Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by TonyLiberatto

  1. that's amazing, chiseled blocks? It took forever to do that, right?

    may I take a look on it? It looks beautiful.

    would consider whitelist me in your server? 

    I just want to see that Inn by myself.

    My IGN is : TonyLiberatto


    One suggestion, You have a nice logo. put it in your signature here in the tfc forum, so whenever you comment it also advertises your server. specially if you link to this post.


  2. Welcome to the tfc server Family. Is always good to see new people investing time and effort in gathering people together to play this amazing Mod. Best wishes for your server.

    Love the House with the ship in the background. One thing that stroked odd is that the server is only tfc but that house obviously has Carpenter's Blocks. One way or another is beautiful.


  3. Welcome to the server  and . Please register in our forum.

    As far as how long it will take to get to bronze age . it will depend on how good you are at tfc. and dodging monsters.

    I advise you to avoid mobs until you have a t least a leather armor.

    it takes a while to find cows and progress through the technology. You will not be able to make or use any copper tools until you have cows producing cheese and a farm for bread and vegetables. So it will be a while.

    To make thing more interesting trees do not drop saplings, so wood will get far and farther from your base.

    There are a lot of new monsters that will kill you easy and some animals are also aggressive.  You are encouraged to find and use as much light as possible so monsters will not spawn inside your base.

    As a plus we tweak how monsters spawn, so they only do it in dirt, grass and raw stone. So as long as you have a floor inside your house there will not be a creeper waiting for you in there after a trip.

    Another way to learn more about the settings is to read the forum.


  4. Not really in favor of a sleeping feature that would force me to just sit there watching my character doing nothing for 10 minutes. This could work in single player, where at least the nights would be instant, no way it would in a server.

    The concept of doing nothing for hours and hours is so alien that when we sleep our brains create dream to occupy or minds.

    One way that maybe this could work would be to fill the sleeping time with mini games related to the new magic system, as if you would be researching the branches of magic and evolving and/or refilling your mana.

    The issue I see is that unless those mini games are really well developed it would get boring very quick.

    I did not really think through this idea, was just something that came to my mind in the morning after some vivid dreams.


  5. This Server is Permanently Off Line


    This server was born out of a desire to extend stone age, many players really enjoy those first moments in a new world and the challenge to survive.

    Using Minetweker and progression we created a world where before you are able to create and use metal tools you first need to prove yourself capable of surviving using stone tools long enough to raise animals and farm for food.

    There are a lot of new mobs and Monsters, surviving is supposed to be hard and you will die a few times before getting the hang of the server. 

    Once you survive and make your first Full bronze ( any kind of bronze) armor. You will be able to join all the players in the North and work in the Spawn area. Towns will be created by admins .


    We are part of the Darkagecraft Family and as such have a forum here:

    The Main IP for the Lobby/Hub is  please no ports.

    Also we have Mumble, please join us.




    Please Fill out Applications here, just a few questions:


    Minecraft user name:

    Your Age:

    Your Time Zone:

    Location Country and State:

    Tell us a bit about yourself:

    How can you help us?


  6. Are you a modder? Are you looking for a good mod to include in tfc? What about an addon that creates compatibility between Milenaire and tfc? 

    My idea was to have each of the civilizations in Milenaire tie to a specific rock type, so it would only appear in that rock, Other factor could also play a role in determining where and when they would spawn.

    I really think it would create a more involving and enjoyable world.

    I guess the main difficulty would be to convert all the materials used by Milenaire into Materials that exist in tfc or that would make sense and keep balance.  


  7. I would prefer if it was included in tfc2, like part of the challenge of conquering an island would be to get the people of that island to fallow you. That could be achieve by force or by friendship, befriending the Natives should be a lot harder than fighting then, as you would get allies. And of course trying to fight a whole tribe should not be easy at all.


  8. It is one more of the aspects of tfc that makes the game believable. Early human settlements always looked to be close to water. The best solution is to make your home close to water where you will have your farms.

    One way or another you will need lots of water, to make Limewater, Alcohol, Vinegar, Mortar etc. Not a good idea to be far away.

    I actually do not like the red bucket solution, do not think is believable, I would prefer a pump and pipes system as long as it was very hard and time consuming to make it, so people would not overuse.


  9. One of the few mods I have played out of TFC was Millenaire.

    I loved the way it tries to depict several human civilizations.

    I dream of a integration between tfc and Milenaire.

    Can you imagine? All those civilizations using the unique tfc stone and blocks in their constructions and buildings?


  10. Just because a clay pot or frying pan works, does not mean it works as well as a metal one. Generally speaking, metal is better at heat transfer. Take a cast iron pan versus an aluminum one for example. The cast iron takes a while to heat up, but once it does it stays hot for much longer. An aluminum pan on the other hand heats up quickly, but also dissipates that heat very quickly into whatever it is cooking.


    The exact same thing is true for a clay pan versus a metal one. It's basic thermodynamics; different materials are better at heat retention and have different specific heats so they warm up at different rates.

    I actually agree. Anyone who has cooked with clay pots will tell you that they are ideal for slow cooking. Some things actually need to slow cook to taste better.

    Of course it will be somewhat faster to cook something in and iron pot them in a clay pot.

    What bothers me is the artificiality of a pseudo tech progression where some things need to stay behind some arbitrary item.

    Take for example Pizza, anyone would think is a very modern invention, right? 

    Pizza is actually a very old food and in one form or another it has existed since Neanderthal times, very long before Metals.

    read Here:   


    Foods similar to pizza have been made since the neolithic age. Records of people adding other ingredients to bread to make it more flavorful can be found throughout ancient history.

    • In Sardinia, French and Italian archaeologists have found bread baked over 7,000 years ago. According to Professor Philippe Marinval, the local islanders leavened this bread.[4]
    • The Ancient Greeks had a flat bread called plakous (πλακοῦς, gen. πλακοῦντος - plakountos)[5] which was flavored with toppings like herbs, onion, and garlic.
    • In the sixth century BC, the soldiers in Persian King Darius I armies baked flatbreads with cheese and dates on top of their battle shields.[6][7]

    Like pizza, these flatbreads are from the Odyssey era. Other examples of flatbreads that survive to this day from the ancient Mediterranean world are focaccia (which may date back as far as the ancient Etruscans),coca (which has sweet and savory varieties) from CataloniaValencia and the Balearic Islands, the Greek PitaLepinja in the Balkans, or Piadina in the Romagna part of Emilia-Romagna in Italy.[8]

    Foods similar to flatbreads in other parts of the world include the Indian Paratha (in which fat is incorporated), the Central and South Asian Naan (leavened) and Roti (unleavened), the Sardinian CarasauSpianata,GuttiauPistoccu and Finnish Rieska. Also worth note is that throughout Europe there are many similar pies based on the idea of covering flat pastry with cheese, meat, vegetables and seasoning such as the Alsatian Flammkuchen, German Zwiebelkuchen, and French Quiche.

    Now since in no way shape or form you actually need iron or metals to make bread, flat bread and have some spices on top, I see no reason to have pizza only available after metal.

    Most foods have existed for a long time, people actually keep reinventing the same thing over and over. Of course having a gas or electrical cook top and metal pans and running water  ,makes things a lot easier, but that does not mean the food taste better.

    Another important distinction is about nutrition value, cooking on a metal pan will not give you any advantage as far as nutrition goes. So cooking without metal will be slower and messier, with a risk of loosing your ingredients in case the pot breaks, but everything you can make in a metal pot you should be able to make in a clay pot.


  11. It depends on what you are looking for, we have 3 servers and one of them may be what you want.

    Take a look on the descriptions:

    TFC-Puritan for just Terrafirmacraft. A few pluggins just for server admin and plot protection.

    Darkagecraft Terrafirmacraft with mods and addons with a medieval flavor.

    Stoneagecraft for a challenge Terrafirmacraft.


  12. A little OCD myself, I use to have the same problem.

    Terraforming everything and hoarding the dirt. End up with so many chests full of dirt is not even funny.

    Solution is 2 parts:

    First install Decorations and use dirt to create mud bricks, they are beautiful and very decorative.

    Second make a conscious effort to build following the natural terrain, I know is hard since I have the same struggle,  but the rewards are worth. Your buildings will have a much more natural look and feel. Build stairs and bridges, go around and up and down.


  13. Of course a clay pot needs a chance to break and loose all the ingredients. It would be the main reason to update to the iron pot.

    As far as cooking time, at least in real life there is no much of a difference. 

    I should point that I have done cooking in both in real life.

    The thing that bothers me with some concepts in tfc and some addons is to try to tier mechanicks and features.

    Everything you can do in a iron pot can be done in a clay pot. There is no difference.

    Modern recipes should need different setups, No way you should be able to make pizza in a pot.

    Bread and pizza should be done in an oven.

    bacon and eggs need a frying pan, and before anyone points out I actually have one made of clay, it works great.


  14. I like the idea of creating recipes that actually make sense.

    I would like this mod more if it also included a clay option. 

    People on the stone age were able to cook soups and all kinds of food.

    When you think about the only difference between a iron pot and clay is that the clay has a chance to break.

    Before anyone says that people would not make the iron one if they had the clay, I like to point out that the same as in real life, once you loose all your food 3 times because the pot broke, you will take the time to make that iron pot.


  15. I think straw would work for Hot weather, protections against the sun.

    For cold weather plant fibers should work better.

    An idea is to have cattails drop fiber that need to be processed somehow and turned into clothes.

    It would not be as good as pelt or wool, but it would be a start.


  16. I like to pretend that when I create a new world I am a castaway or a stranded astronaut in a strange world. So I just spawn there and it has strange creatures and vegetation. It is a survival challenge.

    Not sure if we should have a safe mechanism to prevent players from spawning in hot deserts or frozen tundras. In any of those cases, is hard to survive naked.

    I think tfc right now already has something like that , Not sure about the numbers, but I do belive it goes something like from -6000 to -13000. Someone can check the code and correct me please.

    Even within those coordinates it is possible to get very hot or very cold.

    I guess the question is how easy you can have access to some rudimentary clothes that will give you basic protection against the enviroment.

    Also how much of a buffer do you get before you start to literally die of heat or cold exposure?

    For the Heat I believe the quickest option would be straw. some Hat and basic covers should help with the sun.

    For cold you may need to just start a fire and heat yourself for a while so you build a buffer time. that would give you time to run and find some animal for leather.


  17. One other idea for using sticks is to install Carpenters blocks. You will use tons of sticks and it makes building anything a lot easier and nice.

    I love using carpenter's blocks for scaffolding, and the fact that I can build with cobble. 

    Also it makes using stairs and slabs a lot easier.
