Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Ulfengaard

  1. When I first saw dwarf fortress in its true glory I wasn't scared by the interface in plowed straight in so instead of failing to get past the embark screen i now fail in even more creative ways like having my military slaughtered by 3 goblin sieges in a row and the attack of a forgotten beast which eventually lead my fortress to go into a spiral of decline.

    At this point in my Dwarf Fortress career, if all that takes me down is a tantrum spiral, I count it as a win.


  2. StarForge. I bought this one a while back and had pretty much written it off because I didnt see much new content on their forums for what seemed like forever, and the alpha they had provided sucked... badly. All that has changed! Last night I redeemed my copy on Steam, and I tried it out for maybe a half our or so before bed, and its starting to really shape up. Its sorta like a FPS meets minecraft, where you can build dig and craft, it seems like the player will have a skill tree implemented at some point in the future (the UI is there, but doesnt currently function) The weapons need a bit of work, but they are getting better, and as of now the game actually has a working fort defense mode which I will be trying out tonight.

    T'was already mentioned. I, too, looked at it a little while back, but I was less than impressed with it. I should look at it again, but I'm under some game overload. I picked up X3, which looks amazing: sort of an offline 'EVE'. Gnomoria looks alright, but I'm a staunch Dwarf Fortress-er, so I feel some loyalty to Tarn. I can appreciate that Gnomoria is more accessible, though, and it could bring in a new generation of gamers who enjoy complexity and challenge.

    Whenever I see these sandbox threads come up, I always think of Garry's Mod. I've looked at it so many times, but I've never played it. Has anyone any experience with this? I just don't get the premise, I suppose, though I might if I played it.


  3. A community which reinforces poor behavior inevitably collapses from within. I've watched good members take flack and then back away from the forums after trying to make them a more open and accepting place for new arrivals. I think, though, that Crysyn is making some good progress in this area. His post on the matter was very refreshing, and I think that it will serve as a strong foundation for the community which is bound to spring up around TFC2.


  4. Mods like TFC cater to a mature audience which prefers to set its own goals. The'endgame' content is whatever you make it. Whether there is some boss fight or cinematic available doesn't change the fact that you will one day achieve all your in-game goals and become bored. All that something like the ender dragon does is force you into a certain endgame scenario. Decide what your personal in-game goals are, and you'll have both a reason to play and an 'endgame' in mind.


  5. I'm the Nordic sort: I like cold weather, and I really enjoy the holidays. So, I like Peerless Coffee's cinnamon variety. It's cheap and delicious, a rare pairing in this world.


  6. I mean, in real life different woods make different amounts of charcoal -and different qualities of charcoal as well-, don't they?

    I really don't know. We need someone versed in the charcoal arts to enlighten us on this one, methinks.


  7. yknow, insulting devs really isn't a good way to make a good impression on people...

    I respect people who stand up for what they believe is right in spite of whatever power others may wield. If there's nothing to be ashamed of, then no one should feel insulted.


  8. you do know that you dont need an ax to remove the log piles, just manually remove any logs and when it's empty the block will dissapear

    Failure to thoroughly read the OP crits you for 2000.

    The placed log blocks are not the same as log piles.

    And no one has to change the mod if it feels too personal. It was just an idea.


  9. and this is why i refuse to have a little brother

    The fact that you have any say in the matter speaks to interesting dynamics in your family. *dons round eyeglasses and lights cigar*


  10. Yeah, it's worth mentioning that some areas just won't have metals in them. My homebase is in a flux zone (Limestone surface layer), so I had to walk quite a way (past the Tortoise Hills and Driftshield Tundra) to find my first ores. I just got them today, and I've been playing this world for a couple of in-game weeks now. It's just how my dice rolled.

    Felt good to find the sphalerite field, though. It's flipping ON, now. B)


  11. Poor willow. It gets such a bad rap for being such a useful tree. *pat, pat* There there.

    Seriously, though. In spite of the fact the tree grows like a weed and pollutes the entire area around it, it is an incredibly useful lumber. It's great for charcoal because of its fast growth rate, and it's also good for early buildings and sticks.

    Certainly, you'll probably want to go with another wood later on for aesthetic reasons (unless you're into the Bravil look [and kudos to those who know what I'm talking about]), but willow really is a great foundation for your tech tree.

    I like the way you're organizing this. Looks like fun.


  12. I still haven't seen anyone list a single reason why a changed/configurable timescale or shorter-growth-time crops would negatively impact their gameplay. Whether it is implementable or in the spirit of the mod can only be answered by dunky/Bioxx, and (as I have mentioned before) they can decide to take it or leave it on such grounds.


  13. EDIT: I've edited this several times now because I forgot which thread I was in. The editor is not saving my changes, and I don't feel like writing them again. In short, I think that survivalists like myself feel the experience is cheapened by relying on others. Also, I would like to enjoy the entire mod, not just the pieces which happen to work with SSP. Not that everyone should play the way I do. That's just what I'm looking for in the mod.

    Oh, and I agree with the Griefing/Thiefing thing you mentioned. While it isn't quite realistic to have such restrictions on player behavior, I can't see myself investing a lot of time and achievement while hoping that some random idiot doesn't happen by and burn it all down.


  14. Look, guys. I'll say it again:

    If you believe the change would negatively impact gameplay in some way, then say so. Share how, and provide concrete examples if you can. Too many times, I see people say 'no' or even shout down an idea without indicating how it would harm the mod or their gameplay.

    We're here to hash out the particulars of suggested features and determine how they will affect the game. It's not up to us to simply stamp 'denied' on a suggestion. That's Bioxx and dunk's realm.


  15. I'd rather not speculate. The numbers surprised me, as well, considering the reactions which have bubbled up toward SSP-geared ideas from the general public (not Bioxx or dunk). However, regardless of any poll, I think that Bioxx should and will continue to do his thing. After all, it's his creative juice powering this thing. Whatever he decides to do with the info will be jus' fine with me.

  16. Dawwwww, Dunk, you know we love the mod, you, and Bioxx. I know I mentioned this before, too. I think it's one of the first things that pops into a new player's head. "Hey, this rock that was a twelfth the size of a block is now an entire chunk of cobblestone!"

    It's coming everyone. In fact, you can safely assume that anything this obvious is already in the works. ;)
