Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by daxx367

  1. Oooh you can actually code ? :D

    Yes self taught mostly but going to do it at uni :)

    Well then, you'll know what you need more than me, but I really hope that Bioxx does implement a good amount of support for addon devs. There's so many suggestions here which deserve to exist. Even ones I wouldn't use personally :P

    Even if he doesn't WE WILL STILL MOD HIS MOD... unless he asks nicely :P


  2. What if we made a "realistic" mode where we cut out things that don't exist just for the people who don't want it. That way we could have a little more freedom with our designs of the enchantment system and people would start actually writing ideas for catalysts, potions and more enchants!

    Thank you. I've been thinking of something like that for some time now. It would allow for a very dynamic mod.

    Also I have noticed how some people are against the thirst and sleep bar type thing would it also be possible to have a mode for that??

    The modes would be called something like this:


    Realistic advanced - thirst bars and so on

    Realistic hardcore - possibly with out the thirst it depends on what people would like


    so on and so forth... You get the idea right??


  3. Haha :P I am too scared to even touch enchanting, the community is very demanding, in that any suggestion must be "believable" yet also still "magical". I think it's because half of the players on this mod (I think) were happy to see it go as they are in the "non-fantasy" camp :L

    Yes but on that point Bioxx still wants some of that fantasy feel to the mod/game as it is a part of minecraft.


  4. I don't mind the dragons and potions, but XP really had no place :S

    It just doesn't make sense or do anything beyond enchant ! T.T

    And enchanting can be done with other things *cough* gems *cough* but I don't have any examples. :P

  5. I would still like to see a full re-right of the fighting system. It was never well done in minecraft as it was made for MINING and CRAFTING and then it changed to be more like other games and the combat was never changed (I've been playing since BEFORE the nether).


  6. It's good and it doesn't seem that complex to code to me (I know bits of EVERYTHING). But all of this will mean a total re-right of the combat in minecraft, but this will make everything easier in the future so a week or 2 before an update that will make addons/future additions easier I would think it would be worth it.


  7. After my relatively successful ranged overhaul thread, I present part 2 of my 3 part “combat overhaul†idea. This was developed off the back of many suggestions and conversations with users including: Boea, Daxx367 and Srgnoodles, so my thanks (and some of the credit ;) ), goes to them :) ​As per usual, images will be uploaded as and when I can complete them :)

    Yay I'm in there!! :)

    I'm liking all of this, just look at my post on the first one. :)


  8. I like it and with golems, I think you should be able to summon them. (The first person who complains about realism I will fined and kick there ass)

    Maybe you make chalk from well chalk, then use it on the ground then through items on to it then puff iron golem.


  9. The idea with back packs would be they give you your inventory space. So you would start with a simple backpack which will give you 1 extra row then the hot bar.
