Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Sonicjumper

  1. Help with Modding

    Thank you all so much for all your input into the setup for Eclipse. Following Kittychanley's tutorial I was able to get the github zip file and open it successfully it Github. For future reference, Java 6 gives you an "OutOfMemory" error when gradle is building the workspace. I successfully built with Java 7 and imported the project into Eclipse. Upon running the project, using the Program and VM arguments by Emris_Morath, I encountered another error where Eclipse could not find my lwjgl natives. If anyone gets this exception, "java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: no lwjgl in java.library.path", then you need to go to your project Properties and navigate to your "Java Build Path" options. From there select the "Library" tab and scroll down to find "lwjgl-#.#.#.jar". Open that and select "Native Library Location", then press the "Workspace" button and navigate to "TFCraft-master/build/natives". That solved my problem and I got TFC running in my dev environment. I hope my experience helps somebody figure out how to make add-ons for TFC and I thank everyone in this post for helping me figure it out.
  2. Update Frequency Poll

    Here's my opinion. Game-Breakers: I run a server with a couple of my friends, and we have built some pretty worthwhile stuff. However, if there is an awesome, albeit game-breaking, feature that you want to add to the game, then go ahead and add it! If it makes the mod better then I don't care about my past worlds. Rebuilding is fun and encourages new ideas. Upload Times: As a modded myself I know it can take some time to update depending on how motivated I am to do the work. I mod for fun, as I'm sure you do too. However, I try not to "do what I feel like," because what I feel like naturally is to be lazy. I set deadlines and I miss them, but I don't set a vague "eventually" time to get stuff done, otherwise I never get anything done. I say go for the 3 month updates for big stuff that changes the game mechanics, and monthly updates that fix littler things, but prioritize the bigger updates. Best of luck to Bioxx and all the TFC Modding Team! I love you guys for making this mod and I love playing it! Sonic out ~~~>