Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by landryx

  1. Minecraft is all about mining right?

    --> Good meals make you mine faster.

    *permanent mining speed bonus as long as ALL your nutriments are 90% maxed up.


    perfect meal for you player = cool !


  2. I really like the new mining approche like all of you, require more works and times, but it's much more realistic, fun and beautiful!

    BUT, when there are cave ins, those falling cobblestones destroy my support beams and it's very annoying. Cobblestones should be STOPPED by the support beams and don't destroy them.


    I install support beams to mine SAFELY, not being buried by cobblestones. These are only blame.


  3. A new smithing and forge interface. No GUI.


    Real time smithing mechanism.

    -Shift click to place the ingot on the anvil, and right click with your hammer on the anvil. (like the new leather rack). to see the particles.

    -Change way to hit the metal with the "m" key like the hoe.

    Different sequences for each recipe. :D


  4. What I realize playing b79, is that some key elements needed to progress (to finally achieve to the steel age, that the goal right? ) don't appear in certain seeds.

    Clay or flux stone. :/


  5. - Introduction Guidebook for new TFC players on how TFC works.

    - Useful too for long date player. (Infos on stone layer, ores characteristics)

    * more prospector skills you have, more information you have about your stone layer (which type of ores it contain).


    I don't know if you already have tried Tinker Construct mod for vanilla, but this mod have this kind of progression mechanism.

    It's really immersive and fluide, and easy to use experience.


    Could you consider something like that in the future Kitty?


  6. Version #: TFC 0.79.7 / Forge 1217

    SSP/SMP (Single/MultiPlayer): SSP

    Suggested Name: Crash when remove the dirt under an ingots pile. Cannot re-entered the game. :(

    Suggested Category: Severe

    Description: I was building my house and making the floor. While removing a dirt block under my copper ingots pile to put a plank, the game crashed. An re-entered the game, crash again the world.

    Have you deleted your config files and are still able to reproduce this bug?: Yes

    Do you have any mods other than Forge and TFC installed?: Yes

    If yes, which mods? AntiqueAtlas. link of the Crash Report:


  7. Not sure to understand your question. but, you can only sleep at night first.

    Secondly, straw beds only set your spawn point to that location while ordinary beds set both a new spawn point and skip the night until morning.


    Hum by the way, how do straw beds work now?  :huh:
