Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Eruraion

  1. Kyruxst's Terrafirmacraft Server (Closed)

    Cool, a fresh server. If you get some addons i might think about joining in
  2. [OFFLINE][0.79.25] - TFC with addons!

    Shit... Typed UkrainianGuy too fast and left out an "I", only realise that now that he cant get on.
  3. [OFFLINE][0.79.25] - TFC with addons!

    So, is there any such whitelist application? or is it just post here to get on? Because if so, could you add |eruraion|Berriadon|Lucian_Everstorm|UkranianGuy|Akain11| the five of us all work together.
  4. 1.) Name | Eruraion 2.) IGN | eruraion 3.) Age | 19 4.) How often will you play | I can get on anytime in the week, but i dont have much of a scedual for it. 5.) Skype? | eruraion Also, have you considered the merchants addon? i usualy play wih friends, and it is such i nice addon. might not be that usefull in the stone age, but in the later days of the empire it is quite usefull for trade and such.
  5. Hi there, ill be checking this server in a bit. also, have you considered any addons? personally i quite like the merchants just to name one.
  6. So ive been playing around with this idea for a few days now and id just like to get it out there. Keep in mind i have very little knowledge in java and am incapable of making this myself. This was inspired from Minecraft comes alive mod, which although a cool idea, lacks and real use. even less so with terraferma. (only real use in TFC is the hardcore respawn, and that is buggy at best) as well as i feel a system like this would fit nicely with TFC, it already having a calendar system and a tier system which "realistically" couldn't be achieved in a single generation. so here are my ideas: Family When you first log on to a server you will have to pick a gender. initially this will have no effect on game play. The player will start at age 10. Eventually you will need to find a mate. Find a player of the opposite gender to have kids. First time kids will have randomized appearance. After impregnation you will have to wait 9 months until the baby comes around. when the kid is born it will remain as an item for 1 year. 1-5 years the kid will be classified as a toddler. At 5 years they are now capable of doing chores and learning skills. If your kid is following you they will gain 2x the experience from anything you do, such as smithing or farming, up to the max of half your skill level. After that they can earn xp by dong the tasks themselves. At 10 years they are considered "grown" and can be played as by the player. At 40 years, the player or the child dies. When the player dies, you will have the option to respawn as the child with their skin and name, have their skills and preferd tastes. or just respawn as if you were a new player, with no skills. Or with hardcore mod, banned from the server. When the kid is an item they can be given (or taken) to another player as an adoption. when they grow to toddlers who ever last had them will be considered the parents. Genetics If both players are new to the gene pool, their kid will be completely randomized. After that kids as npc or pc will have specific traits. these mostly determine how you look. it is divided into 5 categories. Race, gender, tone, eyes, hair. Out of these race will have the most impact, mostly on how you Handel different climates. The races are highlander, Southener, and middilum. each of these will have traits picked between the two parents. Npc/villages It is always recommended to have more kids then you will need in case something happens to one. that being said the extras will have to do something. at age 10 you can select a profession (mining, farming, hunting, craftsmen, blacksmithing ect) When this happens they will need a house with the necessary equipment (anvil for the smith Farm for the farmer) they will now work and try and be self sufficient. each farmer will harvest the crops each year and deliver any excess to a blacksmith, who will make new tools, provided there is ore and materials. miners will dig tunnels and gather ore. craftsmen will crate useful things for other workers. kids can also be trained for combat and act as guards. every guard in the town will extend the maximum range mobs are not allowed to spawn. so 10 guards would prevent mobs from spawning 1000 blocks around the town. Combat First thing is the inventory, 4 new slots. Clothes, back, ring, neck, and gloves. back is the same as what you carry anvils and quivers type things, but with an actual slot rather then a hidden Easter egg. back can also provide room for a cloak, protecting from rain. neck and ring are for jewelry. gloves allow the creation of armored gauntlets and such. and clothes provide environmental resistance without preventing armor usage. this will act as an overlay to your skin. new types of armor: chain and leather variants. also the existing armor will be considered plate and be given some speed debufs. otherwise you just walk around 24/7 in redsteel.Non-lethal killing. with the whole permadeath/high penalty, killing other players might be frowned upon more so then it already is. when a player kills another player (health=0) They will instead enter a bleedout stage, shift mode and redstone "blood" effect. during this time the assaulter has 3 options, bind them as a prisoner with rope (still drops items) bandage them up and let them go, or finish them off. doing nothing for 1 min will result in death. if bound the player will "die" (have to respawn as a kid) and the assaulter will then have to lead the new npc to where ever they are going to be kept. weather a dungeon or a slave pit. being given a pick or a hoe will force them to do tasks for you. the victim however can make an attempt to rescue their parent. if they succeed they will be considered an npc still. but your npc Trade Some compatibility with the Merchant add on would be great. the ability for village npc to create shops and sell them for currency. a treasurer villager can be used to regulate prices based on custom currencies. less sure this is possible. but compatabilities are nice and they have a perfect system for currency. Skill Lockouts A way for skills to determine if you can craft certain items. like "you must have "x" xp to be able to use a redsteel anvil. provides a bit more hardcore feature. where if you neglect to teach your kids, or your whole line is wiped out, you will have to start from scratch. Would love to hear thoughts/and opinions on this. dont be afraid to call me an idiot, again, i dont know the limitations to tfc.