Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by InsaneJ

  1. Have you read, understood, and followed all of the rules listed in large text at the top of the support forum? (Yes/No): Yes

    Answering "no" to the above question will result in your post being deleted.


    TFC Version #:


    Forge Version #:


    Please note that an actual number must be provided for both of the above fields.

    Simply saying "current" or "latest" will result in your post being locked, due to the fact that in a large number of cases, users who say they are using the "latest" or "current" version are actually using an outdated version.


    SSP/SMP (SinglePlayer/MultiPlayer): SMP



    After updating from to I got the following message in the log:

    Forge Mod Loader detected missing blocks/items.There are 17 missing blocks and items in this save.If you continue the missing blocks/items will get removed.A world backup will be automatically created in your saves directory.Missing Blocks/Items:terrafirmacraft:item.Cloudberry Leafterrafirmacraft:item.Elderberry Leafterrafirmacraft:item.Strawberry Leafterrafirmacraft:item.Blackberry Leafterrafirmacraft:item.Hempterrafirmacraft:item.Bunchberry Leafterrafirmacraft:item.Coketerrafirmacraft:item.bookterrafirmacraft:item.Raspberry Leafterrafirmacraft:item.Wintergreen Leafterrafirmacraft:item.Gooseberry Leafterrafirmacraft:item.Soupterrafirmacraft:item.Potterrafirmacraft:item.Blueberry Leafterrafirmacraft:item.Snowberry Leafterrafirmacraft:item.Cranberry Leafterrafirmacraft:item.Mud Brick
    I read the changelog but couldn't find anything on items being removed so this raises a few questions:

    Is this intentional?

    Are these items actually used in game?

    Is this something anyone should worry about?

    Do we need to rollback the world now and wait for a version that doesn't delete these items?


  2. A small amount of code can bring with it huge changes. In this case renaming a few methods breaks compatibility with addons. In another case fixing a bug means you need to generate a new world.

    Small changes can have a huge impact on a lot of people. I'm just asking that you please consider those you influence and perhaps find a way to make their lives a little easier. If you don't want to change your version numbers, that's fine. This is after all only a suggestion.


  3. I know that happened before. I'm talking about future updates like the upcoming 0.79.23.

    Breaking compatibility generally warrants a large version. In this case it may not require world restarts, but it's still a big enough jump to break a lot of things (in addons).

    It would make things easier on everyone to keep track of which version of TFC + addons to use. Also thread titles would remain up to date until addon devs update to the new TFC version. Saving you and other staff members some additional work.


  4. Have you read, understood, and followed all of the rules listed in large text at the top of the suggestions forum? (Yes/No):


    Answering "no" to the above question will result in your post being deleted.




    I came across this post in the TerraFirmaCraft NEI plugin thread:

    See the + in the title? 0.79.17+ means it will work for any version after 79.17.. so it works for 79.18, and it will work for 79.19 and it will work for 79.20, etc etc


    That makes complete sense. A plugin using 0.79.xx will work for all 0.79 versions in (most cases).


    There is currently a post on the front page called: "ATTENTION: Addon Developers" link


    This states that TFC addons are going to break in the next update.


    May I suggest bumping the TFC mayor version number in the next update to reflect that it breaks compatibility with the 0.79 compatible addons?



  5. Both the Regular and Hardcore TFC servers have been updated to TerraFirmaCraft You can download the new version here:


    Lockette is working again. You can lock containers by placing a sign in front of them, not on them. Type the following text on the sign to make it 'stick' to the container and lock it:


    You can add additional players to the list if you wish, just add them below YourPlayerName.


    As always, if you encounter any problems please create a ticket on the server or post it on the forum.


    Here's a short guide on how to lock a tool rack using Lockette. This also works for chests, barrels, etc.


    Place a tool rack like you normally would.
    Posted Image

    If it's one block up, place a block on the floor in front of it on which you can place a sign. The sign needs to be right in front of the tool rack at the same height.
    Posted Image

    Write the following lines on the sign:

    Posted Image

    The sign then sticks to the tool rack. It floats in front of it. It may look stupid, but it'll protect your tool rack.
    Posted Image

    Even TNT can't hurt it now:
    Posted Image
    Posted Image


    This also works for chests, barrels, etc.

    Posted Image


  6. We've been getting request for vanilla hardened clay blocks on our server. If there's a chance the request for TFC hardened clay blocks will be granted then we would prefer to wait for a future TFC release rather than adding in 'foreign' blocks to the game ourselves.


    Are there any plans to add these blocks? If so, will players be able to chisel them?


  7. It's not likely he will share his world seed. That's not because he a jerk or anything like that. YouTube videos are basically his job, his source of income. Sharing a world seed would allow others to copy him directly. More so than a lot of YouTubers are already doing anyway. Of course it's not like a world seed would mean the end of his YouTube channel.There's no upside for him sharing the seed he's using in his videos, but it could potentially hurt him.


  8. The servers have been updated to TFC Beta For MC v1.7.10 (Built using Minecraft Forge v10.13.4.1448)


    Before joining the server be sure to follow the installation instructions.

    • Update Forge to
    • Backup and then delete your TFC config files from the config directory


    As always you can download the new TFC here:


  9. You should update Java. Currently you're using Java 8u25 while 8u45 is available here: It's very important to keep Java updated. Not just to solve bugs, but to patch the many security issues Java has. Also be sure to keep Java disabled in your browser at all costs. How do I disable Java in my web browser?


    Who knows, it may even help solve your issue :)


  10. There was an issue with the server where players using the current recommended Forge version ( would sometimes get disconnected with a message telling them their Forge was out of date. This was due to a bug in the BungeeCord proxy. It has been updated.


    Players should now be able to join with the current TFC (0.79.20) and Forge ( installed without getting that message.


  11. Favorite: Debian


    Currently using: Xen, Debian, Gentoo, PFSense (based on FreeBSD, also a Unix derivative like Linux), Open WRT. And a bunch of embedded distributions in a variety of appliances like Blu-Ray player, AV Receiver, set top box, etc.


    Used: Debian, Gentoo, Xandros, Suse, Red Hat, Busy Box, Raspian, Mandriva, Fedora, Mint, Clear OS, Arch Linux, CentOS, SlackWare and about a dozen others I can't remember the names of right now.


    For the most part Linux = Linux depending on the place in the family tree. So for example all distribution based on Debian have a lot in common, but they are all based on GNU Linux. The biggest branch is Debian, followed by Red Hat. Here's a distro time line:

    Posted Image



    Here's a closer look at the Debian branch:

    Posted Image


  12. Thanks for the feedback!


    The servers have been updated to TerraFirmaCraft which should solve the knapping problem.. The problem with riding mules still persists unfortunately. I haven't had time to re-create the problem on a regular forge server so we haven't submitted a bug report for that yet. Thanks everyone for submitting your crash reports.


    It's a bit of a hassle trying to get environmental damage to work without any additional side effects. I've tried to disable the vanilla mobs from spawning. So far I haven't seen any more of them. The vanilla items that were sometimes dropped by vanilla mobs should now be banned. This means that players shouldn't be able to pick up and/or use those items. If people have picked up those items they will be removed from their inventories upon selecting them. I've listed a bunch of vanilla items like tools, weapons, armor, ingots, bows. Let me know if I missed any items that need to be banned. Unfortunately we can't get the items to be removed as soon as they are dropped so if we haven't gotten rid of all the vanilla mobs, you may encounter a vanilla item here and there that you can't pick up. We'll keep at it and hopefully make them disappear altogether.


  13. To make an actual sphere you'd need to implement geospatial capabilities to the world generator. It's possible, just a lot of work. I don't think a sphere would be very practical though. Think about it: most of the sphere would be underground rock, caves and such. How much time do you spend just digging holes underground in TFC? With regular vanilla Minecraft I see people digging out large caverns, but not with TFC.A simpler model would take a fixed size world that is completely flat and wrap the biomes around at the borders. Somewhat similar to creating a tiling texture file in Photoshop for a non-tiling image. This would also require a lot of work to do, just not nearly as much as creating an actual sphere. Unfortunately for a cosmetic feature, I think it's simply too much effort for anyone to seriously consider though.


  14. That's a dual core CPU with hyper threading. It can run 4 threads simultaneously. So it should fine for running two Minecraft servers, TS and the OS. Also RAM shouldn't be an issue with ~15 players. You may be able to increase RAM to 5GB which can help if you go beyond 20 players.


    Keep in mind that when you type /mem you get an answer from the Spigot part of Cauldron. This part isn't entirely accurate in reporting things like TPS and loaded entities. Forge and mods like Opis do a better job in that regard. As for memory usage I have found that looking at the OS level to see how much the Minecraft instance is actually using is the most reliable. If you have shell access (SSH, Putty) than using the 'top' command can show you how much each process is using. Press 'c' to see file path and press '1' to toggle usage per CPU core.


    Top should also give you a good indication of how much CPU time your Minecraft servers are using. CPU time is given in % of 1 CPU core. You have 2 cores and 2 virtual cores (hyper threading) These two aren't as fast as the first two, but they're OK. So when you see Minecraft using a little more than 100% CPU time that doesn't mean there's a problem. Quite a bit of the server tasks are multi-threaded because you are using Cauldron and not regular Forge. So as long as the total CPU load isn't maxed out (press 1 to see total / per core), the server isn't CPU bound.


  15. TFC and Cauldron causes players to get the Vanilla Minecraft damage dealt to them due to environmental damage. I've installed a plugin on the HappyDiggers TFC Hardcore server that may help with that. The following damage types have been set:

    • Fall
    • Explosion
    • Suffocation
    • Lava
    • Burning
    • Drowning

    Each damage type now deals 60x what you'd get in regular vanilla Minecraft. Reasoning is that TFC gives players about 50x more health, so I've increased damage by 60x to make it a harder than Vanilla. It is the Hardcore server after all and you guys have had it way too easy thus far ;) I've done some quick testing and things seem to be working. The environment will kill players very quickly now if you don't have proper protection making it quite a bit harder.

    This post serves two purposes. First it's to give everybody a heads up to the new situation. And I'd like to ask the people that play on the HappyDiggers TFC Hardcore server to give some feedback on how things are now. If this works as intended we may also enable this plugin on the regular TFC server.

    Note that this is for the TFC Hardcore server only right now.
    Please reply with the following:

    • What do you think of the amount of environmental damage? (OK / too much / not enough ?)
    • Should we enable the inventory weight system so people can't swim if they have too many items in their inventory?
    • Should players loose their inventory after dying?

  16. Provided the server hardware is fast enough and you have enough RAM allocated, the amount of tile entities won't be a problem unless you hit 15K. Look at the combined CPU time for any given type of tile entity to see if there's a problem there. Also keep an eye on mobs. People tend to put a lot of them in small closures which can cause high server load.


  17. The most likely culprits are tiled soil and fruit trees. People tend to have a ton of those even though they don't really need them. It's just fun to build large farms.


    If you have Opis installed you can check to see how many of each kind of tile entities are loaded and how much CPU time they are using.
