Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by ns9559

  1. Stone could still gather moss, which isn't really a form of erosion. In real life even rocks exposed in desserts tend to gather lichens. Maybe it would be possible to gather some moss and use it as medicine, food, poisons*, or dye? The same effect that is used to put ore into various rock types could be re-purposed to show the presence of mosses.


    *What if you could squeeze the poison out of certain mosses and use them to add a poisoning effect to your weapons, similar to enchantments**?


    **What if the enchantment system could be converted into a weapon and tool modifying system. Whetstone + sword = sword with sharpness.


  2. It could work on the same principal as grass growing. If a certain kind of block is exposed to certain conditions it would, similarly to the way dirt-blocks convert to grass blocks, change into a corresponding weathered block. Say if a block of straw was left exposed to the open sky and it rained, each block would stand a chance to convert to an aged looking thatch block (darker with a hint of mossy green.) From there the effect would spread in the a fore mentioned dirt to grass style. The same principal could be applied to exposed rock, wood planks (aged wood floors would be awesome,) maybe even river and pond/seabeds.


  3. What if atlatls were added to the game. It would not be that different to a bow, but it would use javelins as ammunition. Atlatls are an extremely primitive weapon use by our stone age ancestors all over the world. By using an atlatl in conjunction with a javelin you could dramatically increase the range, power, and accuracy of the primitive stone javelin. Even a novice can learn quickly how to use one, its not exactly a comply device. A metal tipped javelin would be used as specialist ammunition.  Maybe there could be special quivers for different types of ammo, javelin pouches, quivers for arrows, and the like? Say if a javelin pouch had eight spaces in it that could only be used for javelins, same for arrows, but they wouldn't be able to stack as much in your inventory. maybe in just stacks of eight. Maybe as you get better you can craft more complex types of javelins, say a pilum which was a much more deadly, armor piercing, version of the javelin with a soft shaft tip, that would bend on impact and slow the enemy should they somehow survive!


    an atlatl -


    a quiver -


    a pilum -


  4. I'm sorry, but I have to nitpick - sauerkraut is made simply by shredding cabbage and packing it with salt. In no way is vinegar involved in its preparation.

    Sorry, I misunderstood when I read that it was pickled. Never knew there was more than one way to do it. Its the idea that matters really, pickling by vinegar could still be used to preserve other kinds of foods.


  5. There is also the possibility of salting, pickling, and smoking food as means of preservation. A stack of fish goes into a barrel of salt and comes out preserved, cabbage goes into a barrel of vinegar and comes out sauerkraut. Maybe some animals could drop innards that would allow for the creation of sausages or haggis! Spices perhaps that mask the effects of (slightly) spoiled food. It would also make sense for foods to assume the highest level of spoilage that exists in a container. Thus discouraging people from storing all of their food in one chest. Which makes sense, I mean, putting all of your food in one chest is like storing a pile of assorted fruits, vegetables, and meats in a cabinet! after about a week you would have a mound of compost rather than food.


    Of course it would only be fair the give an early game means of preserving food. Such as, a drying rack made of sticks that can be placed over a fire-pit to make various dried meats (that would count against your hydration but would stop your food from rotting in a way that would stop you from eating it!) Maybe paper wrappings that would allow you to separate foods so they would not contaminate one another.
