Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by TonyLiberatto

  1. If you intend in posting frequently and actively participating in the discussion in this forum I would recommend signing up for a document website and also a picture/image website. Those the ones I use:   This works good for images, you create an account upload your images and paste the link into any post here.    This one works good for documents, such as crash reports or logs.

    Also the way to create spoilers is like this [spoiler.] place image or long text here [/spoiler.] without the dots.

    BTW I am not affiliated with those websites, they are free services that many people use.


  2. I would love to see bone tools, as they are historically correct and an important aspect of human development.

    Bones were used to carve wood, make holes, work on leather, spears and arrow heads and a whole bunch of useful tools. 

    "It would require a re-balancing of the game." That's obvious.

    I have asked many times for an enrichment of the stone age, it really deserves more attention.

    My argument is that if speed and efficiency are enough reason to go from copper tools to red/blue tools the same could hold true for stone age tools.

    If we make stone age tools ( bone, wood and stone ) slow and inefficient  it would be just a question of progression to more efficient durable and faster tools.

    Does anyone really think that some of the Indian ( read Native American ) populations were unable to efficiently preserve food for the winter and could not make alcohol or vinegar, just because they had no metal tools?


  3. I think everyone is misunderstanding me. I am not saying that taste does not exist, I just think of it as the way I was educated as a preference. Like when ordering my steak I prefer it median rare others might prefer well done, and that is perfectly fine.

    As far as nutrition goes there is no need for anyone to do blood test to find out that everyone should have a balanced diet, and that is the way to be healthier. 

    The point for me is that we already have all those different foods in the game. They are already there, nothing to add. My problem is for the player to be able to find a perfect sandwich and be able to eat that and only that forever with no consequences for the health.

    So my point is like this if you prefer your meat rare or well done you should still eat poultry and fish to be healthy.

    If you prefer your vegetables well cooked or raw you still have to eat a variety of then and not just one and the same everyday.

    Liking your bread dark or light is perfectly fine as long as you are eating more than one type of grain.

    With so many fruits to choose from you tell me you can't vary your diet?

    Even with dairy, we could have other kinds of cheese and yogurt and creams and fresh milk. 

    So taste for me is how you spice your food and prepare it. 

    Right now we don't have pizza, but suppose we had if a player eats pepperoni pizza and only pepperoni pizza day after day I would expect at least that he would get fat and not so healthy. Instead the game rewards the player as long as that pizza (read sandwich ) has a perfect taste the player over time will be able to get all the way to 3000 points of health.

    My proposition is very simple. We keep taste in the game, but just so far as a satisfaction mechanic, so the player would be able to eat more and take longer to be hungry.

    The player need to eat at least 3 different foods from each food group to be able to get to the 3000 points of health.

    We use the xp points for something else, don't really care much about that aspect, make it like MANA in a magic system or for enchantments the way it is in Vanilla Minecraft.


  4. I think the taste idea as is presented in the mod derives from a wrong assumption that has been made common now a days. "If you at first do not like something you do not need to ever eat again". This is actually one of the roots of the obesity epidemic we now see in our society. It takes 15 tries for the taste to develop in a young child. Also we all love the food we got used to eat as a child. That's the reason I enjoy a real meal made of rice, beans, salad, vegetables and some meat. Do not care much for hot dogs, hamburgers or tacos, as I was not used to eat junk food growing up. The whole concept of taste is so subjective and in some cases totally impossible to understand. There is also the question of high quality good food. that could be a chef food or just that special grandma dish that the whole family loves. In some cultures, like in France, when raising kids they have a tradition that the child must always have at least a bite of everything on the table. After a while they learn to appreciate the food. The conclusion is that taste is a learned thing, not something inborn. We are not born hating onions, it was the lack of proper care from the parents that made you like that. A properly educated person will actually love to eat vegetables and fruits, and will strive to have a balance diet.

    Now this is a game after all and people just want to be able to make in the game the same kind of food they like in real life. that means lots of junk food.

    Not really sure how to address all those variables in a game, actually do not think it should be attempted. 

    The 50's and 60"s generation were very repressive, in contrast their kids grow up to be too liberal in their kids education. The result was that now a days kids are allowed everything. "Oh the baby does not like broccoli? He does not need to eat it. He loves mac and cheese? Let him eat that every day." Anyone with half a brain should be able to realize that this is not healthy.

    Hence my constant bickering that we should address nutrition and not taste. Nutrition has actual consequences to you health. 

    The today's concept of taste is a misconception created by a generation that grow with a terrible diet of fat and high fructose.


  5. One important aspect in my opinion would be to create meals that have all 5 food groups, as nutrition matters a lot. 

    So maybe a pineapple pizza with Canadian bacon Here is a recipe:

    1 can (13.8 oz) Pillsbury™ refrigerated classic pizza crust or 1 can (11 oz) Pillsbury™ refrigerated thin pizza crust 1 package (6 oz) sliced provolone cheese 1 package (5 to 6 oz) sliced Canadian bacon 1 can (8 oz) pineapple chunks in unsweetened juice, well drained on paper towels 1/2 cup thinly sliced red onion 1/2 cup chopped green bell pepper  1/2 cup shredded Cheddar cheese (2 oz)

    So this is an actual recipe from a culinary website. As you can see it has grains for the dough, fruit as the pineapple, vegetables as onions and bell pepper,  2 kinds of cheese and meat.

    BTW do you intend on tweaking the meal table to allow for more ingredients?

    Another aspect that I have ask for some time is the oven. To have pizza we need an oven.


  6. Let me begin by saying that I would love a addon like that. This is something that I have requested many times as I do not find believable that the player is able to eat the same sandwich forever and ever and never get tired of the taste. It also should not be healthy.

    Not a coder myself, but if the problem you are having is because modifying food makes it so is not interacting with animals, why not just leave raw grain the way it is now, so animals would be attracted to it   and eat it.

    Just prevent the player from eating raw grains.

    I think you would be able to achieve your goal like that.

    This way you would only have to change or create new properties for cooked or baked grains.


  7. The only other area of the game that has the need for a skill in the real sense of the world is prospecting. I mean like there are players that can't prospect while others cannot ever learn how to use the anvil.

    The difference is that smithing has degrees up.

    I wish that we could have classes/trades/professions in tfc, they would need to have some kind of mini-game or real difficulty that would not be easily learned or liked for every kind of player.

    It;s a big plate to fill. In smithery the player is able to smelt and cast copper and 3 types of bronze. The same would need to hold true for other classes. So players would be able to accomplish simple tasks, but not more elaborate ones.


  8. I really like this idea. I think it would create an incentive for people to get together and form a community that is dependent upon each other. My point was more in the lines of making the game possible in single player, but a lot more enjoyable in multiplayer.

    There is of course the question of content. Right now in tfc1 the only aspect of the game with a clear skill lather is smithery. What I mean is forge, anvil, bloomery, blast furnace. I think no one will refute that is the richest part of the mod.

    To have specialization we would need to have that same richness for other areas of the game.


  9. I understand the situation as a question of inventory management. Also the water issue, is not like I do not see your point, is just that more elegant solutions could be found.

    In the case of inventory we could introduce the straw basket, part of so many suggestions around the forum. Even if we limited the use for just food, seeds and saplings, it would still free up inventory. As for water I think is an initial challenge and it should not change. You can be without water for at least 2 days upon initial spawning. Just walk in a straight line and hope to find water and clay.

    So you spawn in a desert, 2 options, discard the map or try to bit it.

    It always take me some time to choose a new seed. I do believe we could have more control when generating a new map, like choosing for the map to have more land mass, or more ocean, the initial spawn could also be pre-determined around a certain Latitude and even specific biome. This way a player could just choose those settings before generating the map.

    So you like the tropics? Every map will be there. The same for people that prefer the tundra. It would for sure to have the random option, for those of us that want the surprise. Not a coder, but I imagine that this would not be easy to code.

    I am not dismissing your idea, I just do not agree with it. I think that find that initial clay deposit is part of what makes a new map exciting, and if it was more common it would rob me of the initial challenge of starting a new world.


  10. Cant talk about coding of the tracking mechanism. In the end I am no coder.

    As far as gaming go in tfc we already eat 5 things, even though we concentrate all in a single meal. My idea was more in the way of having different meals that would combine and make complete meals. It should not be hard on the player to manage 3 different meals, that would actually use 15 different things.


  11. Well that was just the best we could do . I am no coder so I had to use things like minetweaker and progression.

    I had many ideas for extending stoneage. you can read some of them Here.

    There is a lot that can be improved on those ideas, but I believe is a start. As you can see I am very passionate about this subject. Either if you can help me or if I can help you make some of this a reality I would be really happy.


  12. We created a server with a whole bunch of modifications and also using progression mod to make the time it takes to go from stone age to iron age a lot slower.

    I will be prepping a modpack with all the changes and post it here in the forum. For now you can try playing in our server Stoneagecraft. It is a challenge server.

    If you are able to code we would love to have you on board. 


  13. So far I like all of that. specially the simplification of the taste system.

    I still think a nutrition system that called for more variety in the diet would be a good idea.

    When I look at the mod I see so much work in creating all those different vegetables, crops and fruits.

    Adding a nutrition system would make more believable and also give the player a reason to diversify the food production.

    Based on the existing system where the player gets 200 points for each food group, to a total of 1000 points.

    In a nutrition system after getting all the 5 food groups the player could start diversity to increase his health points.

    So once you get to the 1000 points you can get up to 3000 points as long as you eat a balanced diet of 3 different food from each food group.

    This would also have the advantage of freeing xp points to be used in some magical system.

    This would give the player a reason to plant different crops.

    The perfect sandwich that you can eat over and over again would only make sense if you could say you were not sick and tired of eating turkey on the third day after thanks giving. 


  14. What if we had class specialization similar to what we have now for smithery? In the sense that even though high tier metal tools are desirable they are not essential to play the game. One can do pretty much everything without ever needing to use an anvil. I mean you can mine for rocks and make smooth stone and bricks   for your colossal castle. You can farm and preserve food.

    So if we had other trades where a player could evolve just the necessary to survive or go all the way up to rip all the benefits of the high skill.  


  15. Not sure if this would really be a good idea. For one side it makes possible settlements in dry places, but how believable would that be?

    There is a reason throughout history human populations grow close to large bodies of water in fertile places.

    If a place does not even have clay it can't be that great. Why try to settle there?

    When I start a new map the first thing I look for is clay, do not care much about anything else. Clay means temporary shelter under it, easy to close with any block. If it was so common as to have it everywhere there would be no challenge.  

    I really love the trill of starting a new map and desperately having to find clay before nightfall.


  16. that's what I understood. by this:Special moves of some kind perhaps.   Stunning.  Disarming.. Hey,  I am not against the idea, just that if we are talking about changing the way the player fights and giving him special moves it might be something better developed as a standalone mod, talking a minecraft mod, not an addon. 

    Maybe I just read too much into what you guys said, but I was seeing the players making moves like Mortal Combat. When I hear about martial arts that's what comes to my mind.
