Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by Azdoine

  1. Kriging a Geostatistics tool

    'Google images, show me a picture of a toaster.' 'Here's a naked girl holding a toaster! Are you satisfied, master?' 'No, no, just a Plain Toaster! Do you get that?' 'Here's an image of a plain girl using a toaster as a dildo! Are you satisfied, master?'
  2. Woodcutting, and charcoal.

    Pshh, Vinyl is better.
  3. Woodcutting, and charcoal.

  4. Kriging a Geostatistics tool

    Must resist urge... to respond with a pony meme... AAAAARGH!
  5. Woodcutting, and charcoal.

    Thank you. You have given us a powerful weapon of war... And within the limits of the geneva convention, too!
  6. Woodcutting, and charcoal.

    But wouldn't that be a good thing?
  7. Scorched ground

    *Provided you have health insurance or a porkchop.
  8. Woodcutting, and charcoal.

  9. Organic Combat Programming

    You just got PWNIED.
  10. Organic Combat Programming

    Well, it's like every other realistic combat suggestion, but with crushing and a bit more feasible from a coders perspective. If this is to be implemented, we should get realistic damage alongside (just my 2 cents).
  11. Kriging a Geostatistics tool

    DAFUQ IS THIS MADNESS *stabs self in the neck with a peice of my own sanity*
  12. Organic Combat Programming

    That was amazing. I will now proceed to like your post multiple times through magic.
  13. Organic Combat Programming

    NERD TALK BLAHBLAHBLAHTRADINGCARDGAMESBLAHD&DBLAHSCIENCEBLAH ...Sorry, but hasn't this kind of thing been discussed to death? I don't think the devs need any more imput.
  14. Stupid Ideas

    ... ... PBSHAHAHAHAHA! Haha... ha... I really hope that was a joke.
  15. Organic Combat Programming

    *Gasp*And this is why I like Pathfinder. I can just imagine the cheesy television commercial: 'I can't believe it's not D&D!'
  16. Woodcutting, and charcoal.

    You are hereby condemmned to stare at a cartoon pony without blinking for the rest of your life.
  17. The Craft.

    It's all fun and games until he glues a bowling pin to his head and runs around screaming 'EXTERMINATE, EXTERMINATE, EX-TER-MIN-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAATE!'
  18. The Craft.

    Hah, that's funny. Is it bad that I think halucinations are fun?
  19. The Craft.

    Oh shit. I see that every time I close my eyes. Also, I once thought I was a hobbit.
  20. Kriging a Geostatistics tool

    Like the sexually disturbed, goatse side of the internet? (BTW, if you couldn't tell, that's not me in the photo. I don't even have a goatee.)
  21. The Craft.

    Once I halucinated that the grim reaper was standing at the foot of my bed. Later I went to use the bathroom, and it felt like the toilet seat was vibrating and clanking. It was so goddamn weird. I'm not going that long without sleep ever again.
  22. Organic Combat Programming

    I always thought they strangled you to death.
  23. Kriging a Geostatistics tool

    This is a goatee protector. Weird, right? Now imagine a Goatse Protector. ...I'm not weird, I swear! Don't lynch me!
  24. The Craft.

    Total prohibition of drugs IS what we have in the united states*. And it's prohibited to drink teh booze until you're 21. But how's that working out for us? Last I checked, underage drinking and drugs were still a thing. *Except for medicinal purposes in, like, 4 states.