Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by lassesp2142

  1. i agree with the whole starting witha backpack but maybe it would only be the size of a single chest or less but if you take it off/remove it from your inventory, you would only have two or three inventory slots because you can only hold a couple of things in your hands without some sort of bag

    when you die, your whole inventory wont be puked up all over the place, but your backpack drops on the ground as a block maybe and you go pick it up but after a while it'l dissapear

    also, you can upgrade/make better backpacks that hold more or last longer when dropped

    Yea i like the idea about the backpack will have all your inventory and its not your player,

    Also looting from other peoples backpack is an awesome idea! "if you like hardcore/pvp/survival"

    And the idea about making better backpacks is great too!

    That's a good idea and for PvP you could colour the cloths and weir them over armour so you can see how your fighting with and against.

    I like pvp, and being able to change color! Will be an great advantage when i sneak up on people!


  2. As far as i know there is no use for Jet! but keep it it might get usefull.

    And about the wiki! yea its quite empty right now...

    Gems has no use yet, but might be used in enchanting.

    Other ores are used for many things! I will not get into that on this post...


  3. Cool idea daveboy2000! :)

    I have been playing The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim and i like the Inventory system in Skyrim, You have unlimited space but you need to keep an eye on the weigth! Maybe we can do the same with TFC but instaed of moving slow just not being able to move.

    Also you cant carry to many ligth weigth things! irl you cant carry a ton of feathers, in mc you should be able to have backpacks to carry more then you inventoryh allows. But the backpack will also effect you weigth!


  4. Wow it would be to easy to hav e sieges like Boea said, if someone just places an catapult and begins to fire at you!

    What if your patroling the wall of the city on a server, and you see an random guy walking in the outskirts of the forrest!

    Before you know what he is doing he places an catapult and before you can alert the other people in the town there's an rain of fire and rocks over the town...

    They would'nt have a chance to defend... but making an catapult is an cool idea! i like siege weapons! ;)


  5. It would be nice to have someone carrying your equipment while you're traveling!

    But how rare should the horses be? I think that they should be rare as hell! if you're playing an multiplayer server, its not fun if everyone have an horse.

    Also i think horses should need food too either grass or wheat, if you dont feed your horse or let it be in an area with grass, it should die of hunger.

    But it would be hard to feed an horse on an multiplayer server!


  6. 2)It has been said many many times from early on that Copper can be smelted in a firepit under the right conditions, but to my knowledge the only proof is hearsay. There have been no videos or pictures of it happening as far as I have seen. It could be that it once worked, but the heating system has been changed numerous times since and may have made it impossible. It may have never worked in the first place.

    I have heard rumors about that if you move your firepit up into the mountains the low preasure, will make the heat increase!

    I do not know if it is true but i will test it if i ever find an ore that can be melted... :P


  7. Ores are super rare in the curent version,

    "dont know if it will stay like that or if he changes it"

    But if you know how to use an prospectors pick you migth get lucky.

    That you havent found anything yet, doesnt mean its a bug, you migth just have found a bad place to search.

    I uses the caves to get materials, that way i dont have to dig a ton of stone,

    it is also a good way if you dont want to use ages on strip mining.

    Because when you strip mine you use alot of time to remove the stone.

    I do think it's the best way of mining. I just dont have the patience to do it.

    I can only advice you to try and dig somewhere else and maybe use natural caves to check. ;)

    Good luck!


  8. The idea is cool,

    but it isn't realistic.

    Saplings are too weak to be made into sticks.

    But if they put it into the game. so one should not spend more than a sapling, to make a stick.

    Since you can not bind 2 branches together to make a stronger one.

    (once again they are too weak)

    But it's a good way to get sticks! ;)
