Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Everything posted by horenpa

  1. Your chisel creations!!

    This is amazing! I did not know that chisel could do that. Thought that could only turn to the usual things, like stairs. :DD This is just amazing. Congratulations on the creations.
  2. Love those big Caves! <3

    Yeah, that's it. I'm not playing vanilla never more. hahahahah.. xD
  3. Temperature

    So, apparently we already have temperature in TFC. I really don't noticed it, but we have it on the Calendar.(Default 'N' on the keyboard.) But as I can notice, is not fully implemented and do nothing yet. So, I totally overhauled my idea and got some research on the TFC as it now. TEMPERATURE I writed down some temperatures that I found in the game already, and apparently it changes by biome, and time. (Hours and season) Jungle -> 35C Taiga6 -> 0C River Taiga6 -> 1C Desert3 -> 37C (All at Spring) I actually stayed on the Jungle for some minutes, and the temperature changed a little, going between 33C and 35C, and Desert going far for 37C and 46C, in the same spot. So the temperature of each biome have some min and max limit, but have a medium temperature. The hour afect the temperature as well. By midnight at Desert, for example, I noticed going and staying at 34C~32C for a long time. And of course, the season afects the most on the temperature. On the Summer at Desert for example, I got more than 50C on the same spot as before. But, from all of this testings, I don't see any change when I went deep. I think this should be implemented. The more deep you go, into a cave, the more wet the place is, so the temperature should drop enough. The same for high places. I noticed snow on the top of the Hills biome. And we all know that high montains have snow peaks (Really high places, and places that could snow. Some countrys, like here, on Brazil, don't snow at all. And we have a lot of high montains, and only one of them, the highest one, have snow at the peak only a few days on the year.) SUGGESTIONS -UI At the left we have the Temperature icon. It's divided on 10 levels, and the goal is to maintain in the middle. (The four bars.) Entering the far left/right starts to hazard the player, altough entering the "danger" zones (Stages 2,3 and 8 and 9 of the thermometer), just alert the player that he is getting too hot/cold. Maybe blinking, of shaking the bar. On the right, we have the Wet icons. That is another thing that I thought about, and will come to it later on this thread. - CHARACTER Temperature is a hazard on the wild, and we all know that. But what we can add to this? First, lets think on the character itself. Things that can be done on the player. Things that can help him, and things that are not that good. Being really hot or really cold could end on some serious damage on the health of the player. We could have some metods of increasing/decreading the temperature of the character by: - Eating. He could increase the temperature by eating some flesh, but could refresh himself by eating fruits, for example. Or maybe adding beverages, drinks, or just drinking water. - Shelter. We can get more hot going inside of a place with roof/walls. But as I said, the more deep you go, you should have a lower temperature, so a shelter on a cave, on the winter, on a Snow biome, is not THE perfect place to live, but since is a very cold biome, this could be good in any ways. For example, creating a snow house, like a iglu, could shelter you the same, but not very hot. You can live. ^-^ - Water. You can swim, and refresh yourself. But, hot places like the desert, could have a hotter water, so you can refresh, but not a lot. And entering water on the snow biome could have you really cold, maybe giving some frezze status... I don't know. - The screen could have some visual changes when the player enter the danger zones of the thermometer. Changes such as shacking the screen a bit, when the player is too cold, and maybe some blur, on too hot. - After entering the hazard zone (Stages 1 and 10 of the thermometer), the player starts to slowly lose hearts. (In a slow mood, different of hunger, maybe 2x less.) The thermometer changes in a slow mood as well. So you lose some time to warm/chill yourself. - ENVIRONMENT Environment chance on the season and on biome. We already have fruit trees that change on the season. But entering the agriculture, we know that different places wield different plantations. We have wet places, and dry places. I really think you can't plant wheat on the desert, by just putting some dirt around. That's silly. - Agriculture. As I said, we could have some seeds that grow quicker (Or maybe just say 'Grow') on different temperatures/biomes. I'm really not into agriculture, but I think you can plant some food in deserts areas, and at places with snow, probably. - Water. We already have the vanilla change on water on snow biomes, and that is the ice blocks. And we know that deserts don't have pools os water, just some weels that Jeb made. And I think, with the upcoming Finite Water resorce of Bioxx, we could have some floods when it really rain on some places (Not waves, but lower places covered in water), and maybe some dry times as well, when you really can't find water in some usual waterly places (rivers/lakes), not only in desert. This could be linked to the already Jeb's moon fases, and make the Ocean drop a little! Buts thats too complicated. - Trees. The same way that Fruit Trees slowly grow from day to day, we could have some overhaule on the trees. I don't know if the seasons already do that, I only noticed change on colors and temperature, but some trees could lose leafs on winter, of maybe just don't drop saplings/sticks on some season/temperature. This could enter the suggestion on logs being too wet to work with, too soft. Or maybe too dry sa well. WET Wet is just something that could be added to enhance the termperature that I just figured out. Wet is like a joker status: It could help you on the self temperature, but could damage it as well. Getting wet could: - Refresh the character. Entering water or going into rain/snow storm add Water Drops to the character, and refresh it if he is too hot. - Freeze. The same way that water can become ice if goes into a snowy/cold place, the character could be very cold if he is still wet and goes into a low temperature place. This however, is not a "slow walk"/"paralysis", like a RPG fantasy game. Is just a state that player start to lose a lot of body heat, and the thermometer fall quickly.
  4. Better or Worse Inventory Management

    I think when a system becomes harder in a way, is fine, but we have to bee rewarded in some way to that change. For example, the new ore distribution on build 40. The veins of first metals are little, but is common to see in the first level. But the other ones are deeper, BUT ther veins are huge. So, is harder to evolve to the end game ores, but when you finally found it, is so huge that you can live some time with only that, and don't need to go already in a search for more. I really like weight system on games, but as I said, is not always realist either way. For example, Elder Scrolls had and infinite inventory, and a weight system. But you was still capable of carrying a shit load of chest pieces, and weapons, and armor in general. xDD
  5. Temperature

    Yep, thats nice. You have an option: Use clothing for defence, of for "living" in the wild, for temperature protection. xD Yeah man, I was thinking the same. Is nice to keep track of info in a fast way, but I think this could be added into the Calendar. So the self Thermometer too, i don't know. But one thing is true: keep pressing N to open the calendar every time is annoying. We already use a lot of the Calendar itself to see the season/month, so we can keep track of our fruit trees, but since the time is very slow compared to something like, hunger bar or heath bar changes, we don't need to open the calendar every hour. We open every now and than. But, ofc, is easier to live with bars on-screen for status that can change quickly. We could try to adjust it somewhere else, not on top of everything on the hotbar, maybe.
  6. Fortification

    I would love to have a trebuchet throwing rocks! *-*
  7. Better or Worse Inventory Management

    Yeah, still the same. But if we continue on this, we could what, carry one log at a time? That's ridiculous... Even with this weight system, you can carry some items as well, and it still isn't totally real. xD
  8. Better or Worse Inventory Management

    Is kind of nice, but as Sierra said, is easier to just adjust the stacks, maybe. I really don't mind having 1 log per stack, for example.
  9. Possible Amazing future mod combo

    Amazing! @_@ Grab him Bioxx!
  10. Game time based on system time!?

    Of course is possible. When you open minecraft, it will read the computer time, and than just adjust the things. But I don't know... I think we could just create a new TFC calendar. Few days on the month... So the hours/days/seasons pass a little more quickly. IDK... I don't like the idea of put minecraft time based on the PC time.
  11. Problem with Lava and Water...

    Yeah, this need to go away, this type of cobble don't have the gravity as normal cobble of tfc. Although we still have the vanilla structures on such as dungeons that still spawn, you could just ignore the cobble and move on. On a single player world, it doesn't matter because on minecraft itself, anyone can cheat in any way.... But on SMP, using that cobble could be a real pain if someone start using it.
  12. questions on compatibility with other forge mods

    Yeah, TFC is not only another forge mod. Is a totally overhaule o minecraft life! *-* It don't just add new blocks, it swaps all the raw materials, basically. So you can't, for example, break TFC Trees with normal vanilla Axes. Is the same as punching it. You can, in the other way, break TFC rocks with vanilla Pickaxes. The other forge mods only add new metals and such, so them should probably work with any other mod that just have the normal vanilla IDs.
  13. Compatibility list

    Smart Moving is totally fine, OptiFine too, but I noticed that the "Zoom" option is not working. I don't know if conflicts or I did something.. hihi...
  14. Temperature

    Yeah, I was trying to write down things that we could do with this. Not like "DO THIS NAO" xDDD
  15. Temperature

    Hm, maybe. But bed are just "time machines" () that throw you to daylight. The game doesn't even simulate the time that passed, like mods such Insonia for example. So I think I'm not entering beds on this.
  16. Temperature

    Ok, so I completely overhauled my idea in something that really could exist into the game, as we know that TFC already have a temperature system, but don't do anything yet. I simply re-writed the full thread, please read again people! And thanks for the feedback on this, helped a lot. ^-^ @ancientpower Yeah, but one of my ideas is to make something near a new hunger bar. As I said before, the hunger bar was created to make people need to eat, so have to make/gather food, SO, limit the time in certain places, if you don't have food with you. But this could be easy ajusted by just bringing food whatever you go. In real life for example, you just can't enter a ice river. Or just walk into a desert like a crazy man. Or live without even drinking water. xD And you can't sleep outdoors everytime for example too. You could be very cold and get a fever. xD
  17. Temperature

    When hunger bar was released on vanilla, it took the idea of living without stop. You could just mine or walk forever. The hunger bar was a simple adition to the game. What Im trying to adress here is the same thing, trying to limit people to stay too long in certain places. But in a simple way as well. The temperature is a slow meter such as hunger if you, for example just stay still, or enter a biome. But you could raise it faster getting wet, for example. Im liking the suggestions. Keep up.
  18. Temperature

    Yeah, looking for slow speed seems a bit silly now. But well, I was just throwing ideias. I still like the rain giving you wet or cold status, is a relly nice addition because we need shelter, and a lot of people just had their beds anywhere. I don't blame them tough, but is kind of silly this way. The temperature bar is still nice addition though. The "cold" one that I made up is like one, it show hot and cold, if you think of it. If is on the middle, as default, the player is at a normal heat. I think a bigger one could do the job a little better. Is the same of doing a "Hot bar", if it get full'd up, the player is actually pretty hot, but if is empty, the player is super cold. This squematic could fit some disease by temperature and wet status, as you said. But I think we can develop more with this. As for biomes, I already had pointed on the topic, but just as ways of lowering or increasing the Wet/Cold bars. I did not thought of different waters. Not actually different fluids, just different status when you enter water in different places. Thats very cool I think. But in the other hand, different waters could be more developed as well, what you think? Edited the main topic with this suggestions.
  19. Temperature

    Thanks infinus. I'm going to clean the topic, maybe add some tables with how many seconds/minutes I think the system should take to fill/drop, and how to do this. And maybe more images to clarify everything more. ^-^
  20. Bsb23's Enchantment Document

    I really like the ideia. Although I really can't see enchantments as it is on TFC. I know it goes back to the discussion of "realism", and we already have some minerals that don't exist, but on my head, Enchanting is like wizardry, if you know what I'm trying to go. Maybe... reforged equipment? Some kind of blacksmithing that could add power to the items. (If you see, is the same thing, but with another name. xD)
  21. Tools On Wiki

    The wiki is a place where "everyone" could hop in and help adding and editing content. Everybody knows the lack of content, if you have time, you could help aswell.