Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Davros13

  1. [1.7.10] [TFC 79.28.908] Prospect Cavin'

    IGN: Davros13 Timezone: MDT Age: 17 Date of birth: 10/17/1999
  2. [Closed]Offline

    IGN: Davros13 Age: 15 Why this server?: I want to play on a server with other people and cooperate to progress through this mod What do you have to offer?: I am a good blacksmith and can find ore very well and know almost anything there is too know about terrafirmacraft. Have any suggestions?: Towny would be a good add on to the server so people could protect their stuff
  3. [OFFLINE] [0.79.21] PearCraft [Whitelist]

    IGN: Davros13Age: 15Reason you want to join: I want to join a fun Terrafirmacraft to have fun and trade with other playersDo you accept the the rules?: I do accept the rulesYour Specialty (Farmer), (Carpenter), (Etc): My specialty is being a miner and blacksmithAnything else we should know?: I know probably everything there is to know about TFC and I dont mind sharing my knowledge to other players
  4. [Offline](79.20)(Forge 1291) TFC RP Server

    Hey MiracleSpoon if the server isnt going back up anytime soon could I please have a copy of the map save??
  5. [0.79.29] DarkAgeCraft Off Line

    Minecraft user name: Davros13Your Age: 15Your Time Zone: Western Mountain TimeLocation Country and State: USA, MontanaTell us a bit about yourself: I really like games that actually need skill or at least time put in the game to progress, I am a social person, I try to make friends with everyone, I am a very knowledgeable and help giving personHow can you help us: I can help your server by setting up a smithy shop that can be a sort of trading post (unless there are already too many) that I can sell armor, tools, food, etc or I can buy players wares to help them on their way. I can also help by giving knowledge to people that may need it on the server.
  6. [Offline](79.20)(Forge 1291) TFC RP Server

    Yeah I messaged him too but no response
  7. [Offline](79.20)(Forge 1291) TFC RP Server

    Why is the server still down!!!!!
  8. [Offline](79.20)(Forge 1291) TFC RP Server

    I think so
  9. IGN: Davros13Age: 15What are you good at in TFC, or what skill do you wish to focus in? Blacksmith/Forging, Finding materials/ore, Town Defense Specialist Do you wish to join the main town or be on your own? either is fine, this is just for keeping track of how many towns we will have. I would want to be in a town but I would prefer to not be in the main town.Skype(optional) Skype is required if you want server info/updates on what is going on. it also helps better communicate what is going on in the main town when others are offline. Nah sry
  10. [Offline](79.20)(Forge 1291) TFC RP Server

    IGN: Davros13Do you pledge to not be a dingus?: I solemnly swear that I am not up to no goodAge: 15How often would you be on?: I can probably be on for about 3-5 hours a day but it changes if i am doing something important that day but i will most likely be on later in the dayWhat timezone are you in?: Western Mountain TimeLets do dis!!!!!
  11. [0.79.29] DarkAgeCraft Off Line

    Sry my post was schrunched up it kind of freaked out when i posted it :/
  12. [0.79.29] DarkAgeCraft Off Line

    Minecraft user name: Davros13Your Age: 14Your Time Zone: MST (Mountain Standard Time)Location Country and State: U.S.A, MontanaTell us a bit about yourself: Not much to tell about just a normal teenager that wants to play a video game and have some funHow can you help us: I can help this server by bringing a fun and helpful personality and to create a fun playing environment for other players
  13. [Offline] Vanilla TFC Roleplaying server (new) whitelist

    IGN: Davros13Age: 14 (mature though )Central Mountain Time
  14. [Offline] Whitelisted Small Community Role-Play TFC Server

    Full Name: Noah.M.BasonTime-Zone: Western Mountain TimeSkype: yes or no? NoIn-game Name: Davros13Age: 13 (Very mature for my age people say XD)Experience with Minecraft: Have been playing minecraft and mods for 3 yearsExperience with TFC: been playing for 4 months off and on because have had no real fun on SSPWhy you wish to join: I Want to join this server because i want to make a small town of trustworthy people to become a sort of Robin Hood band of the server and i hope i will be able to join cya there!!
  15. Oweyan I could help with making a shop if we get whitlisted i could build a cool shop. Very good with a chisel.
  16. [Offline] Communecraft - whitelist, no extra mods - 77.21

    Nickname in Minecraft: Davros13 Age: 13 ( dont let it fool you i am very mature and funny) Location: Montana, U.S.A Fluent english: yes and i think i have ocd because fluent is spelled right but really bugs me. sorry off topic What a perfect server for you would be like: A perfect server would be kind and helpful players that share resources and knowledge to better a community. And a community with no claiming bukkit software or whatever it is so it is true Terrafirmacraft because isnt that we are playing this for to make it more like life when we are to lazy (Not everyone) or not determined enough in life? What you would bring to our cozy little community: I would bring lots of information about the workings of terrafirma and a kind Steve to help with building (not so good at that) and making farms or protecting and building houses from the dangers of the night so if you are still monitoring this forum or if the server is still up please accept.
  17. Username: Davros13 Age: 13 (dont let it fool you i am the definition of Mature and Funny) Location: Montana, U.S.A Why do you like to play TFC? I love TFC because of the element of real time and the difficulty with metalworking to pottery of all things. Why do you want to join? I want to join because it is SO boring to play alone in a vast world and a community working together is my drean for minercaft. What will you add to the server? I will add a person that will not only tell people how to do things but walk 1000 chunks just to give them something they need and i sware on my Minecraft account and laptop i will not abuse or greif anyone or thing Please add me to this server and respond quick P.S. Thx