Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by XxNyssaXx

  1. o_O  I am really confused. Where you guys see any similarity between Dwarf Fortress and TFC? :) Yes, mining, caves ... but it is just a setting, the games are completely different. No?Games like Gnomoria, Towns, StoneHearth, Craft The World, RimWorld are exactly "simplified DF" with good graphics, 3D or 2D.

    Gnomoria is already well-playable, others more or less ...

    i play gnomoria now, but for some reason google brought me to this. it may not have been exactly what i was looking for, but it still peaked my interest enough to try it, and it kept me tided over until i found something better


  2. Could you make textures for the ingots when they are stacked on the ground? Make them look more 3d, and perhaps more shiny? I am absolutely in love with this pack. It has come to the point where I can't play the game without it hahaha, but yeah besides the ingots, marvellous textures. Cheers.

    I've tried to do this with my own pack, and sadly it's impossible. When you animate, you have to make the texture a long strip with each frame. The texture is shared with the metal sheets. The animation works on the sheets, but when you look at the ingot, it just stripes the ingots with the texture over and over again,rather than animate it. Very annoying.

  3. I love the over all pack However i have noticed i have a problem with the Copper sword showing up as a 4 color box.... and i think one other sword is the same.... is there a fix for this as i am playing on a friends server.

    hmm, im not able to reproduce the issue, what version are you using? 32x or 64?

    it sounds like somehow you did not get/removed the .mcmeta files for them, screwing up the animation, causing the infamous black and purple boxes.


  4. I know it isn't true but it almost seems like some TFC fans are masochists.  "How can we make this game harder, more unpleasant, and less rewarding?"

    not gonna lie, im totally a masochist. probably why i like this mod and i decided to make a texture pack for the crazy number of blocks it has, as well as started taking in requests for texture assistance on addons. maybe i should start charging money for it... XD but i digress. i do kinda like the idea of it. it should still be highly reduced from falling without water, but i just dont think its very realistic/believable being able to dig a hole to bedrock, put a pool of water at the bottom, and be able to jump in from the top of a mountain and not die...or at least break your neck....another idea is the addition of rusting armor, where  if you stay submerged for too long, your armor will take a bit of a durability hit (or just a %chance to) with salt water causing a bit more damage than fresh. no more swimming across the sea with full metal gear without taking some sort of consequences. make thyself a boat, ye dirty peasant lol


  5. The only thing I am thinking needs a minor tweak is the creeper texture. It is too dark to see the detail you put into it. I might suggest lighting it just a touch so those details show. Keep up the good work!

    lightened it up for the next update. hopefully it will be out by later tonight or tomorrow, need to finish converting everything over to 32x with the help of koolbob once he gets online. lots of reworked textures in this update, shouldn't break any builds, just enhance them. most of the changes are centered around the stone and wood, because that was what i started with first when creating this pack. i have learned a lot of new techniques since then, and decided to put them to use on the older textures.


  6. holy terraforming batman...this reminds me of when a friend had me flatten an entire mountain to reveal our hidden obsidian tower on a vanilla pvp server. thing took like half a week. my mcmmo scores were off the charts though for mining and digging XD.  i dont know how you can stand doing it on single player.....


  7. Apart from the probability that stone generation is seperate from biomes, vanilla minecraft already has a similar biome already, and frankly I think it looks bad. The rainbow colors are just too wierd.


  8. I would almost prefer the sounds of tucans, monkies, kookaburra, you know, things you won't hear around the world, just jungles and such. It would be easy enough to implement, but we already have cicada noises in game. As long as it's a seperate sound file though, I would be happy, as I could just modify it on my resource pack to what I would want, assuming I did not like what was implemented. A flowering vine verity would be nice as well, it would have the same qualitys of normal vines, just a different texture.
