Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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Posts posted by horenpa

  1. Food poisoning is the "Hunger" status, and both Chicken flesh and Rotten gives it. But is totally not right, and I agree too, Rotten giving two icon hunger, and chicken just one. That's actually bizarre to think. :P

    I think Rotten Flesh need to be like drinking poison, you get a disease straight away and die. (Or become a zombie! xD Jk)

    Plus, the game itself have and antidote: Milk. But that's wrong too. :P

    The Hunger status is like a potion effect, so milk can just cancel that status. That's so real.


  2. Well, rotten is just a putrid meat. Have a lot of germs too! xD

    The raw... is just raw. You can actually eat raw, just like a crazy survival, or a caveman without fire.. Is not DELICIOUS, but... is eatable. :o (I'm not saying I would eat those crap. xDDD)

    Don't eat rotten meat, give it to your dog.

    Your dog will pass away. :o

  3. This thread is kind of outdated (Two weeks old with no answers..), but since it got ressurected somehow, I will give my opinion: No.

    Any kind of rank, even just that counter we already have here, is kind of bad. That just says to the community how active we are, but that doesn't mean that all that content the member posted is positive, or useful. Adding more ranks could be fun? Yes. But will make some members just flood away to get a high rank. I'm not just saying that from my mind, is a reality.

    Now, the "Like" button is kind of nice, you actually show that some post have good content, or that you agree with that person. But this system can get out of control too, the same way the rankings do. If people just care about those numbers, the forum will start to be like a YouTube: People will make posts and/or threads, and start to say "Hey, like my post!" and that's just not right. :(

    Forums need to be as simple as possible. Why IRC made, and still make this huge sucess over billion of instant chatting, for example? Or course it was the first kind of chat online, but still, is alive. And hell... it IS ALIVE, because people like the way it works.

    Here is a place of discussion and sharing ideas and thoughts, and to have fun as well, by on your correct time and place.


  4., you don't need cobble to create tools. Just gather 2 stones, put them in any order on the crafting place, and click on the result rock. This will open the kinnaping rock window, and here you can create the heads of the tools, just follow the Plans. (You can't create swords out of rock with the plans, but can use the rocks as a ingredient for arrows and javelins)


  5. I think the issue of the "roof made of tamped dirt" could be easily destroied if we make some pros and cons of doing that. For example, and totally for example: If we get this suggestion and think that could work with like, lets see, temperature suggestion, that house made of dirt is a lot colder than a normal house with bricks for example.

    I don't know, if we just make some bad situations if people use that for contruction of houses, they still can make it, but is a lot worse that using other things to build. I think we are kind of limited here on the gravity idea. Lets make the life of a "Dirty Houser" a chaos! xD


  6. I read something about Forge not beeing compatible with OptiFine. :(

    And aparently as I know, you don't need Forge and ModLoader of the same time.

    I installed with sucess: Forge, Player API, Smart Mov, TFC content, and no problems.

    I will try later to add REI, NEI (And the crazy chicken), and if runs, I will try to OptiFine'it.


  7. I think the knive could be (If is not in the mind of dev) something to work on wood, but for details. So, basically, you can use the Saw for bigger and non detailed things, such as planks, slabs, etc.

    And knifes, for bowls, wooden sticks, basically everything of wood that is and object to catch by hand and use like non construction thing.

    And for that is a nice addition to what Lumi said. After you chop a tree and get the log, you can turn the log into some workable wood, not straight to a block of wood. With that workable wood, you can craft big things with the Saw, like planks (And with planks, you can form a wooden block), or wooden objects, that you can work with the knife.

    And I like the idea of the member (Which I really don't remember the name... sorry.. :(), of sticks beeing crafted from branches. Branches are gathered from the leaves, and every branch give you like, 2 sticks. Or/And sticks could be craftable from that workable wood from logs too.


  8. You can mind obsidian with wrought iron+ tools and if you are lucky enough for a zombie to drop an iron ingot, then you can make a flint and steel

    Oh, nice, didn't know that wrought iron mine that. ^^

    And you still can try to position a nether portal really near some lava. Just make some wooden planks block, adjust near the portal, make a patch to the lava so the blocks burn, and then the fire need to reach the most close wooden block near the obsian portal. There is a chance to the portal to lit. :)

    (We learn to maneuver some things when playing those "Survival Island / Survival SkyBlock" kind of map... haha)


  9. How do we get to the neitherworld then? Are we forever doomed to live without glowstone?

    There is nothing new into Nether on TFC yet, and I think you can't craft flint and steel yet, but I think you can gather obsidian with the high tier steels.

  10. The best way to make dirt roads would be to implement a stone tool that would stamp the ground into a dirt road block. removing the road would be done with a shovel, but would be difficult to dig up because of how packed it is, they would also drop a normal dirt block. Roads should not revert to dirt unless they are completely covered in water.

    I like this. :)

    Very simple solution I think. One tool (With not variant for material, just one type of tool, maybe stone..) that change dirt into a new type o block, "road whatever".


  11. I think could be the same as chisel, but more versatile. Like, the chisel totally break the stone when you go to the minimum of it.

    On wood is like the same, but on the other hand, wood stuff like planks, can be arranged to just rebuilt it.

    So what I'm trying to say is that you can increase or decrease the amount of wood there, so is like a reverse mode of the chisel, you put wood into that, so it improve, or changing the mode of the tool, you do like the chisel, decreasing the material in there.

    On rock you can't just glue it up, is not the same anymore, the resistance goes to the glue. But on wood, as is softer than rock, it's possible to work more, gather the pieces and create another plank.


  12. I think is nice to have a poll going, so we can know what is the main languages that the TFC community mostly consists.

    That way is easier to just know what, and probably just begin with the forums areas.


  13. I already suggested this directly to Bioxx a few days ago. The support for multiple languages IS possible, but is kind of hard to do (If we are making a lot of languages, without the need of multiple downloads, each for a language), and obviosly is not the main goal now.

    We will probably have this when the mod is more stable and leaves the BETA stage, probably. :)

    And for the forums, I talked to spAnser for some support on new forums for other languages, and we are starting some tests with Portuguese, as we can see in the new "Discussão" forum here: http://terrafirmacra...m/18-discussao/


  14. @Lumiriver

    Yeah yeah, saying medieval was quite... wrong. But the question of wetnees into dirt really depends on how that was made. Just a walking patch into grass, will deteriorate the dirt a lot, because no really work was done there, just grass that died. Knowing that grass, or any plant into soil, has roots obviously, that dirt is very wet, and kind of soft.

    If we are talking of post-medieval roads, we supporsed to know that we have some tecnological carriage or diligences through that, so even if the road got super compressed, it will collapse someday if no proprer care would have been taken every now and then. Of couse that, in today speak, we have huge trucks and such, very heavy, so the care need to have every day.


  15. You can pass the time very quickly by using mods like NEI or TMI, so you can keep clicking the "midnight" of "noon" button, and everytime you pass a day instantly. That's easier to just wait, to test that. Try on a a creative mode world, of course. I can't test it right now, though. :(


  16. Is nice idea, I really do prefer the one that the block kind of identify the walking of the player, and after some X time he passes, the block recognises and do this change.

    Because... Adding a tool to do that is nice too, but wuold be really boring and silly to just keep re-doing a road just for esthectics, because it is growing.

    Besides, dirt roads are kind of very medieval roads, and even on that, they used to throw a lot of rock on it, so on rainy days, they just don't turn much into a swamp mud thingy dingy. xD

    And I don't know if "increasing the speed" is actually a thinkable ideia. Yes, this makes the hole ideia of roads more nice and add a objetive in making roads. If that could exist, as I said, mud roads will need to do some disvantage on rainy days too, so you will decrease speed on that. And with this, no one will run into dirt roads on rainy days. So in other way, you actually will prefer to do rock roads, that will kind of last forever, as you just walk on it. (You don't have a car to damage it... maybe a pig! xD)
