Content: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Background: Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles
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      I'm trying my best to find out more and keep everyone up to date. Discord ( is the best option for up to date news and questions. I'm sorry for this, but the damage has been done. All I can do is try to make sure it doesn't happen again.
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Everything posted by Hntrofdmnds

  1. [Offline] The MiningTerras Server Is Back! [Now with plugins!]

    Every time I try to go on the server, I crash.
  2. As soon as I got on, I said hi, then saw armour stands, then crashed. EDIT: Fixed, but I am laggy as hell on your server. EDIT 2: I keep getting kicked with a message saying: Buffer Overflow.
  3. I would like to join this server, I love small communities,a nd I love them 'cause I can be a blacksmith. In-Game Name: hntrofdmnds
  4. In-game name: hntrofdmnds Age: 15 Gender:Male I love this kind of server and I have not found many, and this is one.
  5. [Offline] New TFC Server NO Whitelist

    In-game name: hntrofdmnds I love servers like this, and they're in short supply.
  6. Starting a new server! (TFC Vanilla, Mumble)

    Hi, I would like to join your server. I am not from Europe, but I have been looking for a small, developing server like this. My in-game name is hntrofdmnds. I have great connection with UK servers, so I will not complain about lag.
  7. Need help forging!

  8. Need help forging!

    I have no idea how to forge. I follow the rules, make notes, and all I can do is weld! Can I PLEASE have some advice on forging? It is kinda essential to Terrafirmacraft.
  9. An Aesthetic Use for Gems

    Gems like diamond could also burn.
  10. Inventory Space: Oh my god it's a thread about Inventory

    There should be a inventory rebalance but also some kind of early storage (Weaving a mat with a string on it [could be crafted out of bush fiber {something they add in an earlier update}]) and I have carried a small tree once (not fun, I can tell you, and its roots were 5 cm down). Also you could work up from having a mat on a string to having a pig to having a donkey (Yay donkeysrawesome) to having a chest on wheels to having carts. If you carry a lot of heavy things you should get slowness, nausea (differently named) or even die. Chests should have altered capacity depending on what you put in it (ie, you could put a hoe in it but that would make some spots unavailible, but when you take it out, they come back. You could also place EVEEEEERRRYYYYthing on the ground, but pickaxes, swords, hoes etc. could take up one block.
  11. Sorry. That was me saying the castle. I just forgot to edit in NVM
  12. [Offline] The MiningTerras Server Is Back! [Now with plugins!]

    If somebody moved wrongly it means the server may OR MAY NOT crash. If is says it can't keep up, don't worry.
  13. Great Starting seed with easy metals.

    Seeds do not specify animals.
  14. Are you allowed to make enormous castles and be a cannibal?
  15. Challenge vs. Annoyance

    Actually the point of TFC is to make things take longer. I once played vanilla minecraft. Started a world. ten minutes later I found diamond. The next day I went to the nether. The week after that, I defeated the dragon. Vanilla minecraft basically goes on, and on, and on. "But," I hear you say "You can make a whole ton of stuff in vanilla minecraft" Well yes, but there is the inevatable point of hen it is going to run out. I know the secret of mining fast and getting no stone to block up my inventory (it involves a chisel >) and I found the ingredients for black steel before I had steel! You should stop whining and be patient.
  16. Challenge vs. Annoyance

    There should be a weight rebalance but also some kind of early storage (Weaving a mat with a string on it [could be crafted out of bush fiber {something they add in an earlier update}]) and I have carried a small tree once (not fun) in my garden before it was a garden. Also you could work up from having a mat on a string to having a pig to having a donkey (Yay donkeysrawesome to having a chest on wheels to having carts. If you carry a lot of heavy things you should get slowness, nausea (differently named) or even die. Chests should have altered capacity depending on what you put in it (ie, you could put a hoe in it but that would make some spots unavailible, but when you take it out, they come back.
  17. [Won't Fix] Ocean biomes are too big

    Yep. One I created a survival world (cheats) in build 78.7. I spawned on a single sand block. Went onto creative. went about 1 000 000 blocks before finding an island. 500 blocks away a found a real piece of land, with no ore nuggets. Oceans should be MUCH smaller.
  18. Need help forging!

  19. Need help forging!

    I was trying out forging on creative (as we all do when we're new or if there's an update) and I tried to make an iron sword (one iron double ingot + the correct plans) and I used the correct techniques, and... It got destroyed. So, unhindered, I tried to make an iron sheet (hit, hit, and hit) and it got consumed again. I just need a video on build 78 forging. I tried to make a bloomery on a survival world. I wasted all my bronze double ingots. I need a build 78 video on forging!
  20. Why are TFC Weights so Weird

    Size makes sense. You can't just put a log in your chest.
  21. (Solved) Scribing Table

    If I click it, it does nothing.
  22. Why are TFC Weights so Weird

    I think that weight should be an important factor. *Walks through a forest with 7 sequoias of wood* UPDATE! "YES! *goes to update* *comes back on* *dies*
  23. Why are TFC Weights so Weird

    Why would a tenth of an ingot be heavier than an ingot