Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by corki99

  1. Ask the person below you

    swimming sheep-chickens What is the Jem' Hadar?
  2. Destroy the picture above you

    my Phasers Destroy your Hotel Moscow
  3. Cool, it does seem very TFC like.
  4. Arquebus (primative 15th century firearm)

    Since there will be no guns in vanilla TFC, there should be addons for different ages. There would be 4 ages. The stone age, the ancient age, the Medieval age, and the Renaissanceage. The Medieval age will add a crude gun (its basically a metal barrel on a stick), and the Renaissance age will add better guns like wheel-locks and flint-locks, and even add maybe cannons.
  5. When will Build 78 be released?

    And also, what is coming in build 78? I heard of things like armor stands and move-able barrels. I just want to know if theirs anything else that is significant.
  6. When will Build 78 be released?

    well that's sad
  7. Make it Harder! =]

    Cool. I like the part with raiding barbarian villages and tech trees.
  8. Construction

    The topic name is a little misleading.
  9. Combat Revamp Opinion Poll

    I'm not sure if I like your idea about combat. But i do agree about armor weight, shields, and crossbows. What i would like to see is more weapons (possibly a way to customize weapons). I would also like to introduce a couple new ideas attack speed, heavy and light attacks, and stamina. with those topics they would eliminate the hit-to-click combat system. OK how heavy and light attacks work is that heavy attacks do more damage but are slower and light attacks are faster but weaker. heavy attacks are done by holding the left mouse button for a little bit and light attacks are executed by tapping the left mouse button. With stamina depending on the type of attack could cost more or less. Another part of my idea of combat is dodging. How dodging works is however which way you want to dodge. In order to dodge from left to right you double click the A or D if you are doing a backwards dodge double click the S key if you are doing a forwards dodge you double click the W key with out holding it. I hope that this suggestion holds some weight.
  10. List of new monsters

    i'm not sure about this suggestion. Though terrafirmacraft is a game of believably and not realism but I think it goes to much into the realm of fantasy. I do not support this topic
  11. I heard about how one of the planned features of TerrafirmaCraft. In this post I will talk about how i think terrain generation should be like. For one I believe in a limited world but it should be bigger than earth which I believe is more than enough room to build things. I do not know how it would look at the world's edge but I HAD the idea that when you get to the edge you somehow get teleported to the other side of the world but from previous post I know that's almost impossible. When you first click the "create new world" button it creates your world differently. For one it will generate the whole world first, than it will smooth, polish,define whatever word you choose, than it looks for flaws in the terrain and smooths it, it will then set up a seed for any trees, any animals, and any crop and will spread though out the land mass but it may not spread across great bodies of water or (maybe) deserts (that might be a bad thing because what if it says that pigs come from a small island far from spawn but the native Americans survived), and than it sets your spawn at a random place but will not spawn you in the middle of a inhospitable environment. So there you go my idea for terrain generation, I really hope you like it! Oh and i'm a #ninja
  12. Stay real

    Well I think I semi-like this. For one I think that there should NOT be magical stuff, only some. Like a enchantment and alchemy system and nothing more.
  13. Ideas on new terrain generation

    Hm, I understand. thank you
  14. Brass as a tool metal

    I don't know, but i don't think brass is a hard enough metal for tools. i believe bronze is fine.
  15. Ideas on new terrain generation

    wow, that's awesome. It's also a really big coincidence. I thought you would be another criticizer. but instead you do something to support my suggestion.