Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
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Everything posted by InsaneJ

  1. This is the first time I've heard about Schematica. I'd like to hear some opinions about this mod first before considering it. On the b78 server there were some disgruntled people when others copied 'their' work without asking or getting permission first. If you know of more people who would actually use this mod, please have them pitch in with their opinions.
  2. We have run a TFC server since b78. At the time we started out with MCPC+, later Cauldron. Currently development of Cauldron has halted since it's author has now dedicated his time to Sponge: Our server has been very popular with b78 server having serviced 8466 individual players. It relies heavily on Bukkit plugins so it can safely run as an open, non-whitelisted server. Bukkit plugins allow us to have the following functionality. Block- and inventory logging.Grief roll-back.Ticket system for support questions.Towny for plot management.Lockette to seal doors and inventories (Chests, tool racks, log piles, barrels, etc.)The ability for staff to view and edit player's inventories.Global banning system to keep known and proven(!) griefers out.World guard regions to provide a location to players that rather play without all the "commands-of-convience" and teleports the plugins provide.Multiple worlds.A bunch of other stuff like homes, chat channels, afk, ping, goup titles, etc.Without these functions it would be virtually impossible to run a non-whitelisted public server. It would be griefed to pieces in days, 100% guaranteed. TFC has never supported Cauldron. The decision not to do this has been explained by TFC devs/staff in the past and I can understand why they choose that. What is Sponge? Sponge is going to be the next Bukkit for Minecraft servers with added Forge support. It's not going to be a niche like Cauldron was. Therefore I would like to request that the TFC devs look into Sponge and consider supporting it. Supporting Sponge will allow more server owners to run public, non-whitelisted TFC servers which right now is a bit of a challenge. The Sponge devs hope to have their first release for Minecraft 1.8. But it's still quite a long way off. From their news page: Thank you for your consideration.
  3. Sponge support for Minecraft 1.8 and later

    Right now mod devs can't really do anything yet in regard to Sponge other than wait and see. Which is why I'm requesting this now. So they can already give it some though and plan ahead if needed. MCServer sounds nice, but it doesn't really add much.Yes, Java uses more RAM but Java isn't slow CPU-wise. It's comparable to C++ in that regard. What makes Minecraft slow is poor programming, that's all there is to it. A new Minecraft implementation in C++ has the potential of being faster then it's Java counter part. But only if they program it more efficiently which isn't an easy thing to do. If it was Mojang would have done it already. They have made a lot of improvements in that regard with Minecraft 1.8. But there is still much that can be done. Also we will have to wait and see if the C++ implementation is at all compatible with current Minecraft. And as you said mods and plugins will have to be written in C++ as well which means they all have to start from scratch again. Given all that, I don't see MCServer being a great succes. It will probably find a small niche with dedicated followers, and that's it. Sponge on the other hand has a couple of well known devs in the Minecraft community behind it. That's no guarantee of success obviously. But it does stand a good chance of succeeding because of that.
  4. The server has been updated with the following changelog: New HardCore world was added (not yet open for business, needs testing)Mod-control added (the mod-whitelist)Shopkeepers removed (wasn't used)Vault removed (we don't have an economy, everything is free)Dynmap updatedOpenInv updatedWorldBorder updatedWorldGuard updated
  5. The HappyDiggers TFC server now uses a mod-whitelist. This means that players may only have certain mods installed when they join our server. To be absolutely clear. You only need TerraFirmaCraft installed to be able to join, nothing else. We have taken this measure in an attempt to prevent server instability and mass disconnects that happen from time to time. The following list are OPTIONAL mods. They are all client-side mods that enhance visuals or provide extra information like mini-maps, tool tips and damage indicators. MobiusCoreWailaOpis (Use this instead of MapWriter, it's the same)ReiMinimapjourneymapvoxelmapZan's minimapNotEnoughItemsTerraFirmaCraftNEIpluginCodeChickenCoreDamageIndicatorsModbspkrsCorewawlaDynamicLights_dropItemsDynamicLights_entityClassesDynamicLights_onFireDynamicLights_otherPlayersDynamicLights_mobEquipmentDynamicLights_floodLightsDynamicLightsDynamicLights_flameArrowsDynamicLights_creepersDynamicLights_thePlayerWe have chosen not to include Fastcraft. This mod is obsolete since the chunk generating problem was fixed in the current Forge version and it doesn't run on Cauldron. In regard to chunk loading (not generating) you are better off using Optifine. It is known to not only increase performance significantly, it also prevents certain crashes due to bugs in TFC in regard to fruit trees in b78 and b79. If you would like us to add any other mods to this list, please use the following form: Mod name: Mod website/forum post: (url) Why do you want us to allow this mod?:
  6. After a mass disconnect it can sometimes take a minute before you can reconnect again. From the logs I see you joined the server about a minute after posting so you already know this
  7. Oops, I seemed to have missed this one. The TFC version our server is running is in the topic title of this thread. It has been ever since the early days we started this server. So basically you can see the version at the top of every page in this thread written in a huge font
  8. The current announcer is basically the startup script typing text directly into the Minecraft console. If you've ever run a Minecraft server with a .bat file on your computer and typed something into the command prompt, you've done what we're doing. Only we're doing it automated. In short, it's highly unlikely that a chat message is causing the intermittent lag spikes. Sverf has just moved the server instance to Java 8. Let's see if that'll do any good. So far it doesn't seem to have solved the mass disconnects. Next up on our list is to hack Cauldron and add a new netty. That'll be fun :B
  9. I got your two private messages also, thanks for the suggestion. Your plugin has to compete with many other plugins that have already proven themselves. Please keep that in mind as you read the following. Players on our server already have the ability to set multiple "homes" and teleport to them through commands just like your plugin. They use the /sethome <name> and /home <name> command for this. Your plugin seems to add a GUI of some sort. I haven't seen any screenshots of videos of this in action so I have no idea if that's worth investing time in or not. Perhaps you could add some? Since people have a lot of homes set up already, I'm hesitant to add a plugin that requires them to set all those points again. And adding two plugins that perform the same function is something I'd rather not do. So it's either Essentials, or your plugin. Does your plugin have support for homes set by Essentials? From Essentials we know it's stable, reliable and updates frequently. Do you have any other plugins or is this your first? The changelog from your last two updates say very little of what actually changed: Before I update a plugin I really like to know what has changed. Please provide more details. I hope this feedback is useful to you.
  10. Around 22:00 CET Sverf disabled TCP segmentation offloading and generic segmentation offloading in the virtual network driver of the VM instance, this should work around the problem, but uses more cpu power to transmit packets. Let us know if this makes any difference.
  11. Regarding the disconnects. In the server logs I see the following happening: [21:39:46] [Netty IO #3/WARN]: returned prematurely 512 times in a row; rebuilding selector.[21:39:46] [Netty IO #3/INFO]: Migrated 2 channel(s) to the new Selector.And then everybody disconnects. It seems that a workaround for a bug in netty or java (not sure which yet) activates to prevent a crash. That is good, however the result is that the connections are dropped and everybody has to reconnect. Which isn't good, the guy behind Spigot, sais there is nothing he can do about it: netty's Github people are discussing various Linux kernels but I'm not sure if that is going to be any help to us since we're already on a newer kernel then the ones they are talking about: we know more we'll post an update.
  12. The server has been updates to TerraFirmaCraft Please update your clients before you join. As always you can find the latest version on the download page. And while you are there, please read the change log as well to see what's new. This update should fix the issue where putting hot items into a barrel would crash the server. I've also taken down the warning for this when players join the server. And one more announcement. Last night I noticed that the TFC server instance was using around 7GB of RAM. The old b78 server ran using 6GB of RAM and still had a bit to spare when the server was full. Guess the move to Minecraft 1.7.10 causes the server to use a bit more RAM. I've increased the amount of RAM to 10GB for the TFC instance so there should be plenty for now. If not, then I'll just add some more
  13. People who use MapWriter and are having trouble connecting to the server, try this: Get rid of whatever version of MapWriter you are using.Install Opis-1.2.3 and MobiusCore-1.2.3 instead.It will give you the same MapWriter functionality and should allow you to join the server with it.Although I have no clue why it would prevent you from joining the server if you have a different MapWriter installed. It's a client-side mod, the server doesn't actually use it. Perhaps it's a bug in Opis or MapWriter.
  14. It shouldn't since it's a client-side mod. The server has Opis installed which includes MapWriter for the client-side component. However players are not required to have Opis and/or MapWriter installed in order to be able to join. And Opis on the server can only be used by admins who are OP. As for the problems with the large amounts of disconnects we've been experiencing the past few days. We may have found a fix for it. Warning: techno babble ahead! We use Xen to run several virtual servers. It turns out that under certain workloads a bug in the xen-netfront driver is getting triggered. This causes packets to be dropped. When enough packets get dropped and the latency between a player and the server is high enough, players can get disconnected. It appears this can happen to any Linux kernel newer than 3.7. We have just upgraded the Linux kernel on our server to 3.17.7 which contains a fix for this issue. Please let us know if guys have a better connection with the server after this update.
  15. To all new players joining the server. Please read the /rules carefully. We don't do temp bans. If you break the rules, you're getting banned. The two most common reasons for someone to get banned are: Bad languageGriefingWe don't fool around with this stuff. If you don't like our server rules, please look for another server. So far the result of our zero tolerance policy has been that we have a very nice group of players on our servers. Bullying and harassment of players is rare. Grief is usually dealt with swiftly and the damage restored with a few simple commands. We will continue to try to keep our servers a nice place for everyone.
  16. TFC newdb looking for partner/s

    That can work. A small whitelisted server with a group of friendly people sounds like fun. Take a look at how others have made their threads and just copy/paste the format for people to sign up. Also it might help if you post some specs of the server. IP and port?Where is it located?What kind of hardware?How many slots?Just TFC, or will it have other mods?Anything else that sets your server apart from other servers.
  17. TFC newdb looking for partner/s

    Well, if you are offering to host a server then you are in the right place I think. If you are just looking for people to play with and maybe learn a thing or two then there are a couple of nice servers with friendly people on them. One of them being HappyDiggers TFC, but I hear good things about Rhodance's server and a few others as well. Take a look around the first page of the server section I'm sure you'll find a nice place to say
  18. [Solved] Graphite only spawns in schist

    Would it be possible to add retro-active ore gen for this please? I know there are some pretty large worlds that have already been generated, including the one on our server, that would greatly benefit from this.
  19. Server crash

    We encountered the same problem just now. Also running cauldron. Crash-report: I then took the affect region file and loaded it up in a single player world. It produced the same crash: Here's the region file in case anyone is interested: link The affected block is located at: 2623,159,-11513 Glad to see it's already solved in the next build
  20. If you do that then also delete the TFC config file so it will generate a new one for you.
  21. The only mod you need to join is TFC. We never add mods that require you to have anything besides TFC. For the record. The server is running the following mods: Dynmap-2.1-alpha-1-forge-10.13.2MobiusCore-1.2.3_1.7.10Opis-1.2.3_1.7.10TerraFirmaCraft- doesn't need an explanation I think MobiusCore and Opis are tools we use to monitor the server's performance. It shows us how much time the server spends on each chunk, entity count, which entity uses how much CPU, etc. Are you having trouble logging in to the server? If so, please post the logs from your client on and give the link here so we can try to figure out what's gong on.
  22. After months of hard work by dozens of volunteers we are now ready to launch the new and improved HappyDiggers TFC b79 server. This server has no whitelist, so anyone may join as long as they follow our simple /rules. All players need is Minecraft and the TerraFirmaCraft mod which you can find here. We have build many miles of road. You can literally spend hours walking on roads without walking on the same road twice. Check out Dynmap to see what we've prepared for you guys. These roads allow players to travel to their destinations in relative comfort. Along the road network we have setup outposts and traders to help travelers. Regular players may still use teleportation commands. However if players prefer not to use them, they may apply for the Hard Core group. This group has no access to commands of convenience and plays on an isolated section of the world, far away from spawn. You may apply to join this group on our forum or right here on the TFC forum. Pleas follow the application format in the opening post of this thread. You will also find a bit more of an explanation there. Jiro will handle the applications. There are many things that make this an awesome TFC server. But don't take my word for it. Join and find out for yourself. The server IP is: So as always, please enjoy your stay and use in-game tickets or the forum if you need help
  23. We've put in some more work today. Most of the things we wanted to get done are done now. So we're going to launch the server tomorrow (Sunday)