Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by redundantusage

  1. Dragons, ideas. community collaberation page

    Dragon flight would definitely improve everyone's ability to travel. Then again, the same thing could be said for horses. Now that I think about it, yeah just Horses. Then we'd all have reasons to make stables and I could breed them for speed and sell them for ore! =D
  2. Dragons, ideas. community collaberation page

    I can't be the only one that wants a dragon scale reinforced set of armor.
  3. Tropical Island Biome Suggestion

    Could always just make volcanos a random event off shore and near coastlines, when they occur they would unleash lava or magma that would cool into stone and dirt. Instead of making them adding a random block every so often, just a sudden eruption (like a volcano >_>) followed by a period of dormancy. The event would only occur a fixed number of times (set at spawning of the chunk) after which is would be a dead volcano, and potentially a new island. I don't think they should occur on already spawned chunks that spawned without them, otherwise they might crop up quite a bit and since the chunks spawned most often are the one where people live, they'd be a gigantic pain in the ass for anyone not planning on being a magma-fleeing-nomad.
  4. Creeps

    I like the idea of animals getting downright angry at night, like wolves go on the prowl and deer want to eat your face. >_>
  5. "Organic" Knapping and moar tools

    Of all of this, the part I found viable and that would add a bit of challenge to the game without requiring a team of coders would be that when you knap a rock it wouldn't be a perfect square but would have edge bits missing, like a randomly shaped rock. Would mean to craft the tool you want you may have to go through a rock or two to find one big enough and with the right shape for that axe.
  6. How SSP players should play?

    I'm a fairly solo player as well, I usually find a server and head off to be a hermit except when doing some basic trading or showing off my impressiveness. That said, I'm with Jake: Dig, Hiss, Boom is one of the best servers I've been on of the 6 or so I've tried. It's a hardcore server, so if challenge is not your goal it's probably not a good idea, but it's otherwise maintained well and it's the only Terrafirmacraft server I've seen thus far where the admin not only cares if you get griefed or robbed, but has the ability to find the person who did it and ban them and return your things.
  7. Woodcutting, and charcoal.

    I think mortared would work. Also, addition of mortared brick might link to other areas discussed, like the additions of construction and integrity as well as making either an "unbreakable" or very damage resistant block type that was being discussed in the kingdoms ultrathread.
  8. Fortification

    At the behest of Eternal, own thread made: Shapeless crafting recipe: Stick + knife = sharpened stick Can be placed in the ground defensively slanted and pointing in the direction towards you as you place it. Hurts anything that walks at in the direction it is pointed, like a cactus. Would provide a means of fortifying the base of a structure in a believable fashion. As a fun add-on to this: falling on a sharpened stick from higher than 4 blocks could kill you by impaling. Just for funsies.
  9. Woodcutting, and charcoal.

    It would probably retain the heat better and thus expend the oxygen faster from a faster cook rate. So yeah, I'd call that believable.
  10. Fortification

    The knapped-stone headed upgrade makes me think you could just replace the crafting recipe for the sharpened sticks in a 3 by 3 with a 3 by 3 of javelins for the upgrade version then. Keeps it simple and uses an item already in the game. Also, I like the idea of using string to set things on top of for a faux ground trap of sorts. With something like I wouldn't even need spikes, I'd just make several 1 by 1 tunnels that go straight to the core and put leaves over them. >=D
  11. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    You're right, I don't; I don't code at all except for a brief year on RPG maker's very basic concept of code. However, if Bioxx wants to stay true to his own statement of wanting to provide a new or varied experience with each different play through, the ability to configure the kingdom options is the only real way to provide the means of different servers acting differently short of third party plugins coming onto the scene. Which don't get me wrong, once this mod stabilizes I'm looking forward to the influx of third party mods for specifically Terrafirmacraft, I know Slink has already put out several good ones.
  12. Kingdoms Brainstorming

    Literally, as long as all the kingdom stuff is configurable, then everyone wins. I said this like 30 pages ago: Servers that don't want protections can turn them off, servers that want community and protection can turn them on. Various middle grounds can also be set. Literally everyone wins.
  13. Woodcutting, and charcoal.

    Pretty sure the last 6 pages have nothing to do with charcoal or wood. One idea that I've had is that how airtight your charcoal pit is should have an impact on the amount of created charcoal. Brick, glass, solid stone, things of that nature would contain the smoke better and provide less chance for air to seep in. Things like dirt, sand, doors, signs, torches, etc would obviously be a hindrance to the process.
  14. Fortification

    I like to keep my ideas on the simple side for the reason that anything technological can be conjectured to be "outside the time period". Though a simple Indiana Jones style step-on-meh-plate-an-firin-mah-spikes could be viable. Would give people a chance to build their own temples of doom under their town halls.
  15. Fortification

    I can't be the only one hoping for pitfall traps.
  16. Better Food

    Those are preservation types, I'm talking about straight cooking and preservation would be separate. Heck, you could always just make it a sliding scale of sorts: Cooking food increases how many bars or saturation is given but decreases amount of time before it goes bad, where preservation could slightly decrease food value but give a very big boost to food longevity.
  17. Better Food

    Never played runescape, but the system makes sense in my mind.
  18. Fortification

    If the sticks in the game are of about an inch or greater in diameter like I'd assume they would be based on their being used for tool handles, then they would still work for pit traps and building base fortifications, though groupings of them like someone suggested does make more sense. Perhaps same as earlier you use a knife to sharpen individual sticks and then 3 by 3 of sharpened sticks in a crafting table would make a sharpened stick bundle. Deploying the bundle would either be done by right clicking the ground where they'd point up and damage anything that touches their top, or right clicking a wall and it'd make a slanted structure that hurts anything that touches the side like cactus. Logs (from the trees in this game) just seem too big to to be reasonable for anything short of a large vehicle obstruction. As a side note, I've been under the impression that historically this type of fortification is a simple and inexpensive means of applying defense to an area. So yeah, it'd be cheap. If this is a major problem for the mod you could always make them break after applying damage so many times, though this sets the precedence for wear and tear on blocks in general in my opinion, which while realistic, seems shitty.
  19. Better Food

    As all food can be simplified down into the basic maths of providing a certain amount of hunger refill and hunger saturation, I think a very basic cooking system could in fact be implemented without a huge undertaking. The basics would be that any food item could be combined, preserved or not. The combined result would produce a cookable version based on the sum of the values in it plus a given amount to justify investment of time. For example: Cherry (.5) + Cherry (.5) + Cherry (.5) + Cherry (.5) + Flour + Sugar = Uncooked Fruit Pie (3) The results could be cooked in whichever way is appropriate, pies in an oven, soups in pots, etc. You would determine where it is cooked based on the additive to the food, flour + sugar would be a pie and is baked, water bucket or milk bucket would create soup and is then poured into a cauldron or kettle to cook, etc. The positive is that cooked food provides as bit more food at a slightly increased investment of time, the negative being that once food rotting is implemented, cooked foods would be preservable and will rot faster than a raw food source. The real benefit is the simplicity, as you'd basically just be adding pie / soup / whatever with damage values to determine hunger satisfaction, thus providing a simple cooking method with genuine benefits that is believable without breaking the food system entirely.
  20. Man, good thing salting the earth hasn't been implemented or they might have done that by the sounds of it.
  21. This worked, thanks a lot. I hadn't even noticed forge needed updating.
  22. Couldn't log on after a clean install: Internal Exception: Received string length longer than maximum allowed (76/14) Any thoughts on this?
  23. Tiny Tweaks Metathread

    Shapeless crafting recipe: Stick + knife = sharpened stick Can be placed in the ground defensively slanted and pointing in the direction towards you as you place it. Hurts anything that walks at in the direction it is pointed, like a cactus. Would provide a means of fortifying the base of a structure in a believable fashion. As a fun add-on to this: falling on a sharpened stick from higher than 4 blocks could kill you by impaling. Just for funsies.
  24. Tiny Tweaks Metathread

    I did a little searching and didn't find anything that specifically noted this, but it has to do with rivers. As it is, all rivers are just placid snakes of water. My suggestion would be to add a new water block "river water" that each block still acts as a single block like normal water, but has a flow direction. Two river blocks converging would just make another river block flowing in the general direction the biome provides it, and ocean or lake biomes could have something in them to natural convert directional river blocks to still water blocks. In it's simplest form this would literally just mean a separate water block that behaves almost the exact same except that it has directional flow. Thus rivers act as rivers. If taken a step further, flow direction can be decided based on biome location in relation to the equator. From everything I've ever read about rivers, they can be dangerous. Providing a bit of danger to them in game might add to the survival experience, and provide a reason for the construction of bridges beyond walking a smidgen faster. NOTE: Has nothing to do with finite water or actual moving blocks, just directional force of still blocks.
  25. I've had a similar problem to the original poster of this thread, my solution to fix it was I gave the fully modded version to my friends who had legit copies of minecraft to try out via thumbdrive. Way I see it, I'm distributing yes, but only to people who I know to have full access. And the truth of the matter is, handing someone a thumb drive and saying "Try this better version of minecraft," is much easier than convincing them to find the mods or learn to install them.