Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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fred da kiko

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Everything posted by fred da kiko

  1. Inventory Changes

    What if we it were possible to have a backpack + armor item that had half the inventory space. I don't know about anyone else, but if i make metal armor i only use it when i know i'm going to fight to avoid unnecessary damage to the armor. I usually use leather to just go around.
  2. Total Ranged Overhaul

    Maybe a recipe for the crossbow mechanism and one for the stalk?
  3. Keys to protect all your goodies

    Keys made of meat.
  4. Fishing

    bread is literally the worst bait I have ever used. It doesn't attract fish with smell and doesn't stay on the hook. The best bait is some form of meat, as it has a natural scent and is easy to keep a hook in. I think bait is the farthest we should go, anything else is pretty simple for <35 pound fish.
  5. Adding Horticulture!

    +1, i love the idea of herbs and easier dyes, considering how dyes are used completely for decoration.
  6. Things you think should be added to agriculture.

    Too bad bloomeries have a negative heat under sea level.
  7. Fishing

    that all sound great but i think it's missing a key element, bait. you can't just fish with a hook and bobber, you need some kind of bait. Bait also reflects the importants of managing your resources, as you could either A: eat the bait for instant gratification (only applies if you're fishing with something such as meat) or B: try to multiply the amount of food you have by using it as bait while risking losing the food. Of course, there should be more bait than just chopped meat, although chopped meat is a wonderful bait. Maybe dirt blocks could have a chance to drop a worm item, like the gravel does with flint.
  8. Surface Stone/Flint should be more uniformly distributed

    when in doubt, force creeper explosions.
  9. Keys to protect all your goodies

    twas a joke.
  10. Chest size fix.

    I think it's kind of funny when people go 'they're going to jump you' in minecraft. i can take an arrow to the face, if someone jumps me i'm not afraid of being stabbed, instead of a robbery it'll be a duel to the death.
  11. Keys to protect all your goodies

    new idea, hammers and axes are now keys.
  12. Chest size fix.

    Why should i throw away resources when i can just build three more chests?
  13. Keys to protect all your goodies

    combination locks date back to roman times.
  14. Really simple fix for maps

    the difference is that it'd be cool to have some kind of larger map that showed a larger area.
  15. Prospecting pick don't know what he says or what?!

    the only reason i have a propick is to check what ores i find in mountain sides instead of mining a sample.
  16. Chest size fix.

    this has been suggested countless times and is guaranteed to be added.
  17. The Wailing (1/2) An alien new realm

    that's like trading a tub of icecream for a cupcake made of dirt.
  18. The Wailing (1/2) An alien new realm

    When a spider is pounding at you, you have two choices. move out of the way or slap it in the face. Moving out of the way is more difficult, given the size of the spider, while slapping it in the face usually stops it in its tracks. Without knockback you'd have to actually move around the mob in a way that makes it difficult for it to advance on you, especially since the mob can jump three blocks. If you can't move left or right, the only way to stop the mob from advancing is to kill it. If you removed the knockback from all the mobs, i can guarantee the game would be more difficult.
  19. Things you think should be added to agriculture.

    I think you've missing my point. I'm saying it's good to have a mill because it permits people to have smaller farms after putting a reasonable amount of effort into building a mill.
  20. The Wailing (1/2) An alien new realm

    I had an idea for something that would actually be a challenge to fight. A mob that was like the spider but didn't take any knockback, that way you can't stunlock the mob.
  21. Keys to protect all your goodies

    Keys would end up being either a retarded system where there end up being too many skeleton keys or end up adding tons of unnecessary item IDs. The only thing meta about this is the fact that i added the 'you can't place a billion locked chests everywhere' so that jackasses don't go around spamming their chests on peoples' houses. Having a coding system on a chest in a game is just about as meta as having a code on your iphone. Your solution to the 'over powered nature' of a four digit code is to make it easy for someone to open chests that have been locked just because little jimmy tickle tits just happened to make a key with the same kind of code as mine. Codes aren't overpowered, they are just difficult to guess because of the possibilities.
  22. automatic bellows

    I'd like to see structures like windmills or water wheels power the bellows, as well as lots of other things such as milling stones or redstone.
  23. Keys to protect all your goodies

    >cover house in locked chest>??? >greif I think that a better implementation would be to have a four digit code using the numbers 0-9, that way it would be possible to figure out the combination at random while still having basic protection for your items. as an anti greif kind of protection, maybe it would only be possible for you to place two locked chests at a time, that way even if someone does place a locked chest in your house, it would be less of an issue and you could continue playing while waiting for an admin to destroy the locked chest.
  24. Spike Pit

    a mob farm for any mob would eventually get too full. also, mob spawners are based on how close you are to the spawner, so unless it's right under your house it's not a do and forget type of thing. Besides, if someone wanted an easy mob farm they could still use a drowning machine or, if they get lucky, they could divert a lava flow to create a lava blade. As a side note, the trap could act more as an additive rather than a kind of actual trap. it could add a base damage of two for falling onto the trap from more than one block, then multiply that two by the fall damage. so, if you fall off of two blocks, you take two damage. if you fall off of more than three you get your fall damage x2.
  25. The Wailing (1/2) An alien new realm

    I've only seen the gif, so i really have no idea what i'm talking about in regards to anything else. I was just thinking of something that was strange and malevolent. You know it's there, you know it's going to attack you, and you're not sure if you should cheese it or beat it to death with a sword. As eternal already said, something slow that won't stop coming at you. The problem was that he made them super common, as well as docile as hell. The fact that you can get kill one by setting it on fire and avoid one by jumping in a lake is really stupid too. If this monster was more rare, yet really difficult to kill once it spawns near you, it would be more terrifying.