Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Zandrov02

  1. How do i make a clay pot and large vessel?

    Thank you for the information.
  2. How do i make a clay pot and large vessel?

    Is there a known use for the Large Vessel?
  3. Come check out my MC v1.6.2 Server: SandBoxedIt has 50 slots available, 4GB of dedicated ram running on a Hi-Speed Low Ping Server based in Chicago.Sandboxed has a helpful and growing community.(over 600 unique players have visited since December wow!)We have recently added a coin based economy using CustomNPCs and MyTown.SkyMart has also been recently added with over 40 vendors buying/selling/trading all kinds of items.Quests and dungeon crawling will be coming soon.Come and be one of the first to blaze your trail and get boxed in!IP: Rules: Respect other players. No swearing. No fighting. PLEASE keep it family friendly. No Intentional griefing. Breaking these rules=BAN Mods: Client Side Mods YouMust Download: Terrafirmacraft v77.22:Download LinkExtrafirma: Downoad Link Custom NPCs: Download LinkAnimal Bike:Download LinkArchimedes Ships: Download LinkMyTown: Server Side, no download required.Helpful Links for these Mods:TerraFirmaCraft WikiArchimedes Ships ForumExtraFirma ForumAnimal Bikes ForumHelpful tips for installing mods: Put the files downloaded in - .minecraftmods (usualyc:Usersyour user nameAppDataRoaming.minecraftmods)If you play using the Technic Launcher put the files -c:Usersyour user nameAppDataRoaming.technicmodpacksterrafirmacraftmodsYouTube Tutorial how to add modsthis tells you how for 1.6.1 you want 1.6.2 but the method is the same.Forge loader is a much easier method than injecting. - if you need itMinecraft Forge Installer1.6.2 this installs to your client Minecraft Forge v9.10.1.871 which is what TFC was built on. Any questions on how to get the mods working please msg me or post, thanks. Texture Packs that I recommend with TFC: Optional Texture Pack I Use: I found this one of the TFC forums, its changes TFC blocks onlyv4.0.3Download Link it's 13MB : this file goes in your .minecraftresourcepacks folder and u load it in game under Options / Resource Packs I wanted more changed textures other than just the TFC blocks, so i grabbed a bunch of packs and borrowed the textures I liked from each pack. I added thoes textures to the TFC pack to make a combo pack: Download Link it's 74MB : this file goes in your .minecraftresourcepacks folder and u load it in game under Options / Resource Packs the HD textures take a bit longer to load, so the load time of minecraft is increased, but once your in game, nice!!! it is also recommended to use the OptiFine Mod with HD texturepacks. OptiFine Modthis goes in .minecraftmods Edit: Feb 18th 2014 SkyMart is finished wooot! Pictures of SkyMart Above is the Count Your Change Court Yard portion of SkyMart, with many buildings that have vendors who want to buy your items or sell you more stuff! Above shows 5 of the 7 coins we are using that are offered in customnpc. Bronze, Iron, Gold, Diamond, Emerald. Above is is Gub Gub - he is in the Four Corners Trade District of SkyMart Above is a simple look at what you will see when you click on a vendor. Finaly a use for thoes Gems! Hope to see you in game!
  4. [Offline] Zandrov's Server No Whitelist or PVP

    I Apologize deeply, however... Zandrov02's Server.. will no longer available for the time being. We may bring the server back.. depending if Zolitar gets back into TFC... Sorry guys. Until next we meet. -Zandrov02
  5. This server seems interesting, and has potential. i would play, but sadly i am unable to connect to the servers. Has there been a recent IP/Port change?
  6. [Offline] Zandrov's Server No Whitelist or PVP

    Seems I was in error how I linked to the mods for download. I put them in my dropbox and offered links from there. I got a private message from Kittychanley a TFC Forum and Wiki Admin informing me that I was violating a handful of copyright laws by linking off of my dropbox. I am in error here, I am very sorry to the authors of the mods, I was just trying to make it easier to get the correct version of the mods. I have since changed the links of these mods posted here to the links found from the authors web sites, or forum posts. -Zandrov02
  7. [Offline] Zandrov's Server No Whitelist or PVP

    WOOT it's offical, the mods are now active and working great. hope to see you there!!
  8. [Offline] Zandrov's Server No Whitelist or PVP

    figured as much when he complained about the IP ban, when it was your IP that got the ban...
  9. [Offline] Zandrov's Server No Whitelist or PVP

    I've added a last minute mod to the list of mods going live Friday! Animal Bike:Download Link omg the pig is so fast lol please make sure to download all 4 mods for friday
  10. [Offline] Zandrov's Server No Whitelist or PVP

    4 days untill the new mods!! SkyMart is finished wooot! Above is the Count Your Change Court Yard portion of SkyMart, with many buildings that have vendors who want to buy your items or sell you more stuff! Above shows 5 of the 7 coins we are using that are offered in customnpc. Bronze, Iron, Gold, Diamond, Emerald. Above is is Gub Gub - he is in the Four Corners Trade District of SkyMart Above is a simple look at what you will see when you click on a vendor. Finaly a use for thoes Gems! Friday hurry up already!!!! please check the first post in this thread for download links to the 3 new mods and some info on where to put the files. any questions on how to get the mods working please msg me or post, thanks.
  11. [Offline] Zandrov's Server No Whitelist or PVP

    so what's your IP? I will have zolitar check logs and see if your IP is the same as stormkiller112 his was the last IP banned for griefing. EDIT: ...and in case you have some how forgotten, Sandboxed does not tolerate swearing on the forum or in game. You aparently have the inability not to do so. Perhaps Sandboxed isn't a server suited to your specific play style, just move on and smile. -Zolitar EDIT.
  12. [Offline] Zandrov's Server No Whitelist or PVP

    Sandboxed has gone back to default port. please delete :25566 from the IP you have to connect to the server. to connect to SandBoxed; IP: see ya there!
  13. [Offline] Zandrov's Server No Whitelist or PVP

    so what's your IP? I will have zolitar check logs and see if your IP is the same as stormkiller112 his was the last IP banned for griefing. EDIT: ...and in case you have some how forgotten, Sandboxed does not tolerate swearing on the forum or in game. You aparently have the inability not to do so. Perhaps Sandboxed isn't a server suited to your specific play style, just move on and smile. -Zolitar EDIT.
  14. [Offline] Zandrov's Server No Whitelist or PVP

    hey staticwaffles how do u know stormkiller112 ???
  15. [Offline] Zandrov's Server No Whitelist or PVP

    stormkiller112 got banned, not you staticwafflez are you sure your banned, what does it say when you try to login, cause it was stomekiller that got banned, not you.
  16. [Offline] Zandrov's Server No Whitelist or PVP

    hey guys, I'm really excited about adding mods to the server. I've been against it for a while fearing players won't be able to play on my server because they won't know how to mod minecraft I hope I edited the original post with easy enough information on how to add the mods needed. Sandboxed will be adding thoes mods on Friday February 21st. If you have any questions or concerns, please post here or send a private message. thanks
  17. [Offline] Zandrov's Server No Whitelist or PVP

    Zolitar solved the server down time problem. The server will come right back up if it crashes. Sorry about the down times. Want any mods added to the server? post a request, if enough players request the same mods, I will consider adding them.
  18. [Offline] Zandrov's Server No Whitelist or PVP

    Server is now on a gigabit speed host, with crash protection, if it goes down it's back up in 3mins.
  19. [Offline] Zandrov's Server No Whitelist or PVP

    Usually a couple rl days. but the years are kind of glitchy currently. the year should be 1004 but its not.
  20. [Offline] Zandrov's Server No Whitelist or PVP

    Sorry about all the ... there was a conundrum and i had to delete them and fill in the blanks again.
  21. [Offline] Zandrov's Server No Whitelist or PVP

    Please post a reply for any mods you would like added or any other comments thanks.
  22. [Offline] Zandrov's Server No Whitelist or PVP

    Smart Movements isn't working on the server.