Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by noobsrtoast

  1. Let me be the first to say this.....



    Welcome to the internet.


    hell even in face to face discussions people almost always will not see eye to eye, so every thing will be wrong to at least one person and since its the internet that one person will make an ass of themselves and be as negative and caustic as they can be


    yea but whats the point do they have that low of a self esteem that they have to flame the mod and its creators like that your supposed to be proud when someone can ccomplish something you cant thats why were all losing faith in humanity i suppose


  2. so Im not bashing the mod or anything in fact quite the opposite, im concerned. I have been seeing a lot of suggestions getting put down by seemingly closed minded people (im not referring to my suggestion post you have given me a completely logical reason as to why it cannot be done and I agree with you) who say things like "terrafirmacraft is not meant to be like that" or " this mod is not going in that direction or particularely any direction for that matter" I even seen a post that was suggesting that you have ADHD if you think that the mod needs more things to do in it (to which I agree to an extent but wish for it to remain free and with no purpose if you make that choice).


    so back to the original point I wanna hear it straight from one of the devs is this mod really closed minded and not open to new Ideas like some people think, is this mod really "not going anywhere" are you guys done is that it? I don't like to make judgements but it seems like the whole community is really closed minded I don't know if that's just because they don't like changes, or maybe because we haven't seen much development with the mod and people have lost faith I haven't been here long enough.


    I will not make any judgements until I hear both sides of the story my question to anyone whos been quote on quote "negative" in any posts tell me if there's a reason. I personally think the mod is amazing and only getting better and the developers are listening to our suggestions otherwise they wouldn't have allowed us to make suggestions, but right now it seems like the whole suggestions page is just a big cesspool of negativity and ridicule.


    I understand that some suggestions are pretty ridiculous or undoable or even not realistic at all gameplay wise, but there were some pretty good ones out there, totally plausible, and realistic that get thrown overboard, so please reassure me somebody



  3. On top of that, with the current way that item stacking and inventory is handled, food items wouldn't be able to stack. In the same way that you can't stack two ingots of different temperatures, you wouldn't be able to stack two foods of different spoilage.


    damn would have been an awesome challenge


  4. So, unless the food was made at the same time, it won't stack, and it'll lag like we have a army of chickens on the loose.


    Say, what if at the end of every month or something, the system does a check for food, and depending on the temperature and the type of food, it gives it a chance to rot.

    On second thought, that'd make huge lag spikes on the end of every month or something...


    The idea is great, but the mechanics and technical stuff kinda ruins it... pity

    damn the challenge of making food last would have been awesome


  5. just an idea for a new game mechanic, food goes rotten especially meat we all find that out the hard way when we buy stuff that's on sale at the grocery store. I figure bioxx and his team of modders could find a way to make that a game mechanic considering their brilliance and knowhow, heres my idea on what that might look like:


    how long food lasts: dependent on the type of food you have I figure different types of vegetables/ fruits will spoil faster than others and if you like the idea the life of food is based off of an in game month, many foods will spoil within half a month per se most of the meats, and some foods will last much much longer e.g most of the veggies will last well into the month, many foods can be eaten after they go rotten/stale like grains last a really long time and can be eaten after the expiry date, this would also help to balance grains because they restore so little hunger. with all of this though come preservation methods heres some ideas on that:



    dehydration: this will make the food capable of lasting well over a year as removing the water from the food causes bacteria to die (water= life) my Idea is 2 methods would exist: method 1: dryer (no not the one that finishes your laundry), made by placing a 3x3 pattern of glass at least 1 block above any other block type so long as its not dirt and something to support the glass rewards you with a food dryer which you can then place food items into wait about 4 in game hours and then your food will come out dehydrated pros: lasts longer cons: restores a little less hunger (beef jerky availability over 9000) . method 2: smoking: smoking would do the same thing as drying but it would restore the same hunger and make it last twice as long as just drying made by placing a fire pit with a bellows and a closed 3x3 hut around the 2 utilities add items you need to smoke to it seal it off with the last stone and wait 4 hours, most of these methods would be used for meat.


    root cellar: used to store vegetables underground prevents spoiling for up to 2 in game years, made by digging a 4x4x4 cave in the dirt and sealing off with any block not affected by gravity and 2 trap doors at least (for access) this will make a root cellar where you can simply place vegetables on the ground similar to with clay and ceramic items  or store them in chests either way they will last for about 2 years


    cold underground storage (winter only): akin to a fridge sort of, can store meat and veggies for the duration of winter underground to prevent spoiling, to make find an area with snow dig 2 make a 1x2x2 hole in the dirt under the snow seal off with trap doors then you can use it to store meat , veggies so they don't spoil works only during winter


    canning/ jarring: cans made from tin sheets worked in an anvil can be used to store veggies meat add a bit of alcohol to the jar and they last even longer, jars made by working high temperature glass in an anvil used to store fruit preserves which can last well over 5 years to make fruit preserves simply combine any type of fruit and a jar in the crafting menu. canned foods last 3 years with no alcohol added adding alcohol too the can will make the food last forever. canning follows the same process as jarring combine any food plus any alcohol you want in it with a tin can and boom you have canned food.


    sorry for the long post I hope it at least all comes in handy to one of you :D


  6. Welcome to the Forums!


    Another thing to keep in mind when coming across massive ore veins, is that TFC is balanced towards MultiPlayer, not SinglePlayer. That large vein may last a single person an entire gameplay, but would quickly be used up by a handful of players.


    Also, as Eupohoric said, those copper tools are going to break pretty quickly. Sure, they're going to be better than stone (especially since you can't make some tools out of stone), but they're still going to be some pretty crappy tools. There's a reason that it's a tier 0 metal.


    Also, by only ever making copper tools, you're missing out on half the fun of TFC that is the metalworking system. Advancing to bronze, then iron, steel and finally colored steels is currently the main point of the game. Finding all the resources to make these materials is a major incentive to adventure out from your home base and explore the world. Not to mention you won't be able to move liquid source blocks until you hit red/blue steel if you ever want to have a properly irrigated, in-land farm, or lava lamps in your awesome castle.

    ok thanks ill invest time into it


  7. Yes. Especially early ores have huge veins that last for remainder of the game. Bitominous coal is major contender. The vein can span many chunks.


    The problem is actually finding those veins. They can all be really far away.


    Also, copper is pretty bad compared to high-level metals.

    ya I hear you I seen some of the high level metals cant wait to get into the higher level ores but coppers doing its job for now :)


  8. username:noobsrtoast


    location: Prince George, British Columbia, Canada

    why do I play TFC: very realistic and fun alternative to vanilla minecraft would love to play with people who enjoy it as much as myself

    why do I want to join: I would really love to become part of a group of people within this amazing mod

    what will I add to the server: I can do odd jobs for people im skilled in all areas of the mod, build things as I am quite a skilled architect, im a combatant I can fight off mobs quite well, and I make for great conversation!



    seriously am I supposed to find this much ore I barely started the world found a jungle decided to settle in it and immediately I find this massive ravine (which I heard were quite rare in tfc) then I go where I recently got like 25 tetra nuggets and made a propick and pick with them and I go underground a little to search for the "large sample of tetrahedrite" I was getting and find god this will last me forever seriously I don't know what to do with all this ore its gonna take me hours to mine all of this im in copper heaven I should start an electronics business!!! I don't like to complain but isn't this a little op I like the challenge of the game and copper lasts a long time so is there even gonna be any challenge left for me. I guess I could try and make some alloys or something but for now it looks like im set no more monster problems for me just curious will this ever be nerfed?
