Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by BloodravenD

  1. Thanks for the kind words guys...^^

    BloodravenD, having the vanilla blocks is the easy part. This would be an addon to an already existing pack (you can find a link at the top of the page), so you can also use it either in conjuction with it, or with any TP you like best. ;)

    As always, any and every feedback is vastly appreciated. Cheers..^^

    Yea I saw that link, but it said the texture pack isn't up to date. Are you continuing it as well?


  2. If you wanted to use the BTW mod with TFC, would you accept being told to not ask such a question?

    Well BTW has a ridiculous amount of mods it's not compatible with, so I probably wouldn't mention anything about another mod with it.


  3. This has everything to do with TFC, and he had every right to post about a setting that is in the config file, regardless of his intentions with it.

    Really? because as it looks to me, it's about other mods, not so much TFC. Nice try though.


  4. Right because there is no point in continuing thaumcraft 2 if it's already up to date and TC3 is being worked for 1.3.2....Again, it isn't haulted.


  5. Your problem is thinking there is cobblestone in the same sense as vanilla. You can't get cobble, because rocks drop, and only way to get vanilla iron is off zombies? Not sure about that last part though. That's the reason most people just get the items like they normally would, like you get the ore, then use NEI or TMI to give themselves the mod item. Also this has nothing to do with TFC, so you shouldn't have bothered to post it in the first place.


  6. Right but most world files if they get that large it's probably because it's on a server with tons of people. Their player data takes up a lot of room as well, and all you would want is the world, not all that extra fluff. Also what you suggest is way too open ended, with that world as an example, they probably planned out what they were gonna do ahead of time, and had people work on specific tasks.


  7. Please don't refer to tool improvements as "enchanting"... I use mods like this one to get away from the "magic" part of Minecraft where you would add some fairy dust to make items magically better.

    Let's just say, leave the "magic" (IMHO cheat) modding to EE.

    That said, lining your axe, handsaw and pickaxe with crushed diamonds makes sense as a speed improvement and maybe even a requirement to mine the harder rock types?

    What remains is gems as a currency and for decorative purposes...

    And finally, in a very distant future when no more stoneage/bronzeage etc stuff remains to be done, gems could see a use again in industrial applications like lasers and whatnot.

    You do realize there are plenty of other mods that use magic right? that aren't "cheating" even though EE3 is supposed to be balanced. Also EE was never cheaty, just that when used with other mods, it became more powerful. Also there wouldn't be anything remotely close to lasers and such in TFC, because of it being more about survival and most of the items are roughly medieval, at least that's how I see it anyways and I'm sure others would agree.

    I would just like a use for them, because I get tired of just throwing them away. I mean even with RP, you only had tungsten with no use, but this mod adds a bunch of gems, as well as a few ores that are useless.


  8. You're better off just using the logs themselves as the shelter, or just using cobble. Just be wary about cobble though, because onced it's placed it's a pain to get out of the way without a pickaxe. I was lucky and spawned in a huge sequoia forest, but even with small trees you should be able to get enough logs to make a rudimentary house. Or if you want, you could use the axe and make planks, but you would need a lot more wood to make the plank blocks. It's better to just use the log, not logpiles, as shelter.

    Cobble is pretty good about staying up, don't think it works like the dirt and sand, so you could use it for like walls or something, but it's better off just using the cobble for tools until you get a chisel, then turn them into brick blocks.


  9. You probably just have bad spawns, yes sluices and picking up rocks are the only way to get ore, because of no stone picks. But they only work if there is ore close by, not sure on loose rock range, but the sluice will do up to 60m down and 100m radius or diameter, not sure which.


  10. To do the logpiles, you can shift and right click, after that you can right click the logpile to either add or remove logs. Cassiterite, Bismuthinite, and Sphalerite are the only ores you can smelt in the firepit, the rest you need a bloomery. I'd say just keep looking around the wiki for information, otherwise you can ask here, or just try and experiment in a test world or something.


  11. yep don't think Tales of Kingdoms is compatible with TFC, just try it with forge should be whatever the recommended one is or the latest, player api9think it's 1.3) and TFC. Put forge and player api in the minecraft.jar, delete meta-inf, and run minecraft. Then close it onces it's run, and put TFC in the mods folder.


  12. I have a farm on my first world where I planted some crops before the end of the first day. Everything I've been doing has been in the same general area as my little farm, so as far as I'm aware, it's never been "unloaded." And I have yet to see any of the crops reach the second stage of growth, despite having spent a week of play sessions playing on that world.

    I don't mind in the sense that crops aren't necessary for food - meat pinata cows are fine - but what if I wanted to start breeding animals? I'd need some crops for that. And even a full real-life week's worth of 1-3 hour play sessions hasn't even gotten me to the second stage of growth, and as far as I'm aware, the area they're in is just fine (good rainfall, low EVT, moderate temperatures, etc.)

    I actually like that things like growing crops and breeding animals takes a while - it makes sense. It's just that I can agree with eulstran that it doesn't feel very comfortable for SSP. But Bioxx has said he's developing for SMP, so if that means I've gotta find a server if I want to experience everything... I guess it's time to hunt for a server.

    Hmm, that is pretty bad. I've honestly never really put much time into TFC, tested a few things either in creative or just started up a world with a latest build, then there is a new version of TFC so I end up starting over again. Balancing that, on top of several other games, as well as running a guild on a wow private server, you can see I don't put much time into minecraft.

    I agreed that configs would be nice, but I can also see as how it's still a WIP, the mod needs a stable config so if there are bugs, they can be reproduced and fixed. I am sad that there isn't some sort of middle ground between SSP and SMP...
