Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by Azdoine

  1. lol i read this and thought of Desmond the moon bear

    "how did i get here?"

    I just read this and thought of Desmond Hume.

    Not the same 'how did I get here?', but a much bigger one, I think ;)

    Also: who saw Terry O'Quinns new acting role (on a show with a title that has questionable connotations)?


  2. Colored Glass

    Made with sand and ore (specific ore=specific color of glass) in a bloomery.

    Why? We need moar colors.

    On a similar topic, should ores be used as a dye alternative? I know minerals typically make a better dye than plant matter.


  3. For the first time?

    I think you need to take a break from the internet to learn the basic rules of social ettiquette. Yes, they apply even online.


  4. But you're not, not really...

    Have you even suggested anything that hasn't been brought up before, in another thread? Not trying to be harsh, it's just a question.


  5. No, it really wouldn't be good.

    I don't have the words to express what I'm talking about here, so go ask a dev or eternal or something.


  6. It's kinda hard to explain...

    EDIT: No, I'm not trolling. Also, couldn't they just like, you know, pull it? Of course, he'dd have to stay unconsious for a few days...

    Yes, you want to pull someones tooth out with caveman technology? That's lot of risk for infection and would really suck unless you had painkiller, which you don't.


  7. You need to stop advertising a mod that does not exist, it makes no sense, and I promise you what you are talking about takes a complete game rewrite which considering you said you are just now learning java you do not have the skill to do. I'm sorry to be the downer here and good luck and all.


    In all seriousness, I don't think it's allowed to advertise other mods on these forums, regardless of wether they exist or not.


  8. True, you are very true. But if a video game taught children how to survive in the wilderness through video games, we'd be much more equipped to fight a technological downfall.

    ...Unsure if trolling.

    BTW, If technology really does collapse on humanity, we'll all die a horrible death regardless of what we eat. Any children we have, their wisdom teeth won't be able to grow in properly, and we won't have the magic of dentistry. That pretty much amounts to agonising mouth pain, and probably death at some point, through infection, starvation (your mouth would hurt like hell, and you want to eat?), or suicide.


  9. Shouldn't we talk about a lighting revamp BEFORE we talk about oil?

    Yeah, oil might be interesting regarding gameplay, but it looks like it was suggested because it was cool, with some justification tacked on the side.
