Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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About DanteThanatos

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    Freshly Spawned
  1. Spike Pit

    I liked the fall damage x2 part.
  2. Spike Pit

    This I cant do this with cactus because they dont like each other and I would need to collect sand. Also its so out of place...Forest area and a pit full of cactuses(?) and sand. Also: Fake Floors? That hold on for half a sec and then dismantles itself.
  3. Smithing Book

    Well...3 papers doesnt make a book... And without ink and a way to write it would seem folly to me. But I agree it would function like an writable vanilla book.
  4. Smithing Book

    A simple book you could craft with paper and bindings(leather?) and maybe use feather and Ink to write on it.(almost like the Plans Table but keep reading) In this book one could take notes of what he made and HOW he made it. A new Player just made a Metal Ingot using the usual Upset,Upset, 3x Hit recipe. Then he opens the Smithing Book(I'll refer to it as SB from now on) and click "Add Recipe". He puts the Item he made on the Slot to input the item he made and what metal it is made of.(Drawing on the book per say) He then registers the buttons he pressed to reach said Item. We know that Ingots doesn't have durability damage but tools and armors obviously have. Refining the idea a bit more and it could be a book to strive for perfection. One could edit the recipe he added previously after said player managed to make a Perfect Chestplate instead of an oh-almost-perfect Chestplate. Maybe even going a little further and making books for the Tree Types and the Fruit Trees(How fast it grows, how hot it burns and which month of the year the orange tree bear fruit) We could make all of this taking notes on a paper irl, personally I don't do it, it would be way funnier to take note on a Minecraft book. Just experimenting and taking notes and acumulate knowledge, in a single book(or page numbers?) The perfect Smithing book made by a Master Blacksmith. Your book. Bookshelves anyone?
  5. Gem Holders

    Risugami did made an Armor Stand mod that works perfectly well with TFCraft. I do play SSP with it and I got a little collection of used armor...even Leather Armor. I agree that it isn't part of the TFCraft mod but still you could already have your Rose Gold Armor on a stand. You could ask to a server admin to add it to the server you're playing. Sadly I dont know if it work on a server. As for the "dumb and a waste" part, I'm sorry you think that way =/
  6. Gem Holders

    Simple as this. Not a crown nor even the velvet pillow under it. Just a metal thingy to hold a gem in view. That a player would use to decorate the house. The player could make a Plan and then make for e.g. Copper Gem Holder or a Gold Gem Holder and the like. It will open an inventory with a single slot. If its a Chipped Topaz it would be shown on top of the metal thingy.(I can't find a better word) And then just put it on...a chest(Like I do with the potion brewer),or on the floor or hanging on a wall. I agree that the gems could be used to do something more usefull...enhancements or enchantments...stuff like that. But thats not the point now. Aside from some industrial uses(not our case here) gems have a single purpose. Being pretty