword damage after I carefully evaluated it. A sword will do more dps (if you get close enough), but arrow dps is now closer to sword damage.
I like your suggestion as it does improve the functionality for picking up/placing large numbers of sticks. I will keep this in mind when I update again.
Metal Rods are created with double ingots, not single
I noticed that as well, I am thinking of adding the option to use sticks to craft a weaker version of the arrows. I will likely update it later this weekend. Edit: After thinking about it, I decided to simply change stone/bone to use sticks instead of footed shafts. I don't feel doubling the type of arrows really provides any benefit and stone/bone arrows are fairly weak anyways. It makes to use non-metal arrows when arrow damage isn't important (shooting mobs from a safe distance), but metal arrows are key when damage needs to be maximized (pvp). Additionally, when you get to the later stages of the game you can use metal all the time because it is easy to get an excessive amount of metal.
It looks like the smithing for the items displays the hits in reverse order, even though the tooltips are correct. I will look into fixing this next release (for now the actions have to be performed in reverse order).
It is currently planned to make things like that configurable, but I would prefer to find a good default value so people don't feel the need to tune it up or down.
Can you describe what is not working for smithing? Also in the strongcraft.cfg is everything set to true? I'm pretty sure I tested the smithing before releasing and it worked then, but maybe I missed something. (I can never remember if I tested it before release or earlier). Also some talk about Wootz Steel below. From what I read Damascus is a closely related process to Wootz Steel, but is actually different. At least one source I had mentioned it was based on steel being forged in an area with high concentrations of Tungsten in the soil. I did consider looking into seeing how High Speed Steel could be included as a new high tier metal but not sure it would be 'convincing' to be forged around the time frame of the mod. More details about how I would go about Wootz below. As far as we know, that is thought of how some people think it might have been created, but the properties of this method aren't the same as Damascus steel produced from the earlier era. Blacksmiths nowadays aren't really sure how exactly it was originally forged, as there is debate if it really is some special method of twisting layered metal. It is hard to say because it sounds mostly like speculation... An example of how to make something that looks like Damascus steel was actually shown here in forging a 'real' assassin's creed hidden blade: Damage with bows is intentionally scaled low, possibly too low. I'm hesitant to scale it higher because I don't want to make it so that people won't use melee weapons. Right now with black steel+ it should take about 3 arrows to kill a mob. Your base damage with bows scales with level, so if you are a low level that will have an affect on how much damage you deal with arrows. Just to give an idea (and maybe get feedback on) the process for forging Wootz Steel is a fairly long and difficult one. The idea is for the metal to be about blue/red for efficiency/damage but have a very long durability. I.e. you invest a lot of time into forging it to get a tool which lasts a very long time. Reports say that Wootz Steel was able to hold its edge for years so having a tool that lasts a very long time before breaking fits into that category. I don't want to make it replace red/blue steel as I think those fit well into the top tier, but as a different type of top tier metal. Step 1: Crafting table: Kapok leaves (3 along the top of the crafting table). Ground up magnetite ore (3 along the middle of the crafting table). Avaram Senna Wood twig bundles (2 on each side of the bottom row on the crafting table) Crucible in the middle Crafts into Raw Wootz Steel Crucible. Avaram Senna Wood twigs are harvested from non-regrowing bushes found near the coast in dry biomes. Each bush drops 2-3 twigs, 4 twigs make a twig bundle. Step 2: Heating the crucible to brilliant white on a forge where the forge temperature is near its hottest value for 20-30 minutes (basically you need to pound away on a bellows for 20-30 minutes while feeding coal to keep it insanely hot). When its done it will change into Wootz Steel Crucible, it then needs to be taken off and let cool completely (will take a while to cool). You then shatter the Wootz Steel Crucible on an anvil to get a Wootz Steel Egg. Step 3: On a fire pit at a low temperature: Heat the egg, but keep it in the dark red temperature for 30ish minutes. Overheating on the fire too long will turn it into a Steel Egg (which can only be crafted into a steel ingot). Once the egg has been heated for a while it changes into a Malleable Wootz Steel Egg, at this point you need to take it take it to an anvil and beat on it. Each time adds a bit of 'work' to the time. It is very sensitive to heat and work, so you need to be very careful about making sure it doesn't cool too much at any point or it will revert into a Steel Egg (again, can only be crafted into a steel ingot). You will basically have to go back and forth between anvil and fire pit until it has been 'worked' enough, then it will change into a wootz steel ingot. This can then be forged into tools/weapons, I don't think I will include armor because as far as I know nobody made armor out of this stuff. The total process (once you have the materials) should be about 1.5-2 hours per ingot, it comes at a very high cost of consuming a crucible per ingot (absurd I know). However, it makes up for it by creating nearly indestructible tools/weapons (think 10x red/blue steel).
Now that is an idea I do like...
*** Reserved for future use if needed ***
When I have a bunch of brilliant white ingots in my inventory I question believability. The mod isn't to make Minecraft real, but to add some more realistic feeling to it and make it a more rewarding game.
[TFC 0.77.21] Terrabow Mod (v0.7.1) (Deprecated)
Jyro117 replied to Jyro117's topic in Outdated/Abandoned
I believe that medical mod is more or less done in ExtraFirma, and part of future list for it. I don't see the need to also make an implementation. As for Terra Mobs Mod, aeroc hasn't released it for others to work on and I'm not sure I have enough interest in that particular mod to warrant a revival. My plans for this mod is to keep it focused on bow, arrows, and bow mechanics. For the near future, I'm just going to make sure it continues to work with latest TFC versions and will probably clean up the code a bit to make things easier to work with. I updated this mostly because it looked interesting and I needed somewhere to start learning about modding TFC. I am currently working on other mod(s) for TFC. I won't talk about them here until I decide they are nearly ready for an early release, or at the very least developed enough for a worthy W.I.P. post.