Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by redundantusage

  1. Weapon/tool 'finishing'

    I like the idea of variations in combat, so it's not just everyone in steel+ armor with a finished sword. I know I'd be the local smith grinding out long serrated blades for the locals. Of course, being able to make a masterwork long serrated sword would be a nice way for me to show off my abilities as well. These weapon variations could be caused by working the ingot in specific ways while smithing the product; not defined, but something that the blacksmith has to actually learn how to do on top of getting the the two markers to line up. An example is that using draw on the weapon enough times without the use of the shrink command might yield the "long" classification.
  2. Animals!

    Distinguishing between reality and games is what lets me kill elephants in Minecraft, and not kill people I hate in real life. Bring on the ivory.
  3. Weapon/tool 'finishing'

    Flux + leather = tanned leather stick + tanned leather + gem = quality handle The rest of it, I agree completely.
  4. Glowing crystals would provide a means to make permanent light fixtures that don't require refueling or relighting. Would just be a way of showing off how much work has gone into your home, since it would require a good deal of effort to actually find said crystals.
  5. Damascus steel

    I'll stick with my javelins. >_>
  6. Animals!

    I actually pointed out on a server once that zombies and skeletons were my alarm clock to know when I should wake up and go outside. When I hear burning flesh, I know the sun has started shining. A bit more on topic, I hope I can mount that ivory on my armors' pauldrons or something. Being the guy that hunted and killing a fully grown elephant using nothing but javelins, a loincloth, and a whole lot of tenacity should be put on display. That or maybe just trophies in general if animals start getting genuinely harder.
  7. Official Death Penalty Discussion

    Wild growing herbs and cultivated versions would be a means of adding basic medicine (as well as something else to flesh out the world as you explore), and if wool ever gets the ability to be turned into cloth you could make it into strips for bandages, or splints when combined with sticks. Two stone in the crafting table with a harvested herb would provide a ground up version of it for more direct usage.
  8. tools disappear

    I've found if it's right next to the roof, sometimes they'll go through the one block and end up on top.
  9. Animals!

  10. Official Death Penalty Discussion

    When I worked in the Army as Behavioral Health, I'm pretty sure I was given a class with this as the title.
  11. Question that will become a suggestion

    It's currently nearly impossible due to how the original minecraft was made, but a few basic changes could easily make harsher environments livable, thus providing a wider range of possible experiences in game in TFC, which I believe is Bioxx's intent. Deserts: - Food: Add desert specific mobs that are a cross between the passive and hostile mobs, they garner food but will still attack you (due to living in a harsh environment themselves). A couple of the plant types listed below could also be made to yield fruits at certain times of the year. - Building material: Scrub trees, joshua trees, and cactus could all be made into simple means of getting building material in the desert. These wouldn't have huge yields like a redwood or willow, but you're trying to survive in the desert right? - Industry: As this is always a huge consideration for anywhere you settle, perhaps deserts could be made to spawn some minerals more than other places, like a specific type of metal, or coal. Tundra: - Food: Animals already spawn here, but perhaps making larger animals like cows or bison more likely to spawn would be helpful. Basic foraging brush could also be added to provide secondary food sources. - Building material: Igloos are already possible and viable, you can also use a moulding process to pour water into a larger mold to then let freeze to create a structure out of ice. And then smaller trees still exist if that's your thing. - Industry: Having herds of animals would make leather an easy thing to collect, and if any of the seeds in the game are ever made to be grown in colder conditions, you'd be set to be the prime source of such produce.
  12. Gem Cutting

    If he's existence and the universe he has all the physical eyes.
  13. Question that will become a suggestion

    I'd personally prefer a wider range of options when I first spawn. The granite with cassiterite spawn point is nice, but it's a bit too ideal for a survival game. A swamp or jungle would mean I'd have to vary up my tactics.
  14. Official Death Penalty Discussion

    A new underlying stat (sort of like saturation for hunger) would be "general health" versus the visible "health points". This has been suggested before, but always with other things added on that aren't that needed for a simple system. General health is a pool that can be capped out at 1000, starting a fresh game with a new character starts you at 500 general health. At maxed points you would receive 25% faster heal rate, 20% faster sprint, and 3 extra breath bubbles. At at 90-100% you have max current stats. each 10% threshold below that removes half a heart/drumstick/air bubble, till you effectively have half stats at 0% general health. This means even after starving for a crazy long time and dying several times, the game is still playable, there's just a penalty for consistently playing badly. On the flipside, those who prepare, keep healthy and survive well will get a nice bonus. General health would be promoted in several ways: - Keeping fatigue above a certain point by eating food, like > 80%, would promote a gradual addition to general health. +1 per minute - Eating high content food (3 or more drumsticks) would give a slight boost to general health. (aka bonus for meats and, hopefully eventually, prepared foods) +5 each - Don't get injured for extended periods of time, kicks in after 5 minutes of not getting injured, but isn't turned off until taking at least 1 heart of damage so you're not punished for walking over floating dirt or a single small jump that's just a bit too far. +1 per minute - Sleeping in a bed at night would give either a flat bonus if you fastforward to day or a gradual bonus if you just hang in bed like on SMP. +10 for fast forward, +1 per minute for simply "resting" at night while on SMP. General health would be detracted from by the following: - Taking damage also damages your general health, at 1 point per half heart lost. This means consistently going out and getting your body torn apart will gradually harm your health. - Having < 20% of your hunger bar left will start to decrease your general health. -1 per minute - Starving (no hunger bar left) will only take you to half of your max health, but your general health will start decreasing rapidly. -10 per minute. - Drowning, poison, and fire causes you to lose 1 point of general health per half heart lost in addition to the point lost due to loss of health. - Death cuts your general health in half. Meaning you technically start from ground zero in regards to general health if you die while at max general health. If you just started and you die, you're general health would be 250, still livable but not game over. This would mean the initial death would always suck the worst and subsequent deaths, while bad, won't cause you to become exponentially worse. I think this gives a viable reason to live a healthy life, survive well, be cautious, eat good and prepared food, and in general avoid setting yourself on fire. TLDR: Hobbits have stolen the precious and are currently roflcoptering their way into Mordor due to not being able to simply walk into it.
  15. Pre53 Thoughts

    If Pre53 comes out with the features listed on the change log, there are going to be a boatload of happy SSP people. All modders enjoy what they make on some level or they wouldn't do it, but Bioxx and Company show that they do care about the input of the community with this patch. And now I can join the elite ranks of those who've actually grown a TFC vegetable. I wonder if the year time change will effect animals next?
  16. Damascus steel

    I did pretty much everything I wanted to do with blacksmithing back around 10-15 patches ago, but customizable armors, whether from rare ores or like Dunk said above about true customization (weight, ore used, etc) would probably bring me out of my carpentry/lumberjack rut.
  17. String

    Political correctness makes me a sad panda. As far as using a comb on wool. You could always use a bunch of bones from larger fish to create the comb, not sure how viable it would be, but it's a step in the right direction. These same bones could be used for needles if any such thing is ever needed. When both butchering and TFC fishing are added, this could be one of the drops.
  18. More Clay and Reusable Ceramic molds

    I'm all for clay types and the ability to create bricks out of them, I would go ape over a claybrick house. That said, any time I have trouble locating native clay, I find the nearest ocean and check out around the shore and towards the base. If you don't find clay there then you should probably try another seed. Easiest way I've found to get said clay at the bottom is get a couple stacks of dirt and basically fill in the dirt to cover the clay and then dig down. Man-made clay pit quarry. Profit.
  19. String

    "Any person that cannot move past their own rigid views of the world and how it operates has no place in a creative community that expects to thrive." - Random guy I just made up
  20. String

    To be fair, we're talking about a fairly small demographic that collectively: Plays minecraft Knows how to mod minecraft without a self installer Wants a more challenging/involved minecraft Giggles/gasps when they read the word hemp.
  21. String

    The first thing I think of when I hear hemp is rope. But then again I play video games a lot.
  22. Challenges

    I wonder if the devs will ever get bored and introduce skids and pulleys for log and block placement.
  23. Secondary and Tertiary Foods

    Olive pie would be a tier -5 food. You don't die instantly, but you wish you would.
  24. Challenges

    The survive part has never been hard in my opinion. Collect one stack of loose rocks, one stack of sticks, chop down a couple trees and build a cabin near a herd of chicken. Your survival is set, everything else becomes optional.
  25. Gem Cutting

    If you could set gems in wall sockets, I would totally become an infiltration thief that steals gems out of walls in the night.