Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by warfighter67

  1. Minecraft won't start

    He has Java Version: 1.7.0_09, it's in the logs. cpw.mods.fml.common.LoaderException: java.lang.IllegalAccessError: tried to access field ut.c from class net.minecraftforge.common.ForgeHooksThere is a problem with his Forge he's using. Did you download the Forge Universal? Also, DO NOT delete the meta-inf that Forge gives you.
  2. Got the board, chip, and RAM!

  3. Buff to axes

    I actually think he's being serious about his suggestion to my suggestion.
  4. Buff to axes

    Believability, not realism!!!Can you imagine how much the game would suck if it actually took an hour to chop down a tree in TFC?!
  5. Potentially helpful smithing stuff (spoilers)

    Wow guys, hostile much? So what if he gave numbers? Even if you were to use them, you'd still have to screenshot and calculate the number of pixels between the green and red markers for EVERY tool. It wouldn't even be worth the time, and you can get perfect tools every time using a trick the almighty Spumwack showed in his smithing tutorial. Not only that, metal no longer cools in an anvil slot, so you're not even pressed for time. TLDR: These numbers are quite useless anyways, so don't be so hostile
  6. Buff to axes

    Because additionally, using a metal axe on trees is not saught after anymore due to the fact that you now lose durability per log chopped in a tree. This causes metal axes (and saws) to go rather quickly, especially if one lives in a jungle or sequoia forest.My suggestion would make it so axes only lose durability per every two logs chopped in a tree, effectively making them last twice as long. This would make metal axes actually useful again. P.S. While I don't think the saw should have its tree-cutting ability completely removed, I am in favor of making it take longer than an axe. You can use a saw, but it would take a long time and the blades would dull-out fairly quickly, I assume. 1. Actually, you can do it both ways. It's pretty simple either way.2. Thank you for proving my point about making axes useful again. 3. If you bothered to read the other topic, I believe someone there posted (and I can confirm with experience) that saws and axes both share the same amount of durability. Additionally, axes are slower to chop trees than saws.
  7. I'm a musician

    Call me a nerd, but I'm in love with classical/marching band music.
  8. It's been needed for a long time. I believe other mods do the same thing. How, you might ask? My idea is, at the top of every config file, is a version number. When TFC takes a look at the config and notices the version doesn't match what it has, it regenerates a new config file, and renames the old one to "TFC_cfg.bak"
  9. I'm a musician

    Wow, even a guitarist for as long as you've played didn't realize it was a software guitar.See this post for more information I've been playing real guitar for about 8 months now although it's been a couple since I last played. Here's a video of me playing guitar months ago to another song I made if you want to see my progress in playing: I only play rhythm for now, but I'm trying to learn leads.
  10. Force new config generate on TFC update

    Ermahgerd! This simple, non-game-changing idea is being taken over by the actually well-thought out game mechanic ideas! Halp!
  11. I'm a musician

    Oh, I almost forgot. I use XLN Audio Addictive Drums (own all expansions) and EZDrummer (own all metal-related expansions and the electronic expansion) for all of my drum programming.
  12. I'm a musician

    I haven't been in contact with anyone from Nessaja for months.
  13. Scorched ground

    Whether or not the devs think it's too hard to code fire to do this, I still think a scorched wasteland of sorts should be added to generation. Makes perfect place to set up my black fortress!
  14. May I suggest a few feature? Given a period of inactivity from the player(s) that own the chunk, the protection will wear off. This will prevent players claiming random chunks, abandoning them, and rendering them useless. Setting multiple chunks at once: [player standing in chunk a] /setchunk1 [player moving to chunk b] /setchunk2 The game will claim a rectangle of chunks based on the set locations and claim any chunks inside. The claiming will fail if any chunks within are already protected. Upon successful claim, you will be prompted to use a final command to name the area of claimed chunks: /region claim <"name in quotes"> To add people to the region, simply use the following command: /region add <"name of region in quotes"> [player1] [player2] [player3] ... [playerN] /region remove <"name of region in quotes"> [player1] [player2] [player3] ... [playerN] /region clear <"name of region in quotes"> - removes ownership of specified region /region list - will list all regions you own Viewing chunks graphically: /viewchunks This will draw lines at every chunk border with varying color: Green: You claim this chunk Blue: Someone else claims this chunk Yellow: Unclaimed The chunks drawn over will span an 8x8 chunk radius to prevent lag perhaps?
  15. TFC as a Technic Pack entry.

    Back in 1.2.5 before I knew about Tekkit, I had 40 mods installed (most of them Tekkit mods, plus Thaumcraft, Forestry, and more) and it took only 15 minutes to install. Notepad++ is your friend for editing configs.
  16. Saving block damage

    I like this suggestion. Too bad it already got shot down. Also, I tried multimine and when I was mining stone, I noticed I didn't get any rocks. I mined a hundred or so blocks so it can't possibly be the fact that I was just unlucky
  17. Emergency Survival Kit

    Emergency kit: Quantum chestplate if I ever need it since my lappack doesn't protect me I always carry a diamond pickaxe incase my chainsaw and pack run out of EU Oh wait, wrong mods.
  18. [B67] Bloomery Crash

    Have you tried in a completely new world?
  19. [B66] Impossible metalsmithing plan?

    He cropped his image. You can see the inventory hotbar on the bottom left if you look close enough. His gui is centered just like yours.
  20. Hello! I've made a 64 res texturepack for TFC. Currently it is a work in progress and not everything is done. You can find a progress report at the bottom of this post. Here is a slideshow of screenshots: https://www.dropbox....21vz/XGju2lnpSG This is NOT a full texturepack and only contains blocks, and later, items, added by TFC. This texturepack was inspired from Misa's x64 texturepack and they work together very well. I also used some of her textures for my own references to work from. I did get permission from her. I also, by request, used and modified, with permission, Dannyboy's tool textures. Since I can't release her pack myself, I'll provide a link to her wonderful work: http://www.minecraft...ated-13jul2012/ Her texture pack is imo one of the best out there. She really shows you don't need crazy high resolution to make decent texture packs. Installation: Put the contents of the zip folder into your Misa (or other texturepack) zip. If done correctly, there should now be a folder named "bioxx" inside your texturepack folder. Note that as with all HD packs, optifine is highly recommended. Even though forge supports up to 128x textures, optifine is still much better. Warning: TFC may act a little odd with Optifine Alternatively, you can replace the bioxx folder in your minecraft.jar, but it's usually better to do it the first way. Tell me how you like it and some improvements! This one will attempt to stay updated to the latest version. Download: Changelog: 7/25: Version 1.0 Initial release. 7/26: Version 1.1 Fixed multiple tiling issues and stone color issues. Also slightly recolored some of the stones. 7/27: Version 1.2 Added probably the only thing I will do to ores. HOTFIX: Smoothed ores. Untested so might have minor tiling issues. 7/27: Version 1.3 Fixed ore tiling and smoothed edges. See slideshow for new ore screenshots. 7/27: Version 1.4 Got Misa's permission for tools. Also used and modified some of Dannyboy's textures (so far only hammer and knife). Also made new ingots. 11/2: version 2.0 Compatible with build 60, new sand. Progress: Blocks: 60% Ores: 100% Items: 10% armor: 0% May not do armor unless frequent request tools: 30%% weapons: 5% - New sword textures wanted. Mobs: 0% More pictures (some may have unreleased content as teasers):
  21. world painter compatability ?

    *warfighter67 has successfully derailed a thread.
  22. world painter compatability ?

    Ew.Get the FTB launcher. So much better.
  23. [B66] Big bug found

    Yeah chisels can't destroy blocks. Go in your real world and try to take down a torch or something.
  24. More Randomization by Seed (like the meals)

    To add, I would like to suggest that all items get a random texture and name per seed. The textures are taken from anywhere in the items files and the names taken from the list of already-made names. This would truly make each game different.
  25. Hello! im new too TF craft

    Yeah, little... like every 2 or 3 words.Guys, I'm pretty sure this person was trolling and came here to get a kick out of us. That or he's a 10 year old kid.