Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Elso_Valager

  1. About Alloys

    Right, lads, we've finally made our way to the wonderful world of alloys on my server, and we're very close to being able to make some Bismuth Bronze (Some 8km to find some Bismuth, who'd have thought?), but I've realised while I'm waiting for my away team to return, that I have a slight problem. I have a forge, loads of fuel, and hopefully soon all the materials required for everything. But we have been as of yet, unable to make a crucible. How exactly would one make an alloy without it? Now I've been told you can use a vessel for these things but, alot of our Copper and Zinc has become bars. Granted I can make that into liquid form, so that can be used, but I'm very unsure how I'd go about using that. Anyone got a solution that I might not be aware of?
  2. About Alloys

    I suppose a follow-up question is relating to ores and the mixing therof, I've been really struggling to tell how many units each piece of ore is worth, between the regular ore and the small counterparts, because I thought it was 25 units for a larger piece, but when melting Sphalerite on a firepit, I found that four pieces did not actually fill up a mold entirely, and the fifth overlapped into a second tray. Are there finer numbers behind these chunks that I'm missing?
  3. Curious questions regarding smithing?

    Now forgive me if this question has already been answered and I'm barking up the wrong tree, I poked through a few pages and didn't find anyone else asking this so I thought I'd post my own. So, my little server has now advanced to the point where we can actually make and use anvils, or I can, at least, which is good enough for me, and I began to heat my first Copper bar for hammering into something more workable. Despite trying to follow what it said on the wiki, I rather violently screwed up (I can only assume the bar more resembles a lumpy pillow instead of a sophisticated bar of hot metal), and am now left with a bar that claims it 'has been worked'. So, while I'm fine with accepting I messed up and trying again with another bar, I'm rather curious.. What can I do with my ugly-duckling bar I have here? Is there any way I can make it into something that is actually useful?
  4. Wiki Edits/Suggestions

    Oh that's much better, I can imagine there'll be no more confusion for anyone else with that, either.
  5. Wiki Edits/Suggestions

    Aaaah, right, okay, excellent. Well I'm glad we could clear that up both for my knowledge and for future edits to the Wiki. Thank you kindly sir and sorry for the misunderstanding there~
  6. Wiki Edits/Suggestions

    Yeah but, my problem with that is that, those 25x13 references would be great if it were in three dimensions, since that's what we're dealing with here. Unless they can't be higher than two log piles high? Whether that's true or not, that should definitely be outlined.
  7. Wiki Edits/Suggestions

    If there's any one page that I think might need re-doing (If only because some of it's wording sounds half-complete), is the Charcoal page. Specifically the Charcoal Pit page. Reading it I'm actually a bit clueless as to just HOW big I can make a charcoal pit, and if there is NOW an optimal size. The wiki page is worded 'This used to be the largest/preferred size of a charcoal pit', which suggests it might be possible to make it bigger, but not specifying exact dimensions like it does about how much it USED to be. It might be me on that one but, yeah that's my two cents at least.
  8. Server suddenly insta-crashing everyone

    Not quite sure what's causing this, but we seem to have run into a bug that is all of a sudden booting us all to a crash report the moment we join the server. Only two of us were on at the time, and both got this crash at the same time. Could anyone help us with why this is happening? For the bug report. Thanks in advance, lads~
  9. Server suddenly insta-crashing everyone

    Ooooooh.. That explains why our calenders were behaving so strangely. I couldn't predict what the season was because it was telling me it was December when the apple tree we were next to was acting like it was fall.
  10. Server suddenly insta-crashing everyone

    I had not, but I think I can probably guess WHY this happened.. I went into TFC Options and changed the length of a year, from 96 days to 360. It says multiple of 12 but I'm guessing this might be a too high-a multiple.. I mostly went with that number so it more accurately portrayed a real-time year. Anyway on the server I did /time set 0 and it reset the calender back to March 1st 1000.
  11. Server suddenly insta-crashing everyone

    Oh, WOW, nevermind, I just read it and found the missing part.. Lemme just copy the right bits. If you check the pastebin link above now, it should have all the information.. NO idea how all of that vanished from the pastebin.
  12. Server suddenly insta-crashing everyone

    I can copy the .txt file in an attachment if it'll help clear things up, but nothing is written after that in that specific java line.
  13. Curious questions regarding smithing?

    Yes, I already have plans reflecting what I want to make, I just messed up the shaping process. What do I do with the bar I messed up?
  14. Failed to login: Bad Login

    Aaaahhhh, I see, okay, thanks alot for the rapid response, lads, that makes so much more sense <3
  15. Failed to login: Bad Login

    Hello fellow forum-goers, Let me first say how fantastic this mod has been, had about half a dozen friends playing it with me and it's been utterly fantastic. We've intentionally been avoiding some of the more obvious beta-esque crashes (Such as cutting down giant sequoia's), but if there is one problem we frequently have, it's this; Failed to Login to server; Bad Login. I host the server we are connecting to, and I have the necessary ports for Vanilla Minecraft open (We don't have this problem with Vanilla), but yet very frequently we run into this problem. Even I do, and I'm on the same machine as the server that is hosting. And to clarify ahead of time, we are all carrying legit versions of Minecraft, so we can rule out for you, the possibility that it's rejecting us because we have cracked/illegit versions. When I say this is frequently happening, the server seems to pick and choose whether it will let us log in, and so far we have found no pattern to how we try to log in, and how we get it to work. We've tried things such as logging out of our Minecraft accounts and logging back in, we've made sure all of our accounts are migrated to Mojang (As some other boards have suggested), and yet we still have this problem. The only mod we have installed is TFC (Duh) and Reis' Minimap for 1.6.2, which is client-based, not serverside. Is there a fix for this issue that anyone can suggest to us? We CAN connect sometimes, but more often than not we get a faceful of Bad Login pages. Thanks for the read, guys~ -Elso